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« February 2005 »
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Friday, 4 February 2005
Human Food
Mood:  hungry
When the parents are eating, each of us cats reacts differently. Dandelion sits on the floor by their feet and gently paws their legs until they drop a small bit for him to sniff and sometimes, eat. He usually only eats the bite when it is chicken or beef, but he will take a lick or two of anything else.

I am not that patient. I jump on the table, go over to the plate of food and sniff delicately. I always hate whatever it is and jump down to get away from the smell. When I was younger, I liked to eat popcorn and seafood, but lately, I don't want any bites of human food.

Myst is generally out of luck. He does not know how to jump onto the table or climb a chair. He is a small Persian. Sometimes he sits there on the floor, looking sad. (As you can see from past photos, Myst is very, very good at looking sad.) The mother will pull out a chair from under the table so Myst can get up on top, but she watches carefully because Myst can not eat any human food at all - it makes him sick. He is on a special diet for the rest of his life.

Friday, 4 February 2005 - 8:11 AM CST

Name: Mia Ghost

Hi, Muddy - we don't eat much human food either but we always check to make sure that we smell it to see if it is something we want. We both like chicken and Ghost likes milk & bread (cornbread of course).

Mia & Ghost (typed for us by our human)

Friday, 4 February 2005 - 9:23 AM CST

Name: Timothy
Home Page:

I always beg at Gramma's side a'cause I know she'll let me sniff what she's eating. I am only interested in bread though. Well, that and turkey, tuna, shrimp..well...I guess I like lots of bean food but, Mommy doesn't like me to have it. ::rolls eyes::

Hey Muddy! Mommy wanted me to tell you that Dandelion was in her dream last night! Yeah! For real! She was standing in a room with lots of windows and she bent down and said "Come here Dandelion" and she picked him up and they looked out the window together. Strange huh? I wonder where we were?

Friday, 4 February 2005 - 10:28 AM CST

Name: spartacus
Home Page: http://http//

I love human food!!! Any human food... if my two humans eat it - it must be nice! Sometimes mamma won't give me her food, she says it's no good for me... then I steal it instead! A couple of days ago I stole mammas pistachio nuts... they were yummy!

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