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Friday, 28 January 2005
Better than Sleeping
Mood:  energetic
I had been sound asleep on the sofa last night next to the mother. All of a sudden, I sprang to attention and charged across the room so fast that the mother barely had time to blink. She told the father that she had never seen me react so fast. The father said, "Muddy recognized the sound of a moth."

"O-o-o-o-o-h," the mother replied, "That explains everything!" Yes, I was chasing a big brown moth around the house. It was so fun! At one point, I lost him, so I stuck my head in the blinds to look. Being the experienced and mighty moth hunter that I am, I know these flying things head for windows. So, here I am "messing up the blinds," as the mother says. Hey, anything is worth catching a flying bug! Myst was chasing it as best as he could, too, and eventually, the father was following it with a rolled up newspaper. Nobody caught it, though the mother says it was funny to see three enthusiastic animals running around the place. The moth went into hiding somewhere and hasn't been seen since. I hope it comes back so I can chase it again. It is rare to see one this time of year.

Friday, 28 January 2005 - 3:06 PM CST

Name: meep

hi Muddy - hope you find your moth. i like to chase centipedes, but my mom freaks-out and always squashes it before i can eat it! enjoy your buggie-hunting!

Friday, 28 January 2005 - 3:59 PM CST

Name: Timothy
Home Page:

It's unusual to see moths around here during this time of year too! You're lucky! Have fun searching for it Muddy!

Friday, 28 January 2005 - 8:11 PM CST

Name: Max
Home Page:

Oh I hope we don't get moths here. If one got into the apartment, the People would expect me to eat it. I don't mind ripping wings and legs off bugs, but I draw the line at eating them.

We have blinds like that, too. The Woman hates them because I like to run behind them and make them bang together. It's a cheap thrill, but since we don't have stairs to stomp on anymore, they work for creating havoc :)

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