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Back in the Day
England & Scotland
Higher Education
Senior Trip
Jack of Spades
Your Voice


Hit Counter cards taken from this suit


Ahhh College. No matter how many movies you watch, people you talk to, you could never understand the world of college until you get there. You leave home, all the friends and experiences you've established. They make up the foundation of your existence; and then, one day, you realize they're all slowly disappearing. You look back and reminisce together with those that once were important, and eventually it hits that sooner or later, there will be nothing left but memories; you aren't making new ones with those people anymore. There are a handful of these people that remain close and when the schedules permit the friendships continue. These are the very important people that have a certain something beyond the acquaintanceship. That is an invaluable quality. At school the acquaintance roles are refilled with new people. This time around there's an added understanding of what the passage of time will do to the thin relationships. Every new friendship will meet its test that determines which fate will befall it down the proverbial road: dissipate into memory or aggressively maintain through the adversarial passage of time. In a single semester I've learned a lot. Life and artistic views are completely unrelated. Metaphor and philosophy are valuable ideas, however not particularly applicable to life actions. 1 + 2 never equals 3 and up is always relative. All this realization at the mere yearly expenditure of $32,000. But these pictures represent nothing of that nature; these are the times where merriment is king and thinking just doesn't make sense.