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The International Nursing Exchange & Development Agency

INEDA, or the International Nursing Exchange & Development Agency was founded in 1994 in the State of New Hampshire as a nursing agency dedicated to healing through the integration of spiritual principles & practices with nursing & allied health care provider practices.

We have a new show...

INEDA affiliates with all churches & houses of worship in the provision of nursing care, education, & research. In addition, INEDA also affiliates with other non-profit organizations already established in the U. S. & internationally which provide services & education to those in need.

We are designing ways to heal by travel & understanding. We are currently designing pieces of shelters as units that can be shipped in light weight bulk to areas needing temp to perm housing. We are designing in a Retreat setting in New England.

These organizations include the Red Cross, YMCA, YWCA, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, colleges & universities who likewise respond to emergency & disaster conditions, provide aid to the poor, & health education & promotion of wellness & abundant life to all people.

In essence INEDA is a missionary organization, encouraging healing through faith, witnessing, & prayer in conjunction with known & established nursing standards as defined in all Nurse Practice Acts nationally.

Affiliations are nurtured through telecommunications, Internet contacts, e-mail, written, audio& visual mediums to further education & distance learning in areas underserved globally. Thus the mission can also be characterized as an educational one primarily rather than as an employment agency.

INEDA is dedicated to the free exchange of knowledge & wisdom accumulated through the ages within the traditional healing vocations of nursing, medicine, & allied health care providers especially through the Internet. As such, the main thrust of INEDA’s work at the dawn of the millennium is to develop interactive Web-sites & links with allied resources & providers.

In addition, INEDA is particularly concerned with disseminating knowledge concerning the use of herbs, oils, flower essences, & plant medicines; many of which have been understood & used by indigenous healers in the context of shamanic healing & practice.

INEDA recognizes that traditional Western medicine in this new era is seeking to integrate the viewpoint & understanding of Eastern cultures & practices into the first world wealth of technocratic development characterizing modern delivery of health services in hospitals, clinics, & homes.

Thus, INEDA is developing an ever-expanding number of links & audio/visual presentations which assist with this type of education & affiliation. Along with plant/herbal medicine & wisdom, areas of instruction include prayer, meditation, music, massage, hydrotherapies, & creative movement.

The philosophy of INEDA is to support, through the vocation of nursing, the mission of the Church worldwide. The Church as defined in the Holy Bible. Thus emphasis & honor is accorded all voluntary contributions of time, expertise, goods, & services toward the promotion of healing & health within the organization.

Volunteerism in general is encouraged. All operations, works, goals, & projects initiated by INEDA are prayerfully attended with the heartfelt intent that the organization as a whole be led & guided by the Spirit, the same Spirit referred to in the Book of Revelation in the Holy Bible. All versions of the Bible are then useful & profitable as a study guide for those affiliated with INEDA.

The Great Commission of the Church is likewise that of INEDA- that the good news of the gospel be shared globally & that the invitation of the Spirit be extended to all peoples, races, & nations without discrimination or prejudice.

"Who Are Light Warriors? Everyone has some aspects of a Light Warrior inside them. People who pursue their dreams, who flow like a river through their life to fulfill their purpose, are in a sense Light Warriors. When they do good things, when they are persistent, when they seek the truth, their meaning of life, and their true self, they are the warriors of light (another term for Light Warriors). Light Warriors are those that seek the truth. They are in touch with their true self, love and joy, they are good and open-minded. They want to fulfill their mission in the most positive way. And, because they are open-minded, they use all good tools that are available to them including love, joy, faith, hope, science, spirituality, their own impressions and experiences, different knowledge, etc. There is another term that relates to Light Warriors and that is the warriors of the rainbow (Native American prophecy). We can see more rainbows now than ever before. The warriors of the rainbow will rise and protect the Mother Earth. They will bring a new society. They will bring love and light. Light Warriors are not part of any movement, they have always been here. Being a Light Warrior means that you start from the inside. It is your choice and effort depending on your true excitement about it. Light Warriors were torn apart in the past by poisoned people. The Unity, the real power, was poisoned. But we will rise again. We are here to help and protect. There are also New Age definitions of the Light Warrior. Lightworkers are people who see everything as positive, they are gentle and sensitive and they have a pleasing personality. Their main value is love. Love is also the main value of lightwarriors. Lightwarriors are balancers, they are very open-minded yet they protect the truth. As I see it now from my perspective, the true Light Warriors are between these New Age definitions. They are something between lightworkers and lightwarriors. Our tactics changed. We are flexible. We no longer fight from the outside, but from within the system. Our strongest weapon is love. Our strongest shield is light. We apply the ancient ways of warriors, they ways of sword, bow, and arrows. Not in the literal sense, but we apply the teachings and knowledge. We should heal ourselves, we should heal our Unity, and eventually we should heal this world." ~author Michael Logony

It is the position of INEDA that all resources both spiritual & material come from God, & that the nature of the organization is best described as a Spider plant; an organic, increasingly evolving organism which gives birth to more plants & more again.

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INEDA history & mission statement; expanded version

Night Rest General