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The biggest of the cat family; Skin/fur - tawny gold with black stripes, but white for a mutation
variety. Distribution: northern India (Bengal Tiger); Siberian & Manchuria (Amur Siberian Tiger).
Normal Weight: 200-250 kg (male); 130-170 kg (female)
Gestation Period: 109-207 days
Life span: 8-10 yrs (20 yrs in captivity)
Habitat: Dense forest and lush grassland (Bengal); Boreal forests (Siberian)
Status: Endangered (Bengal); Critically endangered (Siberian)
White Bengal Tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) |
National Zoo(USA), 1977(all died) |
Amur (Siberian) Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) National Zoo, 1986 |
White Tiger, Toronto Zoo, 1991 (died) |
The largest of 4 species of tapirs. Features: a flexible
proboscis, 4 toes on front foot & 3 toes on hind foot; poor
eyesight, excellent hearing & sense of smell. Once found throughout
the tropical lowland - Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand,
Burma, Laos & Vietnam.
Weight: 250-300 kg
Gestation Period: 390-403 days
Life Span: 30 yrs in the wild & captivity
Habitat: Forested swamp, lowland hill forest, primary rainforest
Status: Vulnerable (2004)
Malayan Tapir (Tapirus indicus) |
Toronto Zoo, July 2007 |
Found in two main regions of the world. Grouped
into the Old World monkeys in Africa and Asia and the New World
monkeys in Mexico and Latin America.
Gestation Period: 4-8 months, depending on species.
Life span: 10-50 years, species depending.
Status: Not protected.
Monkey |
Canton Zoo(China), 1979 |
Found in Indonesia and Malaysia; distributed in Sumatra and Borneo.
Weight: 50-90 kg (male); 30-50 kg (female)
Life span: 35 yrs (60 in captivity)
Habitat: Tropical rainforest
Status: Critically endangered (Pongo abelii); endangered (Pongo pygmaeus)
Orangutan (Pongo spp) |
National Zoo(USA), 1977 |
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National Zoo(USA), 1977 |
Toronto Zoo(Canada, 2007 |
Asian Rhino (Rhinoceros unicornis)
The one-horned Indian or Asian rhinos distributed in northern India, Bhutan and Nepal.
Weight: 1800-2700 kg
Reproduction: The female has the first born between 6 and 8 yrs. The single calf born
in the interval of every 3 years
Life span: 47 years in captivity
Habitat: Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, shrub lands
Status: Endangered
Exists since Pleistocene epoch. Distributed in south and eastern Asia.
Features: smaller ears; no tusks in female.
Weight: 2700-5000 kg
Gestation Period: 20-22 months
Life span: possible to live to 60 yrs old in the wild
Habitat: Tropical forest
Status: Endangered
Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) |
Canton Zoo(China), 1979 |
Distributed in Sichuan, Gansu & Shaanxi provinces in southwestern China.
Logo of panda used by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
Weight: 114-140 kg (male), 55-100 kg (female)
Gestation Period: 95-160 days
Life span - 35 years (in captivity)
Habitat: Temperate broadleaf & coniferous forests
Status: Endangered. Population: 1,600 in the wild (2004)
Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) |
Canton Zoo (China), 1979 |
Asian black bear also known as Moon Bear. The cousin of America Black Bear; larger in size.
Weight: 100-220 kg(male); 50-125 kg(female)
Reproduction: Much unknown. Mating April-June
Life span - 30 yrs in captivity; unknown in the wild
Habitat: Temperate mountain forests
Status: Vulnerable in the wild; game and farm animals, sought for bile and paws.
Asian Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus) |
Canton Zoo (China), 1989 |
Distributed through India and Sri Lanka; Reported in Nepal, Bhutan and
Weight: 80-140 kg(male); 53-95 kg(female)
Reproduction: Mating, April-June; gestation period about 210 days
Life Span: 20-25 yrs (40 in captivity)
Habitat: Dry and wet forests
Status: Vulnerable. Almost extinct in Sri Lanka.
Sloth Bear (Melursus ursinus) |
National Zoo(USA), 1986 |
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and not responsible for the accuracy of the information or data herein.
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