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Yes, I do have a Life

While Big Cats of Serenity Springs has become a very important part of my life over the last couple of years, I do have a few other interests.


My family lives over 1300 miles away but we are all online and visits are mandatory. My mother is my hero and, even at a distance, she is a great help to me. These pictures are from our cruise in November of 2001(the onboard staff rocks!).

Mom and my aunt with our waiter ---- Me and Mom all dressed up

Photos courtesy of Sheryl Brda (hi cuz!)

My cousin Andy and one of his 6 (soon to be 7) horses

Thanks for the pic, Andy!


I am fortunate to have a job I love. I work for the world’s largest cruise line in one of their shore-side offices. There are challenges and headaches but there is always laughter as well. The “fun ship” theme isn’t just for the ships.

Not to sound like a commercial but, once you cruise you will never want to do another land vacation. I’ve taken several cruises and am planning several more. Cruising is the most carefree vacation you will ever take – you can be purely lazy and be waited on hand and foot, or you can be active 24/7. And the spas … absolute heaven!

In order of appearance, here are some of my co-workers / friends: Suzanne (my partner in crime in the Workforce Department), Todd (our own personal IS God), Jenny (world's greatest admin assistant), Joel (Customer Service extraordinaire), and Carie and Adam (two of my favorite cruise consultants).



Being so far from family, my circle of friends is especially important to me. My best friend, Valerie, and I are either on the phone or online with each other most waking hours. We are a force to be reckoned with (just ask her boyfriend) and I don’t know what I’d do without her. Rosemary and I met in a Highlander chat room almost 5 years ago and discovered that we lived less than a mile from each other. She is the sweetest person you could ever know and a whiz with all kinds of crafts. Then there’s that crazy Cuban who grows horns when she’s pissed, the wonderful guy that allows himself to be dragged on the weirdest adventures even though we usually embarrass the hell out of him, the husband who allows me to monopolize his wife for an hour every Tuesday night, the blonde bombshell that I’ve known almost since the day I moved here, and the God-daughter that I’ve spoiled rotten for 13 years. We’re all a little bit crazy, fiercely loyal, and never too mature.

Just another lazy Sunday afternoon. Freaks with swords.

Bob and Jeremy ------ Valerie and Rosemary

Our wake for a favorite tv character.

Marisol - Collette - Valerie - Tina

Photo courtesy of Marisol - love ya babe!

It’s a Party!

We celebrated Jeremy’s 30th birthday with an amazing party. Dawn made veggie lasagna (for the vegen freaks) and Valerie out-did herself. The spread included ham, potato salad, veggies, spinach dip, warm cream cheese dip, meats and cheeses, chips and dips, and the centerpiece – a dragon cake! The party goers, anywhere from 1 – 49, had a fantastic time. BTW – If you’d like to make the dragon cake, e-mail me. I’m sure Valerie would be happy to share the recipe and design secrets.

The Spread -------------------- The Dragon Cake -------------------- Valerie playing hostess

Enjoying the food ------------------- Enjoying the company ------------------- Enjoying the toys

Are you open-minded?
