Learn about the Liberty bell, Philadelphia Pennsylvania history, Declaration of Independence, and the crack in the liberty bell at pensylvania. On July 8, 1776, when the Liberty Bell rang out from the tower of Independence Hall summoning citizens to hear the first public reading of the
Declaration of Independence by Colonel John Nixon.

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Independence Hall: The Liberty Bell
"Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof - Lev. XXV, v. x. By order of the Assembly of the Province of Pensylvania [sic] for the State House in Philada."
A bell for the Pennsylvania State House was cast in London, England, however, it cracked soon after it arrived in Philadelphia.
Local craftsmen John Pass and John Stow cast a new bell in 1753, using metal from the English bell. Their names appear on the
front of the bell, along with the city and the date.
By 1846 a thin crack began to affect the sound of the bell. The bell was repaired in 1846 and rang for a George Washington
birthday celebration, but the bell cracked again and has not been rung since. No one knows why the bell cracked either time.
The bell weighs about 2000 pounds. It is made of 70% copper, 25% tin, and small amounts of lead, zinc, arsenic, gold, and silver. It
hangs from what is believed to be its original yoke, made from American elm, also known as slippery elm.
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Pennsylvania > Philadelphia > History > Liberty Bell
liberty bell pictures,
Liberty Bell
brief history and interesting facts
liberty bell philadelphia,
liberty bell history
Assembly of the Province of Pensylvania
museum housing a collection of Liberty Bell memorabilia and souvenirs dating back to the 1800s.
historical and cultural
The Liberty Bell with Independence
Hall Close-up of the Liberty Bell
Liberty Bell Memorial Museum
about the museum in Melbourne, FL that contains a replica of the bell, as well as other artifacts and resources.
Liberty Bell Shrine, Allentown, PA
... bell history linkHistory Timeline linkTimeline bell information linkInfo Christmas
Liberty Bell Center - Philadelphia - Reviews of Liberty Bell ...
Liberty Bell Center