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About the Organization
The Broward County Association of Student Councils (BCASC) is the collective entity of the student councils of all of the public and private high schools in Broward County. To become a member, a school must:
- Be located within the Broward County area
- Pay the annual dues as proposed by the BCASC Executive Board
- and maintain two permanent representatives at each monthly meeting

Related Information:
Constitution of the BCASC

About this Website
This website was created by the 2002-2003 BCASC Parliamentarian school, Blanche Ely High School, as a method to easily display photographs of the many student council functions. The site was then built on to include as many aspects of the organization as possible. The webmaster is Michael Gallagher, Blanche Ely High School Parliamentarian for the 2003-2004 school year. For further information regarding this website, please contact him at