The Rules
OBJECT OF PLAY- The game is won by capturing the adverse King. The capture is never consummated; when the King is attacked and cannot escape, he is said to be checkmated and the game ends forthwith. Many games end by resignation of a player who sees that he cannot esape eventual defeat. A threat to capture the adverse King is a check; a check must of course be averted or the game forfeited. The only ways of meeting a check are to move the King, capture the attacking piece or interpose on the line of the check given by a distant Queen, Chancellor, Rook, Bishop or jester. DRAWN GAMES-A game may be abandoned as drawn for any of the following reasons: Insufficient force- The pieces remaining on the board do not suffice to force checkmate. Stalemate-The player in turn to move has no legal move but is not in check. Perpetual check- A player demonstrates that he can check the adverse King without cessation and declares that he will do so. Agreement- The players agree to abandon the game. Recurrence- If the same position of all forces recurs three times, with the same player to move on each occasion, that player may clam a draw. The fifty move rule- When the player who's turn it is to move proves that at least 50 moves have been made without a pawn having been moved or a piece captured.
Rules and Pieces that Are different than Orthodox chess:
- Castling
- Kings Fight
- The Chancellor
- The Jester
- The Board
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Kings Court (Lesser)