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Furquan Law Ministries Inc
Thursday, 07/21/2005

Topic: About FLM Inc.
"God Lead Me"
God bless you visitor to the Furquan Law Ministries Inc. by the president and founder Prophet Furquan Law. The theme "God Lead Me" which will enable to bring u throught the process of where God will help u reach to the kingdom by it visions, touch and the words which will change your life. This is the non-profit non_denomination organization ministry where we able to reach the lost souls of God's people and bring them trought the times of trouble in the wilderness to the promiseland. The ministry will also have a Hear Thy Word Media Ministry where u hear alot of varies tapes and you will be bless

We here to reunited the Body of Christ to point people of God through preaching, praying, prophesying and praising. We here to encorage the body of christ assit in development a strong relationship with a members of the body that shall turn seekers into saints, church goer into disciples and to empower every members to come to the house of the Lord to be service and go out to provide for those who dont know God in a personal realationship in the pardon of their sins.

Statements of Faith:
I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and earth, and Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffrered under Pontius Pilated, was crucified, dead and buried. The 3rd day He rose from the dead; He ascended into Heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the church universal, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. AMEN

We at FLM Inc, to let God had lead me to a prophesying those who get heal by God into the deliverance out of their situation in area of life. God will lead the people to the path of rightousness for his name sake. God will break the bondage of those who struggling the dealing issues in their lives to be transformed manifestation into the process changing generational issue to walk with God and to be obident to his will as receiving a personal realationship with God.

On July 2003, Prophet Furquan Law's vision was a gift from God where he founded The Furquan Law Ministries Inc. in Washington, DC. The Ministries was grow from fellowshipping of Leaders and Convant Partnership to Prophet Furquan Law. The Furquan Law Ministries were holds about 5 to 45 and growth through preaching, teaching, praising Almighty God where those as Evangelist Timonthy Anderson, Minister Deon Rollins, Prophet James E. Miller, Reverend Kelvin Wright, Pastor Clerence Douglas, Minister Connie Council and Pastor Authur Taylor and many mores supported this ministries. The FLM Inc was places in the small worship places in N.E. D.C. off Florida Ave. near Galludet University. The Birthplace which they gain the access of Services in October 2003 at 1114 Penn Street N.E.. Where Prophet Furquan Law and his fellow support Brother Vernon Shorter and Minister Deon Rollins came together to establish the ministry into the home church which the sanctuary was in the living room for worship services. And Also FLM Inc was birth another places in Alexandria, Virginia where he preaches as his family and friends services. Prophet Law had a vision where he come up real close to Minister Deon Rollins who is a Vice President of the ministries to help support Prophet Law's vision and growth for deaf & hearing ministry as a whole unity fellowship. Then in May 2004, FLM Inc were held to the community center in S.E. DC dued to the renovaction to the building and service was place into Prophet Law's house where all come together in prayer meeting and various of services. Dues to Prophet Furquan Law has been traveling and focus on the vision of future ministries to expand to places in NJ, SC, NC, DC, Md, and in August 2004, also Prophet Furquan Law decide to place the FLM location in Captiol Heights, Md along with his best friend Pastor Clerence Douglas's Judah Temple of Faith Ministry into a combine fellowship.

Posted by fl5/furquanlawministries at 2:46 PM EDT
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