This is the registration site for the Battle of Honey Springs.
Major Jim
Commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Civil War with a special reenactment of the Battle of Honey Springs. In April of 2011 the original battlefield will once again shake with the roar of cannon, volley fire from thousands of muskets and ring to the clash of saber to saber combat! The reenactment of the Battle of Honey Springs is a Nationally Sanctioned Event of the Sesquicentennial (150th) Anniversary of the Civil War. Don’t miss this event!

The latest info that I have on the event schedule:
· Wed, 10 Aug: joint march from the event site to the Ray House on the Park. See details in the memos from General Way and Colonel Crowder.
· Thu-Fri, 11-12 Aug: “tactical” staged out of our respective base camps.
· Sat-Sun, 13-14 Aug: scripted scenarios with spectators
Your Obedient Servant
Jim Morris
Major, 1st Arkansas Battalion (CS)
Memos Date: Monday, December 20, 2010
Commanders, I have read through what Gen Crowder has written and can't add much other than I have been in direct contact with the Wilson's Creek National Park as too helping put this march together.
This will be something we can talk about for many moons to come.
Yes, we will be allowed to have fires...The park rangers will help us by setting up certain fire pits for our use..
As we all know, NO DIGGING, on this ground at all without permission from the park.
They have buried soldiers all over the grounds and even they can't say for sure the locations of every man..
After dark, we will assist the national park services in a candle light ceremony to show honor to the fallen.
EVERYONE, please read what Gen Crowder has written as too the march, rations and sleeping on the ground...The march will be around Two (2) miles or so from our site to or near the Ray house.
Also if you have an interest in additional HARD fighting on Thursday and friday ,,,,,then be on site and ready to march and fight on the move...Something as we did as our last event " Twin Rivers"....You must be ready to move and move fast to fight on Thursday and friday.
Now, please be advised this is a direct notice well in advance as too the march, and Thursday and firdays move to contact battles.
If you so desire to FIGHT then we will make it happen !!!!!!!... Just be ready !!!!
Please pass this message on to everyone in our hobby.....
The battles on sat and sunday will not be so demanding as wed-friday..
We will work out of our base camps the entire time.
Additional will follow from the Confederate command side as too order of battles and who will command what troops,,,,,
Gen Way
We have the opportunity to participate in a program that will be administered by the National Park Service, Wilson’s Creek Battlefield, on the anniversary date of the Wilson’s Creek battle. The superintendant of the park has granted permission for those persons wishing to arrive early in the week to take part in ceremonies that will occur within the Wilson’s Creek Battlefield proper. I will provide below the framework for this portion of the event weekend. Participation is completely voluntary and will be limited to five hundred participants.
1. THE MARCH – The Confederate and Federal army members present on the event site on Wednesday, August 10, 2011, and interested in participating will muster at 3 p.m. in each of the commands respective camps. At 4 p.m. sharp both armies will proceed to march in column into the Wilson’s Creek National Park Service property. Each column will be comprised of Infantry, Mounted Cavalry, Mounted Artillery and Supply Wagons. The columns will proceed on a designated path to the vicinity of the Ray House where it will bivouac for the night. On Thursday morning the column will form and proceed back to the 150th Anniversary Battle of Wilson’s Creek event site.
2. LOGISTICS – We will present a column of Confederate and Federal forces on the move, therefore the following will be in effect. Each man will carry upon him a knapsack or blanket roll. Tentage for the Bivouac will not be allowed. Each man will be required to have on his person the necessary items to spend a night in the field and will camp utilizing gum blankets and bed rolls only. No tentage of any kind will be utilized including dog tents. We will sleep on the ground with what we carry with us. It is possible that cook fires will be permitted on property but they will be closely managed and will be at a minimum company fires. The Wagons which will accompany the columns will carry the necessary supplies to sustain the army on the march, mainly water. No personal equipage will be hauled by any of the wagons.
3. RATIONS – Plans are being made to include a ration issue for each man who participates in the march and subsequent activities at the Ray House. Issuance of prepared rations will eliminate the need for numerous cook fires on the property.
4. EXPECTATIONS – All participants should understand fully that your participation will be at a full campaign level. You carry what you need, leave behind what you don’t. You will be marching at a normal pace and it will be hot. Prepare yourselves accordingly. There will be no light provisions made. This will be a test of your ability to function in the field without the creature comforts of a normal static camp.
5. AT THE RAY HOUSE – Once the respective armies arrive at the Ray House the command will be given to make camp for the night. We will participate in a program that the National Park Service will administer for the general public at that location. As such, our armies will be a living history presentation in first person. We will make our best attempt to accurately present a strong first person impression for the general public. The park service has plans to hold an illumination ceremony to honor those who fell at the Battle of Wilson’s Creek in which we will also participate heavily.
More information will follow soon in detailed form. Any Company or Battalion interested in committing themselves to this part of the event would need to RSVP the respective command staff as soon as possible. It may be necessary to brigade together, only for the purpose of the march, those units who participate in order to present a more accurate portrayal for this vignette. Cavalry participants will need to ensure that they carry sufficient forage and all of the accoutrements normally related with the care of their animal while in the field. There will be NO WATER TROUGH at the Ray House. Use of the collapsible period water bag will be mandatory for watering your animal.
This part of the event weekend may not be for everyone and thus the participation is voluntary. Participants who would like to take part in this part of the event as well as moving non scripted fighting on Thursday and Friday, much like Twin Rivers, are highly encouraged to come early. Those who wish to attend solely for the Saturday and Sunday scripted battles are encouraged to be on site by Friday morning at the latest. Your participation in the weekend scripted battles is in no way contingent on the early week events.
Colonel Terry Crowder, Commanding
First Federal Division

This diary is a very interesting bit of history. Several
years ago then Cpt Stev Alcorn of the 22nd ARK, came into possession
of a bad photocopy of this soldiers diary. He got it from one
of Mieares descendants who had "hand copied" it from
the crumbling original. I typed it into the website over a period
of weeks. However only about half of the diary is typed in yet.
It is very interesting. I was prowling around in some of my old
web pages and found that this still works...so I thought you
might enjoy a good read. Preston

The 2011 reenactment season will soon be here! Get your gear in shape now!!
It's time to do that SUMMER CLEANING. I recommend a total "off the stock, clean and inspect every part"
procedure. I have a winter special. I will do the complete off-the-stock
deep cleaning,inspection, re-lubricate and rust preventative,
and polish for just $20.00. Yes
thats right I said only $20.00!!! AND... deliver it to you at
the next Battalion event!
ALSO AVAILABLE! The last year of reenacting
wear and tear has affected your Leather items! Preserve it now!
I also clean and re-juevinate accouterment leather gear.(belt,capbox,cartridge
box and bayonet scabbard) Only $5.00 additional with musket cleaning
order now
Col McDowell Drill
Here is an interesting and quite informative drill manual
click here to download
To print what I sent in book form:(pages printed on the front and back of each sheet)........print the first 15 pages and set your printer to landscape.....
then take the first 15 and lay them face up in your printer and print
the second 15 and it can be then stapled together to form a book.
Col Sanders
16th Ark 1st Sgt Change and Wilson's Creek
Changes in personal lifestyles and various reasons have required the 16th Ark. to have the changes in command structure. J. R. Lister is the new first sgt. His email is oklahoma_reb@yahoo.com. Fred Haggard is going in for surgery on his spine and will not be able to fall in for a few events in the future. It sounds like it will be a pretty routine procedure and we will know more once it is closer to that time.
Wilson's Creek is an event where we will be in civilian attire for Missouri State Guard impression. However, we were wondering what MSG unit we would be portraying so we can better prepare for the event.
Erik McBroom, Capt.
16th Ark. Inf. Co. G
Thanks, Eric.
I think that we will portray the 3rd Louisiana. More to follow as we flesh out the plans.
Major Jim
by Stephen Whitlock
The much anticipated book Steven Whitlock has written about the War Between the States is now published and available for purchase.
I like it!! Get it in print. Its a darned good book!
I wish you great success with it! I thoroughly enjoyed the book. When do we start getting to read the next book?
Cost is only $23.97
Purchase at http://sbpra.com/stephenwhitlock/
Capt. Charles Tucker
Tishomingo Avengers
Hey Boys here's some up coming events
1. Louisiana Goes to War, Audubon State Historic Site, St Francisville LA. January 21th-January 23.... See attached Brochure.... Confederate impression, but bring Union impression Just in case
2. Dixie National Parade, Jackson MS February 12, 2011.. Confederate Impression MAX EFFORT EVENT Infantry Impression. We will meet on Jefferson Street at the west entrance of the fair growns be there at 8:too am Rain or shine... Then we will move to the Old Court House in Vicksburg to See President Davis off to Montgomery to take over the Presidency of the Confederacy. I believe the time for this is at 2:00 pm
3. The Battle for Texas Hospital in Quitman MS.. February 25, 26, 27.... I am Union Commander and need All Yankees To rally to my Support... See the attached Brochure.
4. Battle of Port Hudson LA. March 25th 26 and 27th MAX EFFORT EVENT... Confederate Impression... Our Annual Event...
Please Let me know if You plan to attend these events as Registration needs to be done as soon as Possible.
Capt. Charles Tucker
Tishomingo Avengers
Patty Peck Honda
555 Sunnybrook Rd.
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Direct: 601-707-0201
Cell: 601-405-7063
Fax: 601-707-0221
16th Arkansas
It was 150 years ago since our forbearers took that leap of independence in front of the whole world. That noble and glorious experiment in liberty and independence! This year our feet will literally follow the foot tracks of our ancestors as we tred the great battles of 1861. We will trace them to the first battle of Manassas where the Confederacy was christened in glory and to Wilson's Creek where every man can trace his lineage west of the Mississippi! Let us duplicate the Greek Phalanx of Marathon!
All hearts resolved on Victory or Death!
Erik McBroom, Lieut.
16th Arkansas Vols.
The Sesquicentennial schedule, the Blue-Gray Alliance, and what it means to us as a battalion in the Trans-Mississippi Brigade.
The Blue-Gray Alliance formally formed 9-10 Jan 2010 from major Federal and Confederate units across the country. Brigadier General Willie Huckabee and Colonel Robbie Sanders represented us at that meeting. Their intent was to form a reenactor organization which can organize and speak with one voice in national level, sesquicentennial events.
The Trans-Mississippi Brigade, now known as Huckabee’s Division (name may change) joined the alliance as an equal partner with the likes of Cleburne’s Division, Longstreet’s Corps, and the Army of Northern Virginia. The 1st Arkansas Battalion will be in Huckabee’s Division for all sesquicentennial events that we attend. The Blue-Gray Alliance web site http://www.150thcivilwarevents.com may not yet indicate us as a separate and equal division, but that is what we will be. Willie says that Rambo’s Brigade recently joined the Division, so we are strong and carry significant voting power. I do not know where our old friends the Frontier Brigade fall in this alliance. Cleburne’s Division has invited us to several 2010 events to help cement the Western confederate portion of the Blue-Gray alliance. The 1st Arkansas Battalion currently carries the Mexia, TX event on its schedule and the others as “other events”.
Jim Morris
Major, 1st Arkansas Battalion (CS)
Most reenactors who have spent many nights at Ft. Washita have some Ghost stories. Go here to visit the ghost story site

Stephen P. Hanson
1st Sgt., Co. C, 2nd U.S. Infantry, National Regiment
Rule #1:
Nothing on your body should interfere with anything else on your body or with any Manual of Arms evolution.
Rule #2:
Nothing on your body should interfere with anyone else in ranks in front, back, or beside you in any company evolutions.
When looking front-on at a fully accoutred soldier standing at attention, the only items of equipment that should be seen, aside from the straps for all his accoutrements crossing his chest, are his weapon, waist belt, cap box, bayonet, and the blanket, either behind his head on his knapsack or across his body if he is wearing a blanket roll. All other items are behind him and out of sight.
Waist belt
Around the waist, the buckle over the navel. It should not ride low on the hips.
Cap Box
On the right side of the waist belt buckle about half way between the hip and the navel. The straps held in place between the belt and the overlap of the belt extending from the buckle to the brass keepers so it will not slide along the belt. The nipple pick, when not being used, should be inside the cap box in the small loop on the left back corner of the box
Cartridge Box
Behind the right hip and above the buttock. The top of the box about one finger-width below the bottom of the waist belt. With a load of blank cartridges, the cartridge box barely weighs more than its unloaded weight and it is never a problem for the reenactor However, loaded with live rounds (2-1/4 pounds of lead), it is very heavy. If it rides too low, the resulting bouncing on the buttock during a full-day's march causes a great deal of fatigue.
Cartridge Box Sling
Over the left shoulder, the bottom under the waist belt behind the right hip. The belt plate centered on the chest.
Bayonet and Scabbard
Whether using a Springfield or Enfield scabbard, the general rules for position apply.
Hanging from the waist belt in front of the left hip. Far enough forward so the shaft or handle of the bayonet is within easy reach Far enough forward so it doesn't obstruct the weapon at Support Arms or get tangled in the haversack or canteen straps. Back enough so that the shaft of the Springfield bayonet does not clink on the belt buckle or the tip does not protrude to the left poking the next man in ranks. The Enfield scabbard should be back far enough so that, when the wearer is sitting, the scabbard hangs outside the leg, not resting on top of the thigh or hanging between the legs.
Hanging from the right shoulder, behind the left hip with the "bulk" of the full bag resting on top of the left buttock, but not high enough to obstruct the knapsack when worn. Worn over all leather gear but under the knapsack straps. Far enough to the rear so it does not obstruct the left arm from hanging naturally against the body or get in the way of Support Arms
A Haversack full of food, even dried food, is bulky and heavy. If it hangs too low, the resulting swing and bounce on the left buttock or thigh will cause fatigue on a long march. Also, a bulky haversack hanging too low (protruding from the bulkiest part of the buttock), and with the cup attached to the strap, will get in the way of the soldier next in line to the left when turning, even half-turning to prime the weapon.
Whenever possible, inside the haversack, not hanging from it. A bulky haversack with a cup hanging on the outside gets in the way of the man next to the left when turning, gets in the way of the canteen, and clanks when marching. Put some food item in the cup and it doesn't take up any more room than the item placed in it, and also protects some delicate food items from being crushed
Over the right shoulder and resting on top of the haversack behind the left hip. It should sit on top of the haversack flap with the canteen center about even with the haversack buckle. If the knapsack is worn, it should be worn over the knapsack straps so it can be used without taking the knapsack off
On the back, packed so that soft items act as a cushion, and high and tight enough so it doesn't bounce or sag and pull on the shoulders. Straps cinched only tight enough so the entire bundle is compact and nothing inside can move or fall out, but not so tight that it is bulky and inflexible. The chest straps crossed across the chest and hooked onto the opposite shoulder strap The blanket tied to the top should ride high and close to the back of the head, not sag over the back of the pack so it pulls on the shoulders and gets in the way of others in ranks.
Blanket Roll
Preferably on the right shoulder so it doesn't get in the way of Shoulder or Support Arms, and does not obstruct the cartridge box. If rolled correctly, there should be no bulk on the top of the right shoulder that will get in the way of firing. Tied behind the left hip, loose enough not to be restrictive, but tight enough not to fall loose or swing when moving Of the two halves, the larger or heavier "bag" should be in the back.
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