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My page.........well what is my page about is what you must be pondering. Well my page has to do with many things. SPELLS is one of the things this site has to offer, i also have info on WICCA,VAMPIRES, and other stuff like that. Well make yourself at home, i dont bite......not yet anywayz.

Who ame I

who ame i.......good question, what or who are we, its all up to you ask who is this person, this soul traped in this body of mine? Do you relly want to know, well then your welcome to me at and find out..... but i give you fair warning... if you DARE insult me in annny way.... may your god/gods have mercy on your pitiful soul..... for i swear i wont! Oh....and i forgot to tell you....PLEASE sighn the guest book!

Vampire Facts

these are myths surrounding vampires.

Vampires perish in sunlight

Vampires fear garlic

Vampires fear crosses

Vampires fear churches

Vampires have no reflection

Vampirism is transfered through saliva

Victims need to be bitten three times to turn

Vampires sleep in coffins

Vampires are the undead.

these are facts/myths about vampires

Vampires are weakened by the sun

Vampires are truly imortal, a stake through the heart only imobilizes them

Vampires are ethical for the most part.

Vampires don't kill when they hunt

vampires dislike garlic only as much as it bothers anyone with a nose

Lots of vampires are christians.

Victims usually prefer to be known as "donors"

Donors are willing for the most part

Vampirism is transfered through blood, one must drink the blood of a vampire to change.

Vampires sleep in normal beds unless they're perverted

Vampires are the altered living, not the living dead

Vampires move very fast when needed to

Blood equals power

There are two types of vampires, winged and nightstalker

There are two classes of vampires, normal and elder

Vampires can harness magic

Vampires do love

Vampires appear as normal as any

Vampires are telepathic


yellow:confidence,attraction,charm,and persuasion.

white:meditation,divination,consecration,exorcism, healing,clairvoyance,truth,and peace.

red:fertility,aphrodisiacs,sexual passion,love,health, revenge,anger,willpower,courage,magnetism,and strength.

purple:healing,power,success,independence,household protection,and psychic manifestations.

pink:love,friendship,and femininity.

orange:to stimulate energy.

green:fertility,success,good luck,prosperity,money,ambition,and rejuvenation.

gray:neutralize negative influences.

gold:to attract the power of cosmic influences,and to honor the solar deities.

black:meditation,hexwork,uncrossing,and to banish negative forces.

blue:honor,loyalty,peace,tranquillity,truth,wisdom,protection during sleep,astral projection,and prophetic dreams.

brown:locate lost objects,for protection of household pets,and to improve powers concentration and telepathy.

Candel spell

Candel Spell:

Take a candel of the approiat color and rub some myrrh oil on it, take a pin and carve your desire and let it burn itselfe out.Thats it, thats all there is to it.


Her name was Elisabeth Bathory or the countess of blood as others called her, She is sed to have killed at least 600 young girls. This is her story........

Her real name was Elisabeth Bathory,was she a vampire? Some think she was but there is very little evidence that she ever drank the blood of her victims, so some people think that she is a warewolf,but she did bite and slash a number of young women to death. To her blood was the elixir of youth, and a very important element in black magic rituals. She was known for her beauty, but after countless orgies her youth had started to fade.She married a count by the name of Ferencz Nadasdy when she was 15, by this time she was already know for her beauty. When she found out that her husband was a devotee of witchcraft,sorcery,and satinism, she was delighted. Both of there families were very powerfull names in Hungary. her husbands family was known as fearless warriors and harsh taskmasters. In her family the was a mixture of things, there was insanity and sanity, good and evil, smart and curruption, for example, one of her cousins was the prime minister, and one was tha savage prince of Transylvania. Maybe she would have only done black magic as a hobby if it wasent for her husband leaving for months at a time to do battle. During the time of her husbands absences, she told Ilona Joo(the woman who had been her nurse since childhood) to summon the most famous Vampires,witches,sorcerers,warewolfs,alchemists,ect. She got frustrated at one point and ran away with a nobleman who was said to be a vampire. He was nothing campared to the count, she went back to the castle and beged for the count to take her back, he understood what she must have been going through in his time of absences and took her back. She vowed fidelity and told her husband that she would give herself only to the study of satinism while her husband was away, and soon after her 26th birthday she gave him the male heir that he had soo long wanted. After her son, she gave birth to three other children, she set aside her practice of the black arts and dedicated her life only to motherhood. After her husband's death she started to notice that her beauty was slowly going away, she turned to witchcraft to find a potion that could restore her youth and lovelines. how did she find this magic potion you ask.... well she discovered the elixir by accident. One day she got pissed off at one of the maids and struck her, where the blood fell, her skin became more white and smooth than it was before. She had found it, the potion of eternal youth was blood of a young maiden, and to bathe in it was the way to keep her beauty. For the next 11 years she would take young women from the village and keep them in her dongeon. She would fatten them up cause she thought that a fatter woman had healthier blood that would give her better properties of rejuvenation for her beuty baths. She would not use towels to dry herself, she would make young maides lick the blood off her body, if they showed any displeasure while doing this, they would be tortured to death. She would allow the witches of the castle to conduct magical experiments on the girls and to sacrifice the girls to ensure satan's blessings. Rumors spread and eventualy her own cousin, the prime minister,led a raiding party on new years eve, 1610. the witches and sorcerers were torture and then ither burned alive, or beheded. She was walled up in her apartmentin the castle, with only two tiny slits for ventilation and the passing of food. She passed away in 1614.


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