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Chaos Banner Exchange

Chaos Banner Exchange
Chaoscavern Pagan Information and Resources
ChaosCavern Pagan Information and Resources
   Paganism has a very broad spectrum of traditions,
 beliefs, ideals and Paths. This Exchange is dedicated
 to reaching out to all who are interested in Earth
 based religions and spirituality and to try to
 network these sites for a better understanding of
 each other. 
   Misconceptions abound these days about witchcraft,
 shamanism, druidism, and satanism, thanks to the
 media and entertainment industry. Within the sites
 that are included in the Chaos Cavern Banner Exchange
 are very informative articles, teachings and thoughts
 that surround us in our everyday life.
   Not to be excluded is our love of our "familiars".
 Animal Welfare has come a long way in the years past,
 due to our compassionate veterinarians and fellow
 animal lovers of the world. Chaos Cavern has a few
 very dear familiars in its rhelm, and it is to these
 wonderful fur babes that we dedicate the second
 important part of the Banner Exchange. For without
 our dear Atomajac, Cuba-Marie and Bruizer,
 RabbiddAnngell's life would not have as many fun
 filled, gloriously snuggly hours!
   If you have a wonderful fur babe, a heart of warmth
 towards fur babes in general, or are a fighter for
 deeper understanding of the worlds fur babes and wild
 cousins, please consider the Chaos Cavern Pagan and
 Animal Welfare Banner Exchange. Help teach our fellow
 humans of tolerance and love towards those of
 different and deeply spiritual Pagan religions and
 Paths, and our familiars...
   Please remember, all sites contained are in the
 site of wee ones, so make sure you have no
 pornography, excessive foul language, and no hate or graphic
 sites entered within the exchange. Any site found to
 be unsuitable for all audiences will not be
 considered, or removed from the exchange, with or
 without notice.

  • (1) Visit CC Banner Swap Network, and use the first scroll down menu to find "CHOAS CAVER-PAGAN INFORMATION AND RESOURCES" Click on this entry, then "JOIN". No passwords are necessary, as this is NOT a closed Exchange Network.
  • Enter all information fields correctly, and create account.
  • (2) Please e-mail the WebMistress the name of your site and url to get there. I will check the site for suitability and get back with you ASAP, to inform you of further instructions, and to give to you the appropriate html codes for the banner exchange.
  • (3) After I have checked out your site, and deemed it okay for the exchange, I will send you an e-mail to confirm, along with the proper HTML code to get it running on your site. Let me know when the HTML codes are pasted and the banner is up, and I will add your banner to the exchange.
  • (4) Watch your traffic increase, and your guestbook fill! Thanks, and have FUN!
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