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Ultima Final Fantasy


The Official FFXII Logo
World Map

As for the story itself, it tells the tale of the Archadians: a ruthless conquering empire that has invaded nearly every kingdom in the land. With most of the independent states gone, the beautiful township of Dalmasca remains as one of the few unclaimed cities left until Archadia claims the Dalmascan royal city of Rabanastre. This invasion is what sparks the main protagonist Vaan into rising up against the foreign forces; as they were the ones who killed his only remaining relative. Before he has the opportunity to relieve the new Archadian consul of his treasures, however, Vaan is caught in the middle of an important battle and the first moments of a new war. It's in this chaos that Vaan stumbles upon the Dalmascan princess Ashe and things begin to snowball from there.

Square recently announced Final Fantasy XII for the PS2, a project which is being led by Yasumi Matsuno (Final Fantasy Tactics, Vagrant Story) and Hiroyuki Itou (Final Fantasy IX). It was previously reported that Vagrant Story was Matsuno's final project, but his creative talents may bring new blood to the series.

Although Final Fantasy XI will be an online-only game, Final Fantasy XII will be completely single player, and rumors spreading that it will be set in a more darker setting then previous FF games. Knowing how fast it took to make Final Fantasy X, a possible Japan release date can be seen Winter 2002, and a Spring 2003 released date for North America.