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Breast Cancer Glossary

Adjuvant therapy
Anticancer drugs or hormones given after surgery and/or radiation to help prevent the cancer from coming back.
Hair loss.
Having too few red blood cells. Symptoms of anemia include feeling tired, weak, and short of breath.
A medicine that prevents or controls vomiting.
A term used to describe a tumor that is not cacerous.
Biological response modifiers (BRMs)
Natural and man-made substances that help control the immune system in its fight against cancer.
Blood count
The number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in a sample of blood. This is also called the complete blood count (CBC).
Bone marrow
The inner, spongy tissue of large bones where red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are made.
CAF (chemo)
Cytozan, Adriamycin, 5-fluorouracil
CMF (chemo)
Cytozan, Methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil
A general name for more than 100 diseases in which abnormal cells grow out of control; a malignant tumor.
A tube used to inject or withdraw fluids.
Chemotherapy (Chemo)
The use of drugs to treat cancer.
Clear Margins
An area of normal tissue that surrounds cancerous tissue, as seen during examiation under a microscope. Clear margins suggest that the whole tumor was removed. Absence of a clear margin "dirty margins" indicate that the tumor was close to or crossed the margins of the incision and residual tumor may have been left beind.
Combination chemotherapy
The use of more than one drug to treat cancer.
Having to do with the digestive tract, which includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines.
Natural substances released by one organ that can influence the function of other organs in the body.
Slow and/or prolonged intravenous delivery of a drug or fluids.
Using a syringe and needle to push fluids or drugs into the body; often called a "shot".
In Situ
"in the site of" Refers to tumors that haven't grown beyond site of origin and invaded neighboring tissue.
Intra-arterial (IA)
Into an artery.
Intracavitay (IC)
Into a cavity or space, specifically the abdomen, pelvis, or the pleural cavity of the chest.
Intraductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS)
In Situ-in place. DCIS is a precancer or non-invasive cancer that is contained. DCIS is located in the milk ducts. Believed to have a 30% to 40% lifetime chance of developing into infiltrating Breast Cancer.
Intralesional (IL)
Into the cancerous area in the skin.
Intramuscular (IM)
Into a muscle.
Intrathecal (IT)
Into the spinal fluid.
Intravenous (IV)
Into a vein.
Invasive cancer
Cancer that has grown through the basement membrane at its site of origin into neighboring tissue. Invasive does not imply that the cancer has already spread outside of the breast. Invasive is the same meaning as inflitrating.
Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC)
It begns in the milk ducts of the breast and penetrates the wall of the duct, invading the fatty tissue of the breast and possibly other regions of the body. It is the most common type of Breast Cancer. Acconting for 80% of BC diagnosis. Also see invasive cancer.
Used to describe a cancerous tummor.
Metastasis (mets)
When cancer cells break away from their original site and spread through the body.
Peripheral Neuropathy
A condition of the nervous system that usually begins in the hands and/or feet with symptoms of numbness, tinling, burning and/or weakness. Can be caused by certain anticancer drugs.
Special blood cells that help stop bleeding.
Port/Portacath/Hickman line
A small plastic or metal container placed surgically under the skin and attached to a central venous catheter inside the body. Blood and fluids can enter or leave the body through the Port using a special needle.
Positive Nodes
Lymph nodes that have been invaded by cancer cells.
Radiation therapy
Cancer treatment with radiation (high-energy rays).
Red blood cells
Cells that supply oxygen to tissues throughout the body.
The disappearance of signs and symptoms of disease.
Sores on the inside lining of the mouth.
Under the skin.
Estrogen blocker used in treating breast cancer.
An abnormal growth of cells or tissues. Tumors may be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous).
White blood cells
The blood cells that

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