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My Story

My Cancer Adventure
(or I am the energizer bunny, I keep going and going)

  As of 10/13/00 I am a 14 year cancer survivor. I have breast to bone cancer. I would like to share my adventure with the hope that my story may give someone else hope.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer 9/86. I Chose a Modified radical mastectomy, and had chemo (the doctor estimated the cancer to be 10 years old, not an early find) I was released as cured at 5 years. Early in 1993 I started to have pain in my right hip. In the fall we found the cancer had spread to the bone  (a metastases of breast cancer to the bone). I had an extensive amount of cancer in my right hip and pelvis, a few ribs and spine (it also started down my right leg before my remission). I had radiation, chemo, a shot of radioactive material, and then went on Tamoxifen. The radiation stopped the cancer in my hip and pelvis and the Tamoxifen put me in remission. I am still in remission. Treatment was not as bad as it sounds for the bone cancer, the first chemo in 1986 was much worse, but not bad. I am now taking a chemical (Aredia) to strengthen my bones (I feel no side effects when I receive Aredia). I am in my 50's and work full time and play hard in my spare time (as you can tell by the rest of my web page). Life is good and I thank God for my continued time on earth.

The rest of this section is more technical, only interesting to someone close to cancer.Click HOME to exit. You will find links to my other Breast Cancer Pages at the bottom of this page.


For diagnosis of my breast cancer in 1986 my surgeon was going to remove the tumor in an out patient surgery. I was awake when he went in, I started to pass out when he tried to remove the tumor so he only removed the part that wasn't embedded in the pectoral muscle. That sample was 1.5 cm in diameter the diagnosis was (IDC) infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast. (Note: the lesion has invaded the perineural spaces.) The surgeon was very concerned and wasn't sure surgery was enough to save my life. Eight days later after a lot of prayer I had my modified radical mastectomy. The remaining tumor was 1.5x1x1 cm. all tissue embedded.

The diagnosis Ductal carcinoma of breast, in situ and invasive. (IDC) ( Focal subacute and chronic non-specific inflammation (biopsy site) note: one of ten axillary lymph nodes examined contains metastatic tumor. The biopsy site contains a small focus of invasive tumor and sections from an additional site also contain in situ and invasive ductal carcinoma.)

I was considered a stage 2. I had 6 months of chemo and 5 years of follow up and was released as curred. Two years latter we found the bone mets (stage 4). Now here I am feeling like a miracle.


My chemo for breast cancer in 1986 was Cytoxan, Adriamycin and 5fu. I lost my hair, and was very tired, I didn't get sick to speak of, just adjusted my hours at work and continued to work. In 1993 I had Radiation for bone mets, 11 treatments to my right hip, I felt no ill effects. I had a Port installed right after the radiation. (still use the same port). The Chemo for the bone mets was velban (vinblastine), and mutamycin (mitomycin), I worked full time, was a little tired, but, never sick, I didn't lose any hair. I had a shot of a radioactive material (Metastron strontium-89 chloride injection) for bone pain with no noticeable side effects. I Started Tamoxifen in May 1994 only side effects are hot flashes (was having them before I started) and some minor short term memory..what was I saying....) In the fall of 1997 I started Aredia (intravenous) to strengthen my bones (working very well no noticeable side effects). I get the Aredia every 4 weeks. I had a Biopsy of my uterus spring of 1999, (just to be safe, long term Tamoxifen use can cause uterine cancer) no sign of cancer. I Have had many misc tests - bone scans - cat scans-MRI-Bone marrow sample- x-rays.

I am very grateful for modern medicine. I thank God for giving us these tools. If you or someone close to you is diagnosed with cancer. Please remember there is more hope now than ever. There is life after cancer. It is your job to keep fun and laughter in your life. If life is short do not let cancer take the joy out of what is left. Life is good. Enjoy. The only thing we truly have control over is our own attitudes.

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