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What The Lord Said To Me Today
Torah Keeping/Sabbath Keeping

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I have wanted to speak into this area and the Lord has given me the grace and direction to do so today. To my way of recollection, I remember that Keith Mullins, moderator of Watchman Seers USA Group, first began to speak of his experiences with his Torah study group about a month ago. At least, that is when I first became aware of it.

I've read the several posts pro and arguments to the contrary. I've personally gone back and forth on these things just as Laura Kula says she has over the years.

For me, meeting Gene Edwards, and reading his books, "The Silas Diary", "The Titus Diary" and "The Timothy Diary", have allowed me to reach closure in what I believe concerning these things.

Below, I've attached the clip from brother Keith's writings from a month ago, where he first spoke to the WSN group about Torah keeping. Keith spoke very approvingly of Sabbath Keeping as part of a commentary he was making with respect to Torah keeping. He posted this comment just a few days before I jumped up and down about how cultic Sabbath Keeping was in my response to C Vermeer, our resident Seventh Day Adventist, who also posts on WSN USA.

I want to be impartial, treating CV and brother Keith in the same way, but I want to be respectful too. I'll try to do both.

I was not aware of Keith's apparent approval of Sabbath Keeping when I wrote what I did in such strong language in response to C Vermeer. My pastor caught Keith's Sabbath Keeping references later as he was reading the words of the three prophecies I compiled, along with Keith's commentary on them that is attached.. I called them, "Three Prophecies, Handle With Greatest Care". They are posted on my site and here on 11/3/2000.

My pastor, Joseph Cella, wrote the following question underneath Keith's Sabbath Keeping comment on the paper copy of the word that Pastor Joe read and gave back to me:

"Tradition or Law or Worship?"

Pastor Joe asked me to talk to Keith about that statement, so now, here I am, finally obeying my pastor.

Here is the clip, from Keith's post, with the Sabbath Keeping comment at the end:

"Today there is a growing company of those that 'hunger and thirst after righteousness'. These are not simply banking on a onetime experience of grace, but rather these are moving toward a kingdom culture that is similar to that experienced by the Patriarchs of olden days. These believers are torah walkers. They both Do and then they Teach... unlike their charismatic counterparts who have a tendency to teach but not ever implement or commit to a cultural solution. I am amazed at the devotion and hard work they put into their community. These are not those that are hyping jewish trinkets... but rather.. these are those that sit down and study the word of God in its hebrew context using the contextual tools of that day written by hebrew rabbis of old. These are not afraid of 5 hour services. They set aside a sabbath day each week to cease from their own works."

Now, my brother Keith does not come out and say if it is law, or tradition, or worship. He simply says that they do it and he is amazed at their devotion. As for me, there is a check in my spirit here. Perhaps Keith will now answer my Pastor's question about what it is that these people are doing and, more importantly, why they are doing it.

I've got one more thought. Isn't it interesting that we are here, at the bridge going over into third day ministry. I have already crossed over. The increase in anointing on my life is hard for me to assess just yet, only to know that God has made a change, an increase in authority and power, of staggering proportions. It is real! Others are going over that bridge too, right now.

Now, just at this time when the power and authority of things of the spirit is being poured out and increased, there is an apparent, companion move to bring in righteousness by keeping of the Torah.

I AM VERY SKEPTICAL AND WARY of attempts at hungering at and seeking righteousness by Torah keeping. What I need is the righteousness of Christ, filling me with a greater and greater desire for holy living. I'll not keep these things as a law but because I'm filled with an ever increasing passion for purity and holiness. Sabbath Keeping is a place where I'll draw a clear line in the sand at the same place where Paul drew it.

The words about this bridge over into the third day ministry come with warnings. Bill Burns, at, warns that the bridge is narrow with rails. You will have to hold on with both hands as you go won't be able to carry any baggage with you. Nothing. Torah, with it's attending traditions, was called by the Lord a burden too heavy to be born. That sounds like baggage to me.

I'm hearing Galatians 3:1 in my spirit right now:

"O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish? having begun in the spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? Have ye suffered so many things in vain? If it be yet in vain. He therefore that ministereth to you in the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

The Spirit of God is urging us to cross a Spiritual Third day bridge today. We must cross it by the power of the spirit...not by Torah Keeping and law.

I would urge all of you to exercise extreme caution in this area. While there is profit in knowledge and study of Hebraica, we must be careful and watchful about becoming puffed up. The same gospel that saves the Jew will save an African, with his eight wives; and all nine of those Africans can be baptized with the same Holy Spirit as you and me. It is a righteousness apart from works or law, so that no man may boast, that truly justifies a man before God.

Be careful please, saints of God.

Stephen L. Bening
a servant and prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ

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