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This site will lead you to
Beautiful Lighthouses &
Links for your enjoyment

My first award for my Lighthouse Websites, given on December 10th, 2000,Thanks Grandma Carol~!

When you feel lost,
look for the lighthouse in your soul.
~Author unknown~

Found this beautiful Teardrop at the Garden of Friendship

Let there be light,
So sea wanderers can always
rest in a safe harbor,
Anchor their dreams on sandy beaches
And hide their wishes in sea shells.
So that the whisper
in the sea continues to say...
May all who yearn for the impossible
Find their way in the light.




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The Lighthouse Ring by LINDA
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Information on Top Lighthouse..........

The lighthouse is Split Rock Light House in Minnesota.  The photowas taken by S. Hudechek
and is used with his permission for this purpose.

Enchanting Dreams

above painting by.....
Richard Finnell-Artist
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