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SCA Persons & Groups Links

Newcomers - Getting Started Sites Of The Knowne World Kingdom Sites The Western Kingdom The Eastern Kingdom
The Kingdom of the Midrealm The Kingdom of Atenveldt The Kingdom of Meridies The Kingdom of Caid The Kingdom of Ansteorra
The Kingdom of Atlantia The Kingdom of An Tir The Kingdom of Calontir The Kingdom of Trimaris The Kingdom of the Outlands
The Kingdom of Drachenwald The Kingdom of Artemisia The Kingdom of AEthelmearc The Kingdom of Ealdormere Households & Special Interest Groups
Personal Home Pages

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Newcomers - Getting Started Sites
  1. How to find your local SCA
  2. Introduction to the SCA: from the Kingdom of Ansteorra
  3. Introducing the Society
  4. SCA Question Desk: Frequently Asked Questions At

top of page

Sites Of The Knowne World
  1. The Official Web Site of the Society for Creative Anachronism
  2. The Rolls Etherial: "phone book" for SCAdians on the Net
  3. Map of the Knowne World
  4. Rogan's SCA Search Engine
  5. The Herald's Cry: Society-Wide Branch Listings
  6. Orders, Awards, and Honors of the Kingdoms of the SCA and their Principalities
  7. SCA Seneschals and Places List
  8. People and Groups in the SCA
  9. Anno Societatis: Making Society time make sense with mundane time.
  10. SCA Calendar: official version of same thing as above
  11. SCA Down Under
  12. Links to the Orders of Precedence for the Kingdoms of the Known World
  13. S.C.A. Webring: index of included sites
  14. Rialto: the SCA wide Newsgroup

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Kingdom Sites
  1. Kingdom of the West: Northern California and Nevada, Alaska, Australia, Japan, Korea and Pacific Rim.
  2. Kingdom of the East: US: eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, eastern New York, The New England states. In Canada: Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland.
  3. Kingdom of the Midrealm: US: Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, a nip of Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North and South Dakota. Canada: Manitoba, and a bit of Ontario.
  4. Kingdom of Atenveldt: Arizona, small bits of Utah and California.
  5. Kingdom of Meridies: Georgia (nearly all of), Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas (most of), Tennessee, a bit of the panhandle of Florida, and small portions of both Kentucky and Virginia.
  6. Kingdom of Caid: Southern California, Greater Las Vegas Area, Hawaii, and New Zealand.
  7. Kingdom of Ansteorra: most of Texas, Oklahoma.
  8. Kingdom of Atlantia: Maryland, most of Virginia, North and South Carolina, piece of Georgia.
  9. Kingdom of An Tir: US: Oregon, Washington, the northern tip of Idaho, Canada: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories.
  10. Kingdom of Calontir: Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Northern Arkansas.
  11. Kingdom of Trimaris: Majority of Florida, Panama, and Antarctica.
  12. Kingdom of the Outlands: New Mexico, most of Colorado, parts of Wyoming and Nebraska, and El Paso and Hudspeth counties of Texas.
  13. Kingdom of Drachenwald: Europe, Africa, Middle East.
  14. Kingdom of Artemisia: southern Idaho, most of Utah, western Colorado, Wyoming, Montana.
  15. Kingdom of AEthelmearc: West Virgina, western Pennsylvania, and western New York.
  16. Kingdom of Ealdormere: Ontario, Canada.

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Sites of the Western Kingdom
  1. Kingdom of the West: Northern California and Nevada, Alaska, Australia, Japan, Korea and Pacific Rim.
  2. The Principality of the Mists
  3. Barony of Darkwood
  4. The Canton of Caer Darth
  5. The College of Sainte Katherine
  6. Province of Southern Shores
  7. The Shire of Cloondara
  8. Shire of Crosston
  9. Shire of Wolfscairn
  10. Province of Golden Rivers
  11. Province of Silver Desert
  12. Bestwodeschire
  13. Shire of Mont d'Or
  14. Shire of Windy Meads
  15. Principality of Oertha
  16. The Barony of Eskalya
  17. Barony of Winter's Gate
  18. Shire of Selviergard
  19. The Principality of Lochac
  20. The Shire of Agaricus
  21. The Barony of Aneala
  22. Barony of Innilgard
  23. Barony of Politarchopolis
  24. College of St Aldhelm
  25. Barony of River Haven
  26. Barony of Rowany
  27. The College of Saint Ursula
  28. Shire of St Florian de la Riviere.
  29. Barony of Stormhold
  30. Barony of Ynys Fawr
  31. The Palatine Barony of the Far West
  32. Canton of Battle Rock
  33. The Stronghold of Vale de Draco
  34. The Stronghold of Warriors Gate

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Sites of the Eastern Kingdom
  1. Kingdom of the East: US: eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, eastern New York, The New England states. In Canada: Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland.
  2. Shire of Ar n-Eilean-ne
  3. The College of Ice Valley
  4. Shire of Coldwood
  5. Shire of Endewearde
  6. Shire of Glenn Linn
  7. Shire of Harve des Glace (french)
  8. La Seigneurie de l'Ile du Dragon Dormant (french & english)
  9. Shire of Lyndhaven
  10. The Province Of Malagentia
  11. Shire of Mountain Freehold
  12. Shire of the Northern Outpost
  13. Barony of Ruantallan
  14. Canton of Distant Shore
  15. Canton of Mycghalh
  16. Canton of Seashire
  17. Canton of Wolfsgate
  18. The incipient cantref of Ynys y Gwaed
  19. Barony of Stonemarche
  20. Shire of Stones Fjiord
  21. The Shire Of Anglespur
  22. Barony of Bergental
  23. The Barony Beyond the Mountain
  24. Canton of Bowman's Rest
  25. Canton of Dragons Aeire
  26. Barony of the Bridge
  27. Barony of Carolingia
  28. The Canton of Aschehyrst
  29. Barony of Concordia of the Snows
  30. The Barony of Dragonship Haven
  31. Shire of Frosted Hills
  32. The Shire of Quintavia
  33. Shire of Smoking Rocks
  34. Shire of Barren Sands
  35. The Barony of Bhakail
  36. Shire-Marche of Blak Rose
  37. The Barony of Carillion
  38. Canton of Whispering Pines
  39. The Shire of Eisental
  40. Shire of Montevale
  41. Crown Province of Ostgardr
  42. Incipient Canton of the Broken Bridge
  43. Shire of Owl's Reste
  44. Shire of Rusted Woodlands
  45. The Barony of Settmour Swamp
  46. The Canton of Gryphonwald
  47. Canton of Marwick
  48. House Wyvern Hall

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Sites of the Kingdom of the Midrealm
  1. Kingdom of the Midrealm: US: Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, a nip of Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North and South Dakota. Canada: Manitoba, and a bit of Ontario.
  2. Principality of Northshield
  3. Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr
  4. Barony of Castel Rouge
  5. Shire of Inner Sea
  6. The Barony of Jararvellir
  7. The Shire of Korsvag
  8. The Shire of Mare Amethystinum
  9. The Shire of Mistig Waetru
  10. Barony of Nordskogen
  11. The Baronial Colleges of Nordleigh
  12. College of Tor Aerie
  13. The Shire of Rockhaven
  14. The Shire Of Rockwall
  15. The Shire of Rokeclif
  16. Shire of Rudivale
  17. Shire of Silfren Mere
  18. The Shire of Stromfels
  19. College of Svaty Sebesta
  20. Barony of Windhaven
  21. Shire of Mynydd Seren

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Sites of the Kingdom of Atenveldt
  1. Kingdom of Atenveldt: Arizona, small bits of Utah and California.
  2. The Barony of Atenveldt
  3. Barony of Tir Ysgithr
  4. Barony of Sun Dragon
  5. Barony March of Mons Tonitrus
  6. Barony of Twin Moons
  7. The College Of Brymstonne
  8. The Barony of Ered Sul
  9. Incipient Shire of Londinium
  10. Shire of Burning Sands
  11. Shire of Granite Mountain
  12. Shire of Aurouchsfiord
  13. Hus Langskipp and Family Langskipp
  14. House Levenburg
  15. House Papillon
  16. House Archangel
  17. House of the Four Winds

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Sites of the Kingdom of Meridies
  1. Kingdom of Meridies: Georgia (nearly all of), Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas (most of), Tennessee, a bit of the panhandle of Florida, and small portions of both Kentucky and Virginia.
  2. Consortium of Southern Marches
  3. Shire of the Eagle
  4. Barony of Iron Mountain
  5. Shire Firedrake
  6. The Shire of Glynn Rhe
  7. Shire of An Dun Theine
  8. Shire Peregrine
  9. Barony of Osprey
  10. Shire of Thorngill
  11. Incipient Shire of Phoenix River
  12. Shire Lagerdamm
  13. The Shire of Smythkepe
  14. The Incipient Shire of Evensong Forest
  15. Barony of Small Gray Bear
  16. Incipient Shire of Beinntheine
  17. Shire of Arenal (Pensacola, FL)
  18. The Shire of Phoenix Glade (Ft. Walton Beach, FL)
  19. Shire Salt Keep (Panama City, FL)
  20. The Barony of Bryn Madoc
  21. The Barony of the South Downs
  22. Shire of RiverMarch
  23. Shire of Sol Haven
  24. The Canton of Beau Fort
  25. The Incipient Shire of White Buck Forest
  26. Shire of Owl's Nest
  27. Incipient Shire of Tal Mere
  28. Shire of Tir Briste
  29. Shire Of Forth Castle
  30. Incipient Shire of Camden Tor
  31. The Shire of Dragonfly Marsh
  32. The Incipient Shire of Vogelburg
  33. Shire of Troll Fen
  34. The Shire of Loch Bais
  35. Barony of Axemoor
  36. Barony of Seleone
  37. The Shire of Dragouns Weal
  38. Shire of Hammerhold
  39. Shire of Tor an Ríogh
  40. Shire of Glaedenfeld
  41. Shire of Vulpine Reach
  42. The Shire of Delvingrim
  43. Shire of Easaraigh
  44. The Shire of Nant-Y-Derwyddon
  45. The Barony of Thor's Mountain
  46. The Incipient Shire of Lyon's Mountain
  47. The Barony of Grey Niche
  48. The Shire of Rising Stone
  49. The Incipient College of Burning Stone

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Sites of the Kingdom of Caid
  1. Kingdom of Caid: Southern California, Greater Las Vegas Area, Hawaii, and New Zealand.
  2. Shire of Al-Sahid
  3. Barony of Altavia
  4. Barony of the Angels
  5. College of Boethius
  6. Incipient Shire of Burnished Sun
  7. Barony of Calafia
  8. Canton of the Canyons
  9. Incipient Canton of Carnmore
  10. Shire of Carreg Wen
  11. Canton of CastleNorth
  12. Collegium Sancti Geronomi
  13. Incipitent Canton of Dambe Tir
  14. Shire of Darach
  15. Barony of Dreiburgen
  16. Barony of Dun Or
  17. College of Fenwood Knoll
  18. Canton of Gallavally
  19. Barony of Gyldenholt
  20. Shire of Ildhafn
  21. Shire of the Isles
  22. Incipient Canton of La Luminere Rouge
  23. Barony of Lyondemere
  24. Canton of Mons Draconis
  25. Barony of Naevehjem
  26. Barony of Nordwache
  27. College of Reannag Fhara
  28. College of Saint Isidore
  29. College of San Ambrogio
  30. Barony of Starkhafn
  31. Canton of Steinsee
  32. Canton of Summergate
  33. Incipient Canton of Tanwayour
  34. Canton of Torvald
  35. L'Universite de la Tour d'Yvoire
  36. Canton of the Valley Azure
  37. College of the Voyagers
  38. Barony of Western Seas
  39. Shire of Wintermist
  40. Caidan Circle of Bards
  42. The Royal Crescent Navy : Nautical Arts

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Sites of the Kingdom of Ansteorra
  1. Kingdom of Ansteorra: most of Texas, Oklahoma.
  2. Central Region
  3. Barony of the Steppes
  4. Barony of Elfsea
  5. Shire of the Emerald Keep
  6. Shire of Rosenfeld
  7. Canton of Loch Ruadh
  8. Canton of Dragonsfire Tor
  9. Incipient Canton of Glaslyn
  10. Shire of Graywood
  11. Coastal Region
  12. Barony Bordermarch
  13. Barony of the Stargate
  15. Incipient Shire of Stonebridge Keep
  16. Shire of Seawinds
  17. Canton of Torre de los Brazos
  18. Northern Region
  19. Shire of Brad Leah
  20. Barony of the Eldern Hills
  21. Stronghold of FalconRidge
  22. Shire of Mooneschadowe
  23. Barony of Northkeep
  24. Shire of the Wastelands
  25. Barony of Wiesenfeuer
  26. Southern Region
  27. Barony of Bjornsborg
  28. Barony of Bryn Gwlad
  29. Shire of Middleford
  30. Shire of Tempio
  31. Western Region
  32. Shire Of Adlershrue
  33. Shire Of Blacklake
  34. Barony of Bonwicke
  35. Incipient Shire of Crossrode Keep
  36. Shire of Mendersham

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Sites of the Kingdom of Atlantia
  1. Kingdom of Atlantia: Maryland, most of Virginia, North and South Carolina, piece of Georgia.
  2. The University of Atlantia
  3. Barony of Storvik
  4. Shire of Bordervale Keep
  5. Barony of the Bright Hills
  6. The Canton of Spiaggia Levantina
  7. Barony of Dun Carraig
  8. Barony of Highland Foorde
  9. Barony of Lochmere
  10. Shire of Roxbury Mill
  11. The Shire of Hindscroft: (text only)
  12. Barony of the Sacred Stone
  13. Canton of Bælfire Dunn
  14. Canton of the Guardians of the Sacred Stone
  15. Shire Of Seareach
  16. Barony of Windmasters' Hill
  17. Canton of Elvegast
  18. Barony of Hidden Mountain
  19. Canton of Misty Marsh by the Sea
  20. Canton of Falcon Cree
  21. Incipient Canton of Tridroichead
  22. Barony of Caer Mear
  23. Shire of Isenfir
  24. Barony of Marinus
  25. Barony of Ponte Alto
  26. The Barony Of Stierbach
  27. Barony of Tir-y-Don

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Sites of the Kingdom of An Tir
  1. Kingdom of An Tir: US: Oregon, Washington, the northern tip of Idaho, Canada: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories.
  2. The Principality of Avacal
  3. Barony of Borealis
  4. Shire of Cold Keep
  5. Barony of Myrgan Wood
  6. The Shire of Sigelhundas
  7. The Insipient Shire Of Tir Bannog
  8. The Canton Of Willowmere
  9. Shire of Windwyrm
  10. Principality of the Summits
  11. Barony of Adiantum
  12. Incipient Canton of Nordholt
  13. Inlands Region
  14. Shire of Vulkanfeldt
  15. Barony of Wealdsmere
  16. Rivers Region
  17. Shire of Fire Mountain Keep
  18. Shire of River's Bend
  19. Shire of Stromgard
  20. Shire of Dragons Mist
  21. Barony of Three Mountains
  22. Shire of Mountain Edge
  23. Barony of Terra Pomeria
  24. Shire of Coeur du Val
  25. Northern Region
  26. Shire of Appledore
  27. Shire of Coill Mhor
  28. Port of Crickstow-On-Sea (Incipient)
  29. Shire of False Isle
  30. Shire of Frozen Mountain
  31. Shire of Hartwood
  32. Incipient Shire of Highland Grove
  33. Shire of Krakenfjord
  34. The Canton of Lionsdale
  35. Shire of Midhaven
  36. Barony of Seagirt
  37. St. Giles College
  38. Western Region
  39. Barony of Blatha An Oir
  40. Barony of Aquaterra
  41. Barony of Dragons' Laire
  42. Shire of Druim Doniann
  43. Barony of Glymm Mere
  44. Stronghold of Na Laoich An Oir
  45. Barony of Madrone
  46. Canton of Porte de l'Eau
  47. College of St. Bunstable

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Sites of the Kingdom of Calontir
  1. Kingdom of Calontir: Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Northern Arkansas.
  2. Castellum Calontir
  4. Barony of Lonely Tower
  5. Incipient Shire of the Pytt of Quivira: site non-op, moving
  6. Canton of Axed Root
  7. Barony of Coeur d'Ennui
  8. Shire of Deodar
  9. Shire of Heraldshill
  10. Shire of Shadowdale
  11. Shire of Bois D'Arc
  12. Shire of Carlsby
  13. Shire of Crescent Moon
  14. Canton of Cum an Iolair
  15. Shire of Dun Ard
  16. Barony of Forgotten Sea
  17. Shire of Golden Sea
  18. Shire of the Spinning Winds
  19. Barony of Vatavia
  20. Canton of Aston Tor
  21. College of Bellewode
  22. Shire of Calanais Nuadh
  23. Shire-March of the Grimfells
  24. Stronghold of Lost Forest
  25. Shire of Lost Moor
  26. Canton of Riverhold
  27. Shire of Standing Stones
  28. Barony of Three Rivers

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Sites of the Kingdom of Trimaris
  1. Kingdom of Trimaris: Majority of Florida, Panama, and Antarctica.
  2. Shire of Amurgorod (Marion & Levy Counties)
  3. The Barony of An Crosairé (Gainesville, FL)
  4. Shire of Brineside Moor (Sarasota / Bradenton)
  5. Shire of Castlemere (Jacksonville / Orange Park)
  6. Barony of Darkwater (Orange & Osceola County)
  7. Shire of Gleann Dubh (Daytona Beach)
  8. Canton of Mathom Trove (Palatka / Putnam County & Green Cove Springs)
  9. The Shire of Narval Dorado (St. Petersburg / S. Pinellas Co.)
  10. Shire of Oldenfeld (Tallahassee, FL)
  11. Shire of Sea March (Palm Beach Co.)
  12. Shire of South Keep (Miami / Dade Co.)
  13. Shire of Stag Ridge (Highlands Co.)
  14. Shire of starhaven (Brevard County)
  15. Barony of Wyvernwood (Hillsborough Co.)
  16. Trimerian College of Heralds
  17. Kingdom Officers
  18. Trimarian Regnum
  19. Trimarian Event Calendar
  20. About the Kingdom of Trimaris
  22. Trimarian Order of Precedence
  23. Directions to Camp La-No-Che
  24. Map of Camp La-No-Che

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Sites of the Kingdom of the Outlands
  1. Kingdom of the Outlands: New Mexico, most of Colorado, parts of Wyoming and Nebraska, and El Paso and Hudspeth counties of Texas.
  2. Shire of Aarquelle
  3. Barony of al-Barran
  4. College of Blaiddwyn
  5. Shire of Caer Galen
  6. Barony of Caerthe
  7. Citadel of the Southern Pass
  8. Barony of Dragonsspine
  9. Shire of Drygestan
  10. Shire of Dúthaich Beinne Áird
  11. Shire of Fontaine dans Sable
  12. Canton Of Hawks Hollow
  13. Incipient Shire of Northwolde
  14. Incipient Shire Rio de Las Animas Perdidas
  15. Incipient College of Scola Metallorum
  16. Shire of Scorpions Hollow
  17. barony of Unser Hafen
  18. Shire of White Mountain
  19. Shire of Windkeep

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Sites of the Kingdom of Drachenwald
  1. Kingdom of Drachenwald: Europe, Africa, Middle East.
  2. deceased Shire of the Seven Deans (in England)
  3. Incipient Shire of Isengau (English and German)
  4. Shire of Polderslot (German) (in Netherlands)
  5. Barony of Aarnimetsä (Finnish) (in Finland)
  6. Canton of Hukka (English, Finnish, Swedish?) (in Finland)
  7. Canton of Unikankare (in Finland)
  8. Canton of Kaarnemaa (in Finland)
  9. Shire of Adamastor (in South Africa)
  10. Isles Region
  11. Shire of Caer Caledon (in Scotland)
  12. Shire of Harpelestane (in Scotland)
  13. Shire of Lough Devnaree (in Ireland)
  14. Incipient Shire of Thames Reach (in England)
  15. Company of the Swan
  16. Isles Armourer's Guild
  17. Ranaan Shire (in Italy)
  18. Nordmark
  19. Shire of Aros (English and Swedish) (in Sweden)
  20. Shire of Attemark in Skåne (English) (in Sweden)
  21. Frostheim (English and Swedish) (in Sweden)
  22. Gotvik (Swedish) (in Sweden)
  23. Gyllengran (Swedish) (in Sweden)
  24. HOLMGÅRD (Swedish) (in Sweden)
  25. Juneborg (Swedish) (in Sweden)
  26. Styringheim (Swedish) (in Sweden)
  27. SKA Uma (English-rebuilding) (in Sweden)
  28. SCA in Faraway Places (English)

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Sites of the Kingdom of Artemisia
  1. Kingdom of Artemisia: southern Idaho, most of Utah, western Colorado, Wyoming, Montana.
  2. Barony of Loch Salann
  3. Barony of One Thousand Eyes
  4. Barony of Arn Hold
  5. Shire of Ohterhill
  6. Shire of Côte du Ciel
  7. Shire of Silver Keep
  8. Shire of Twae Linnes
  9. incipient shire of Dun Braga
  10. Incipient Shire of Castelleone

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Sites of the Kingdom of AEthelmearc
  1. Kingdom of AEthelmearc: West Virgina, western Pennsylvania, and western New York.
  2. Dominion of Myrkfaelinn
  3. Shire of Nithgaard
  4. Stronghold of Orion's Gate
  5. Barony of Blackstone Mountain
  6. Barony of the Rhydderich Hael
  7. College of Cour d'Or
  8. College of Robledal
  9. Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands
  10. Barony of Delftwood
  11. Barony of Saint Swithin's Bog
  12. Canton of Stelton Wald
  13. Shire of Sterlynge Vayle
  14. Shire of Heronter
  15. Shire of Stormsport
  16. Shire of Hornwood
  17. Shire Sunderoak
  18. Shire of Sylvan Glen
  19. Barony of Thescorre

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Sites of the Kingdom of Ealdormere
  1. Kingdom of Ealdormere: Ontario, Canada.
  2. Barony of Ben Dunfirth
  3. Barony of Rising Waters
  4. Canton of Bryniau Tywynnog
  5. Canton of Trinovantia Nova
  6. Canton der Welfengau
  7. Barony of Septentria
  8. Canton of Ardchreag
  9. Royal City of Eoforwic
  10. Incipient Canton of Greenhithe
  11. Canton of Monadh
  12. Canton of Petrea Thule
  13. College of Skeldergate
  14. Canton of Vest Yorvik
  15. Barony of Skraeling Althing
  16. Canton of Caldrithig
  17. Canton of Tor Brant
  18. Shire of Brennisteinn Vatn
  19. Shire of Flaming Sky
  20. Shire of Noergate
  21. The March of St. Martin

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Households & Special Interest Groups
  1. Eagles Keep
  2. Ironrose: for the warrior women of the USA
  3. Teenagers in the SCA
  4. Map of the Known World Templar Houses
  5. Clan Bluefeather: researching homosexuality and related issues in period

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Personal Home Pages
  1. Lionel MacLaren of Oldenfeld
  2. Simon Maurus of the Argent Quill
  3. Duncan McDugal
  4. Tegin's Wolf Page
  5. Maredudd of House Blackroot
  6. Clan Ross
  7. Lord Heinrich von Westfelsen of Drachenwald
  8. m'lord Todd of One Thousand Eyes
  9. Lord William of Vielburgen's SCA page
  10. Lady Theodora Demetriades of Artemisia
  11. Gereke Heydenrich's page of the 14th Century
  12. Rurik Petrovitch Stoianov and Ceridwen o Cahercommaun

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