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Instrument Construction Instrument Construction: Percussion Instruments Instrument Construction: Stringed Instruments Instrument Construction: Wind Instruments Early Music
Gregorian Chant Songs Celtic Music Middle Eastern Music Mailing Lists

Return to Related Links Index

  1. Stefan's Florilegium: Performance Arts
  2. Stefan's Florilegium: Bibliography and Reviews
  3. Stefan's Florilegium: Music
  4. The "Period" SCA Musician
  5. The SCA Music and Dance Page

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  1. Stefan's Florilegium: Musical Instruments
  2. A Concise Guide to Medieval Instruments
  3. Medieval and Renaissance Instruments
  4. The Schoole of Musicke

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Percussion Instruments
  1. Stefan's Florilegium: Drums and Percussion Instruments
  2. The Bodhrán

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Stringed Instruments
  1. Stefan's Florilegium: Harps
  2. The Guitar Pre-1650
  3. Historical Harp Society
  4. Hurdy-Gurdy
  5. Lute for Guitarists
  6. A Variety of Lute Lessons
  7. The Lute Society and The Lute Society of America
  8. The Saxon Lyre: History, Construction, and Playing Techniques

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Wind Instruments
  1. Stefan's Florilegium: Recorders
  2. Stefan's Florilegium: Trumpets and Horns
  3. The Historic Brass Society
  4. The History of the Bagpipes - Or Pardon Me, The Cat Wants Out
  5. Crumhorn
  6. Flutes and Recorders Through History
  7. The Medieval Recorder
  8. Pipe and Tabor by Master Robyyan Torr d'Elandris
  9. Pipe & Tabor by Byron du Cherbourg
  10. The Recorder Homepage

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Instrument Construction
  1. Technical Drawings of Musical Instruments

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Instrument Construction: Percussion Instruments
  1. No confirmed sites available at this time. Please email me with any sites you are aware of.

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Instrument Construction: Stringed Instruments
  1. Building a Wooden Period Instrument: It's Simpler Than You Think
  2. Building the Welsh Crowd
  3. How to Build a Hammer Dulcimer
  4. How to Make a Hurdy-Gurdy For Under $20
  5. How to Make a One-Stringed Dulcimer
  6. How to Make Thy Own Hammered Dulcimer
  7. Reconstructing a Medieval Fiddle (German)
  8. The Saxon Lyre: History, Construction, and Playing Techniques

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Instrument Construction: Wind Instruments
  1. Building a (Fake but Serviceable) Baroque Trumpet
  2. Gemshorn
  3. Making Your Own Pipes
  4. Uilleann Pipes Home-Building Page

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Early Music
  1. Stefan's Florilegium: Bardic Arts
  2. Stefan's Florilegium: Bardic Circles
  3. Stefan's Florilegium: Period Style
  4. The Cantigas de Santa Maria
  5. From ClassicalNet: Medieval Period and Renaissance Period
  6. A Chronology of Music Events
  7. Early Music FAQ
  8. Early Music by Women Composers
  9. Early Women Composers/Artists
  10. Fourteenth Century Music
  11. Guide to Early Music Resources
  12. The British Library
  13. Hildegard of Bingen
  14. Introduction to Medieval Music
  15. Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music
  16. Ellisif's Music & Dance
  17. Lexicon Musicum Latinum (French and German)
  18. Medieval and Renaissance Music
  19. Medieval Music (Benedict Public Schools)
  20. Medieval Music (Labyrinth)
  21. Medieval Music (NetSerf)
  22. Medieval Music Bibliography
  23. Medieval Music Glossary
  24. Medieval Music of Cyprus
  25. Medieval Women and Music
  26. Melismata
  27. Music and Verse in Anglo-Saxon and Viking Times
  28. Music in Medieval Jewish Spain
  29. The Music of Henry VIII
  30. The Music of the Fourteenth Century
  31. The Music of Thomas Ravenscroft
  32. Peirol's Vielle: Instrumental Participation in the Troubador Repertory
  33. Spanish Early Music MIDI Files

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Gregorian Chant
  1. Cantaria: A Learning Library of Bardic Music
  2. CANTUS: A Database for Gregorian Chant
  3. Gregorian Chant
  4. Gregorian Chant Introduction: Tutorial 1 first installment, second, and third

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  1. Stefan's Florilegium: Songs and More Songs
  2. Stefan's Florilegium: Sources for Songs
  3. Stefan's Florilegium: Period Songs and Lyrics
  4. Ancient Ballads
  5. The Cambric Shirt
  6. Cantaria: A Learning Library of Bardic Music
  7. Dulcina
  8. Early Child Ballads
  9. Geordie
  10. Latin Christmas Carols
  11. Medieval Love Songs
  12. Middle English Lyrics
  13. El Minnesang (Spanish)
  14. Music in the SCA: A Case Study of Folk Song
  15. Robert ap Huw Manuscript
  16. St. Columban's Boat Song (c. 600)
  17. SCA Minstrel Homepage
  18. Sixteenth Century Ballads
  19. Ricercares a Quattro Voci by Vincenzo Galilei
  20. Songs Of and About Elizabethan Times
  21. Writing a Period Ballad
  22. On Vocal Performance

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Celtic Music
  1. Stefan's Florilegium: Bagpipes
  2. The History of the Bagpipes - Or Pardon Me, The Cat Wants Out
  5. How To Treat A New Bodhran
  6. The Celtic Music Forum
  7. Celtic Music Magazine
  8. How to Treat a New Bodhran
  9. Collection of Scottish and Irish Songs, compiled by Ioseph of Locksley: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4
  10. Les Instruments du Festival Interceltique de Lorient (French)
  11. Scottish Drumming Web
  12. Uilleann Pipe Information List
  13. Pay The Dog....Celtic Songs to Delight!

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Middle Eastern Music
  1. Introduction to Saz and Other Middle Eastern Long-neck Lutes
  2. Jas's Drum Page
  3. Learning Middle Eastern Percussion
  4. Mandil wa Tabl (Veil and Drum)
  5. Middle Eastern Shawms: Zurnas & Mizmars
  6. Middle Eastern Violin
  7. Oriental Oboes and Shawms
  8. Ouds
  9. The Veil and Drum - Middle Eastern Music and Dance

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Mailing Lists
  1. Minstrel - Bardic Topics: Send message to with a message body of "subscribe minstrel [your e-mail address]"
  3. Irish Traditional Music: IRTRAD-L@IRLEARN.BITNET

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