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Calligraphy & Illumination Links

Calligraphy & Illumination Articles Articles on Scribal Arts for Beginners Articles on Scribal Arts in the SCA Period Examples: Collections & Libraries Period Examples: 8th Century
Period Examples: 9th Century Period Examples: 10th Century Period Examples: 11th Century Period Examples: 12th Century Period Examples: 13th Century
Period Examples: 14th Century Period Examples: 15th Century Period Examples: 16th Century Non-Western Calligraphy Online Scriptoria & Work
Alphabets & Lettering Layout Celtic Style Goldwork Inks & Paints
Parchment & Vellum Pens Various Techniques Mailing Lists

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Calligraphy & Illumination Articles
  1. Stefan's Florilegium: Scribal Arts Index
  2. Stefan's Florilegium: Hints for Beginning Calligraphers
  3. Stefan's Florilegium: Pigments
  4. Anglo-Saxon Manuscript Production
  5. Corpus of Insular, Anglo-Saxon, and Early Anglo-Norman Manuscript Art
  6. Illuminated Manuscripts (The Catholic Encyclopedia)
  7. Illuminated Manuscripts (The Electronic Labyrinth)
  8. Illumination and Color Theory
  9. Illumination Step-By-Step
  10. Illumination Glossary
  11. Manuscript Books
  12. Manuscripts, Books, and Maps: The Printing Press and a Changing World
  13. Medieval and Renaissance Book Production
  14. Notes on Calligraphy
  15. Old English Pages
  16. On Ancient Appearance
  17. On Illuminated Manuscripts
  18. Ottonian Calligraphy and Illumination
  19. Regional and Global Characteristics of Illuminated Manuscripts
  20. Rules made by F.B. for Children to write by (England, 1611)
  21. Scribal Challenge
  22. Scribal Tools
  23. The Technology and Culture of the Manuscript Book In European Society
  24. Thompson Conservation Labs
  25. A Very Proper Treatise: The Arte Of Limming

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Articles on Scribal Arts for Beginners
  1. Calligraphy
  2. Hints For Beginning Calligraphers
  3. The Illuminated Initial: How To and Where
  4. Frequently Asked Questions
  5. Making an Illuminated Cover Illustration
  6. Sources for Period Illuminations and Supplies
  7. Techniques of Illumination

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Articles on Scribal Arts in the SCA
  1. The Current Scroll Process for Atlantia
  2. Lochac College of Scribes: Manuscript Collections On-line
  3. College of Scribes Archives
  4. Windmasters' Hill Scriptorium
  5. The West Kingdom Scribes' Handbook

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Period Examples: Collections & Libraries
  1. The Age of King Charles V: 1,000 Illuminations at the Bibliothèque National de France
  2. Colophon Page Gallery: Illuminated Manuscripts
  3. Creating French Culture: Late 8th - Late 15th centuries and End of the 15th - 1st half of the 17th centuries
  4. Gallery of Manuscript Images
  5. Illustrations by Historical Women Artists
  6. Manuscript Collection at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America
  7. Manuscript Pages from the Bodleian Library
  8. Mediaeval Manuscripts and Illumination at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek
  9. Medieval Manuscript Leaves
  10. The Mythical Quest (exhibit at The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts
  11. The Steiner Collection
  12. Meridian College of Scribes
  13. Scribal Links

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Period Examples: Eighth Century
  1. Page from the Lindisfarne Gospels

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Period Examples: Ninth Century
  1. The Book of Kells
  2. Book of Kells Images

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Period Examples: Tenth Century
  1. The Egmond Gospels
  2. David Composing the Psalms and The Prayer of Isaiah from the Paris Psalter

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Period Examples: Eleventh Century
  1. Portrait of St. Wilfred and text page from Vita sancti Wilfridi

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Period Examples: Twelfth Century
  1. Chrétien de Troyes's Le Chevalier de la Charrette
  2. Detail with initial From the Vita Sanctorum Weissenau Abbey
  3. Cluny Lectionary, Pentecost
  4. Gospels
  5. Psalter

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Period Examples: Thirteenth Century
  1. The Bean Manuscript Collection
  2. Bethune Breviary-Missal
  3. The Life of King Edward the Confessor

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Period Examples: Fourteenth Century
  1. Beatrijs
  2. Gavin Hill Book of Hours 1
  3. Jacob van Maerlant's Der Naturen Bloeme
  4. Jacob van Maerlant's Spiegel Historiael
  5. Lancelot compilation
  6. Images from The Luttrell Psalter

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Period Examples: Fifteenth Century
  1. Book of Hours, 1470
  2. Book of Hours, 1494
  3. Bethune Book of Hours
  4. Book of Hours of Philip the Good
  5. Book of Hours of Simon de Varie
  6. Book of Hours with chemise binding
  7. Jean Froissart, Chronicles, 15th Century: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4
  8. Gavin Hill Book of Hours 2
  9. Historia Alexandri Magni
  10. History Bibles: 1 and 2
  11. Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry
  12. St. Augustine's City of God
  13. Statuts et armorial de la Toison d'Or

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Period Examples: Sixteenth Century
  1. August calendar miniature from a Parisian Book of Hours, 1515-1523
  2. The Fesler Manuscript
  3. Four Gospels Book

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Non-Western Calligraphy
  1. The Art of Chinese Calligraphy
  2. Chinese Calligraphy
  3. Chinese Calligraphy (shufa)
  4. The Four Treasures of the Study (Chinese calligraphy tools)
  5. Islamic Calligraphy
  6. Japanese Calligraphy
  7. Oriental Brush Calligraphy
  8. Origin of the Chinese Script
  9. The Sabanci Collection: Turkish Calligraphy
  10. Some Arabic Calligraphy

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Online Scriptoria & Work from the Current Middle Ages
  1. Art of the Scribe
  2. Calligraphy by Master Godfrey de Shipbrook
  3. Calligraphy of the Shire of the Seven Deans
  4. The Cyber-Scriptorium (mostly Aethelmearc)
  5. Lord Conal O'hAirt
  6. Middle Kingdom College of Scribes
  7. Per Mano Merouda Pendray
  8. The Portfolio of Aine inghean Cillin
  9. SCA Portfolio of Gwenhwyvar Nocturnal
  10. SCA Scrolls by Bronwyn ferch Gwyn ap Rhys
  11. The Scribal Arts of Baron Sir Ranthulfr Asparlundr (with a Valentine for Melody)
  12. Scribe Examples from Calontir
  13. The Vellum Gallery: Exhibits of Modern Calligraphy
  14. Virtual Known World Scriptorium
  15. The West Kingdom Scribes' Handbook
  16. Windmasters' Hill Scriptorium Gallery
  17. Zahra's Scribal Portfolio

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Alphabets & Lettering
  1. Blackletter Alphabets
  2. Calligraphy
  3. Late Period Calligraphy
  4. Medieval Ductus: Artificial Uncial, Carolingian, Early Gothic, Gothic, French Batarde, and Rotunda
  5. Medieval European Calligraphy: Roman, Uncial, Carolingian, Textus, Bastard, and Modern
  6. Ottonian Calligraphy and Illumination
  7. Several Period Hands
  8. The Scripta Project: The history of handwriting (Italian)

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  1. Analysing a Style
  2. The Golden Section
  3. Layout Notes for Late Italian Renaissance Scrolls

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Celtic Style
  1. Book of Kells Images
  2. Celtic Art and Illumination
  3. The Celtic Art Coracle
  4. Celtic Knotwork Construction Class
  5. Celtic Knotwork for Klutzes: The Grid Method
  6. Course of Celtic Illumination Based on Interlacing (French)
  7. Draw Your Own Celtic Knotwork
  8. Zoomorphics in Celtic Irish Illumination

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  1. Gilding
  2. How to Prepare and Gild with Gum Ammoniac

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Inks & Paints
  1. Egg Tempera
  2. Illumination Media
  3. The Ink Compendium
  4. Manuscript Production: Ink
  5. Medieval Colors and Modern Paints
  6. On Making Tempera Paint
  7. Period Colors for SCA Scrolls
  8. Period Inks

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Parchment & Vellum
  1. Hints on Use of Vellum
  2. Parchment Making

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  1. Cutting a Quill Pen
  2. How To Cut a Bamboo Pen
  3. Reed Pens

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Various Techniques
  1. Acanthus Leaves
  2. Diaperwork
  3. Figures
  4. Italian Renaissance Scrolls
  5. Leafy Borders
  6. Small Bar Borders
  7. Tips Towards Better Whitework

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Mailing Lists
  1. The Quill And The Scroll: Send message to with a message body of "subscribe scribes"
  2. SCA Scribes: Send message to with message body of "SUBSCRIBE SCRIBES"
  3. Calligraphy: Send message to with message body of "subscribe"
  4. The Quill and Scroll

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