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Weekly classes

(scroll down for workshops and events)

all classes and workshops listed are held at various locations, locations subject to change without notice



schedule subject to change always call to verify during business hours!!!!


Sundays 9pm-11pm -

Tune in to WMEL 920 AM for FREE live sample reading

Sundays 6:30 pm still open for new students

An introduction to Wicca and Pagan Paths . An ongoing class accepting new students this month, exploring pagan paths tradition, ethics and practices. Weekly cost $11 plus materials if any.


Monday 7:30

FREE reiki healing group Our healing group meets every Monday in the north garden (between Portobellas Restaurant and Tropical Art Designs) at Peddlers Village All healers and those to be healed welcome!! Please be aware this group is subject to weather conditions. Dress for an out doors in the garden evening in Florida. No shops are open during this group so please be aware there are neither restrooms or other amenities available.


Thurs 7:30 begining Oct 2002

Tarot class forming Tarot class $7 per class (10-18 weeks) New series of this popular class 7:30-9pm an on going group lead by Elizabeth Cooper covering the traditional Legends of the Tarot, with both well known and obscure reading formats. A treat for beginner's and the advanced reader alike.


Workshops to be offered in October



Reiki I class, 10am-4pm a day long workshop with traditional Reiki Master/teacher Elizabeth Cooper. If you are considering taking Reiki II from Ms. Cooper and have taken Reiki I from another teacher you must audit Reiki I with her first. Call 631-7237 for details on the class and auditing it. $110 for reiki I $209 for Reiki II (Financing available) for all new students includes all class materials and lunch. Limited seating !!!


Past Life regression work shop experance memories and glimpses of your own past lives in the healing womb at the Psychic Gift shop in Peddlers Village 12n to 4:30 pm limited seating you must pre-register!!!! $35 prepaid or $45 that day