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Upcoming Bowie Events Continued
In an effort to keep up with upcoming Bowie releases, etc., I will try and maintain this list at the beginning of each Newspage:-
TFI & NetAid
If you look real hard, you can see me, AMan and Helen on the above pics! Bear with me a couple of days, I have tons to do to catch up and get pix scanned in for TFI and NetAid and the BNet Bash in Hammersmith! In the meantime, keep yourself entertained by checking out the following pics of the BNet Bash in Hammersmith: -
Pics on Carl's site
Update: -My TFI and UK BNet Party Pics are up! Check 'em out: TFI & UK Party Pics - I get my own back from Rednik's purple dildo (THE BLUE PETER!) pic of me! MUWHAHAHA!
For TFI Friday 10/8/99: - Survive, China Girl, Rebel Rebel (although Survive is what aired on 10/8/99, the other songs may be appearing on TFI for a Christmas or New Years special, together with the Eurythmics performance we attended but was not aired).
For NetAid 10/9/99: - Life On Mars, Survive, China Girl, Pretty Things Are Going To Hell, Drive In Saturday and Rebel, Rebel. My pictures at NetAid are up, click on the link: RaMOANa's NetAid Pics
For Dublin 10/10/99: - Life On Mars, Thursday's Child, Can't Help Thinking About Me, Word On A Wing, China Girl, Repetition, Always Crashing In The Same Car, I Can't Read, Survive, Drive In Saturday, Changes - Encore - The Pretty Things Are Going To Hell, Seven, Rebel Rebel
For Paris 10/14/99: - Life On Mars, Thursdays Child, Something in the Air, Word on A Wing, Can't Help Thinking About Me, China Girl, Always Crashing, Survive, Drive In Saturday, Changes, Seven, Repetition, I Can't Read, Pretty Things Are Going To Hell, Rebel Rebel. HOT! Read
Marcel's Paris page for his write up and pics of Paris!
For Vienna 10/17/99: - Life On Mars, Thursday's Child, Something In The Air, Word on A Wing, Can't Help Thinking About Me, China Girl, Always Crashing, Survive, Drive In Saturday, Changes, If I'm Dreaming My Life (FIRST TIME PERFORMED!), Repetition, I Can't Read, Pretty Things Are Going To Hell, Seven, Rebel Rebel. A small break was taken after I Can't Read and Bowie was chatty the whole time and said, "Oh our little show is nearly over!" Seems like he wanted to perform even more. Pictures of this event are up at Aki's site: Aki's Vienna Pics
For Mark & Lard Show (Radio 1) - 10/25/99: - Survive, Drive In Saturday, Something In The Air (first time performed live), Can't Help Thinking About Me, Repetition. Slated for 3 or 4 songs, Bowie performed 5 and Survive was announced as the next single.
For The WB Radio Music Awards - 10/28/99: - Thursday's Child and Rebel Rebel. See my write up below for more info.
You can still go to: The Vienna Bowie Concert Webcast site and view the concert aired live yesterday (10/17/99) for the next 3 months! Click on the red G2 Haupt Server link at the bottom of the page and push your time arrow, once RealPlayer starts up, to about 12 minutes into the broadcast, for when Bowie starts. It's a much clearer picture and sound quality than when I watched it live yesterday!
My Write Up On TFI Friday and NetAid
Read all about it: TFI and NetAid
Reeves Gabrels Site Is Open
Somehow, when I wasn't looking, Reeves Gabrels' site opened and has all sorts of info and answers to questions by the God of Guitar. Check it out: Reeves Gabrels Official Site - you can sign up for their Guest List and be notified about the upcoming MP3 release album, Ulysses. I'm looking forward to it very much and the site states the new album to be released sometime this month! My wee opinion on Reeves is that he complements Bowie, gives the songs on Hours some necessary edginess and he was well missed at TFI and NetAid (sorry, but the other 2 guitarists don't add up to Reeves!)
More Bowie Favoritism
Doesn't it JUST SUCK!? US fans have been begging for any gig by Bowie in the US (more than likely in NY), and now rumours abound that he is doing a private gig at the Kit Kat Klub in NY on November 17th (he is supposed to do Rosie O'Donnell earlier that day as well). A fan rang up the Kit Kat Klub and was told by some snotty b***h that he would never get tickets, it was a private party and could not give him ANY information. I realize I am blowing my chances of even getting in to such an event by reporting this (AS IF! ha!) but here is what I posted on the BNet Newsgroup: -
Seems a private DB party is happening 11-17 and we are not invited - Kit
Kat Klub, NY
and here we have been begging him for a US gig for the fans! Don't you
think you owe us one on this side of the pond, Mr. B???? And one with more
than 1 week's notice would be nice!
Just aching for a full gig,
Me - I just want the average US Bowie fan to be able to get to see a gig in the US, like the Vienna, Paris, etc. gigs! It seems a wing and a prayer and last minute anxiety is the only way to get to see a gig lately (maybe!)!
Steph's (Electric Blue) FAB Bowie Pics from Radio 1 Show
Steph lucked out BIG TIME and got these pics, some hugs and autographs from Bowie last Monday (10-25) at the Radio 1 Mark & Lard Show (these are the best pics yet!): -
Steph's Mark & Lard Show Pics on Paul Kinder's Site
Iman on Rosie and its a very Bowie tv day!
Iman appeared on the Rosie O'Donnell Show today (10/28) to talk about her new fragrance and the cosmetic line she has (her new fragrance is available in stores now - try JC Penney). It was a humourous bit (again), with Rosie asking about her hair and if David liked it: -
R: - "Iman! and your hair, look at that, only you could get away with that hair, anyone else would look like Bozo the Clown! you look gorgeous in that! (more banter)
...what does David think of it?
I: - He treats it like a pet, he thinks it feels like a pet!
R: - Does he name it? .... Fluffy?
I: - yeh Fifi! *laffs*
(new fragrance banter: - it has nutmeg, ginger, and sandalwood in it)
R: - It smells like Morocco or something
I: - I was in Morocco this summer, the only time
David could take off, so we were there for 2 weeks. We had a really great time, but I wouldn't go shopping with my husband EVER EVER again!
R: - Because?
I: - I found out on this trip, we went to the market, and shopping for you know rugs and stuff like that (R: - oh that big open air market) exactly and he would haggle with everyone, on $2! We would be there the whole day haggling on $2 and I would say, I'll pay, just leave the man alone!
R: - and it's not like David doesn't have any cash!
I: - Oh he is just so bad but he said but you have to haggle, these people expect you to haggle, it's part of the fun. We get back to NY, we're in Soho walking around and you know those street vendors in Soho and he sees something he likes and just goes to the guy and wants to buy from him and he starts haggling! and I say David, it's not Morocco! This could be on, you know, page 6 tomorrow!
R: - Exactly! (headline) Cheap David Bowie Loses It in Soho! exactly...He is a riot, how's he doing, his hair looks so adorable. he's got his long hair, you've got your big hair...
I: -exactly
R: - everything going good?
I: - Everything is fantastic, couldn't be better.
R: - What are you doing for New Years? You going to Bali or whatever it is?
I: - Well I don't know, you know he's scared of flying and hears about the Y2k and the planes don't work and all that so he doesn't want to leave home, yeah, so he's really scared. So what are you doing?
R: - Nothing! I'm going to Miami - wanna come?
I: - Oh I might!
R: - We'll go before and we'll stay through and if anything happens, we'll be there - we'll go on a boat or something!
I: - exactly, exactly
R: - I was at one of your houses - beautiful! You guys have such amazing taste. Remember, we did that movie, Exit to Eden - (looks at audience) horrible film, don't watch it
I: - I don't know why she reminds people of this...but at least we met each other!
R: - and I went to your house and you were the first rich person's house I was at! I remember looking around and going 'people live like this!?' You know you had like REAL paintings - you had the paintings of something that I had the POSTER of - I was like is that the REAL one? Because I have the poster of that! (points to self and yells 'LOSER')
I will put up more after I have time to transcribe.....there's lots more! and hilarious at the end... BOWIE WAS ON JEOPARDY - the category on Double Jeopardy...and of course, DB himself is on The WB Show tonite (8 - 10 pm EST)
Update: WB Radio Awards Show
After receiving the Legend Award from Garth Brooks presenting, Bowie performed Thursday's Child and then closed the show with that fab current rendition of Rebel Rebel! All of the audience stood up when he received the award. They looked a bit dazed, however, during TC, but then even the old farts were groovin' and dancing when he sang Rebel Rebel. Bowie wore a yellow shirt, a crystal velvet jacket that was sort of red and black (red inside the black but shiny all over) and tight black pants...oooh tight they were tucked into his Frankenstein boots. The girls were all dressed to the nines and Gail looked way funky in a gold glitter top hat, sparkly black minidress and thigh high boots! HOT! Bowie's performance was awesome, as usual, and he seemed to really 'get down' singing Rebel Rebel! It was GREAT! The funny part was after the credits and song, the whole thing ended with a blurb that said "and Elvis has left the building".