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Kelley's Space

Hey! Welcome to my attempt at a web page! . This space of mine is still a work in progress, so if you stumble upon it now, well, I'm terribly sorry for it's lack of professionalism! I must first say that I was inspired by my friend Lara , definitely one of the coolest people that I know. Ok, ok, since this is my webpage, I think I'll start out by talking about me. I'm a 24 year old medical student. I'm also a true SEMINOLE at heart! I graduated from FSU in 1997, and I miss it terribly. Since I am a med student, I tend to take as many opportunities as I can to forget about school entirely. Hence, the web page, if I am not the Queen of Procrastination, I am definitely the Princess! Anyways, this page is coming along slowly, but surely. I plan to do lots and lots more, but for now, enjoy what is here and please, please, please sign my guestbook...everyone likes to feel loved!! Oh! if you have the strange urge to e-mail me just click here

Some of My Favorite Things

So This is My Life
The Unknown
Go Seminoles...
Good Music is...
Lyrical Musings
A Day in the Life

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*My Life*The Unknown*Go Seminoles*Pictures*Good Music*Lyrics*A Day*Awards*

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