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"Baka na koto Otoko" or "Male Stupidity"

Welcome to "Baka na koto Otoko" or "Male Stupidity": the home of stupid/annoying/pesty anime males. Presented for you, in no particular order are...

Chiriko from "Fushigi Yuugi"

Very few anime characters can annoy me to the point of this broomhaired little twerp. My whole theory about why he's even IN FY is that Watase Yuu got stuck by saying there were going to seven seishi early in the series. By the time girly boy here was created, there was no need for more characters, so she just used a stock character (commonly known as "the smart short brat") to fill space #7 and then pretty much ignored him for the rest of the series.

Chiriko is the obglitory "younger-than-the-main-character-character" which is often found in anime. He is the last seshi to be found and had someone else masqurading as him for a few eps... Amiboshi, the Seiiryu seishi. Amiboshi did a way better job though. He was not only USEFUL (why can't I kill bats with flute music?), but he was more caring, and WAY cuter!!!

The REAL Chriko has none of the appeal that Amiboshi had. He doesn't even talk much... I feel bad for his voice actress. The only time he ever says much is when he's trying to kill himself... and he can't even do THAT well! For a highly learned student, he seems to have to have no grasp of human anatomy. It takes him THREE (count 'em THREE!!) stabs to hit a major organ... unless there's an organ in the middle of the ARM that no one ever bothered to tell me about! And then he takes WAY to long to die as well... the least he could have done was put us out of our misery quickly!

Chiriko's only redeeming factors are :

1)A nifty death song

2)He DOESN'T SURVIVE !!! (to bad he couldn't have died earlier in the series though)

In short, Chiriko is a filler character who should be duct taped to a hydro pole and have slurpees and stupid plastic tops whipped at him.

Mitsukake from "Fushigi Yuugi"

Same theory as with Chiriko, this guy's a filler character if I ever saw one! He actually had a cool entrance with a sad story about a healer who couldn't save the woman he loved. He also looked like a furry bush man at the time too. I think things started going downhill once he gave himself a haircut and started wearing those Eighties-Rocker headbands. Didn't anyone tell him the brillo pad look was NEVER in style?! And somehow this reject gets to own Tama-Chan, the Charades playing cat? Why?! He's not worthy!

Throughout the series he barely says anything, leaving me to once again pity a voice actor who probably didn't get paid much due to a lack of lines. He plods along for a the rest of the series doing next to nothing and then has the series' second most pointless death (anyone who knows me knows what I think the most useless and uncalled for death of the series was... ep 32 should solve the mystery for you). After being beaten to a pulp (cheer) by Kotou forces, he retreats to the sidelines to act as doctor then decided to abandon all the sufferers and give his lifeforce to save ONE child... all because the kid has the same name as his little dead g-friend. I don't know about you, but I thought this was one of the most selfish acts I've seen in a LONG time. All these people are depending on you to help them get well, but no, you have to give you chi to a midget because it's named "Shoka"! I think Mitsukake should have gotten his priorities straight.

Mitsukake is ALSO hated because he makes Chichiri, one of my most beloved anime men, cry because of his stupid selfish death. Urusenai! I won't forgive you for putting tears on the face of my fox-san!!!


1)Duct tape him to the same pole as Chiriko

2)Gag them BOTH with catnip

3)Show Ashitare his new "scratching post"

4)Give Tama-Chan to Chichiri !

Gendo Ikari from "Evangelion"

Yes, it's the king of abusive fathers himself, the people-using Gendo. While all the others mentioned here just annoy me, this guy can drive me and other Eva fans to a murderous rage.

He starts off a just a chump, somehow gets a nice SMART girl to marry him, and then becomes a supreme ass when his little woman bites the big one. Granted, the death of a loved one is never an easy thing to deal with, but that doesn't excuse Gendo from all the horrible things Gendo does, mainly to his passive son Shinji.

He deserts his ONLY son after his wife dies and only calls for him YEARS later ... and only because the boy can pilot an Eva. He doesn't take care of Shinji after he becomes a pilot and leaves him in the care of a (allbeher sweet) stranger. He rarely approves of anything his son does and constantly drives Shinji to depression. Of course, YOU'D be depressed if YOUR dad caused the Eva you were piloting to be out of your control and having a good time crushing your best friend!

But Gendo's abuse doesn't stop with his son. Like most bastards, he has to spread his vileness around to nearly everyone he comes in contact with. He managed to screw with TWO generations in the Akagi family (actually, you can pull the "with" out of this sentence and it's still true). His actions have killed countless innocents to be killed. And although it was never stated, he's probably the one who isolated the 15 year old autistic Misato for years after she was rescued. It takes a bastard like him to do that sort of thing.

Also high on the creepy factor is Gendo's attachment to Rei, pilot of the Eva 00 and also a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD!!! Oh yeah, I forgot... she's ALSO a clone of his (technically) deceased wife Yui. Damn, this guy's a freak.


1)Play a tape of how Gendo has treated Shinji-Kun for the past 15 years for the Eva 01

2)Lock Gendo in a room with the 01

3)Let the enraged Yui take care of the rest

Kei from "Marmalade Boy""

You know, I actually felt bad for this guy for awhile... that was until he tried to break Miki and Yuu up with nasty lies... that just ticked me off royal.

If you didn't know, this Kei guy worked with Miki at 'Bobson's Ice Cream' (yeah, I think the store's name is stupid too) and is a sophmore at the time he first appears in the story... at least he WOULD be if the little juvinile delinquent hadn't quit school! He falls for Miki quickly (don't ask me WHY... I never understood Miki's power over men... I mean, she's sweet and all, but STILL...), but she's dating Yuu at the time. He deals with his love having a boyfriend well for a couple eps, but then decides to become a hyperbitch and try and break them up. He also has a really nasty time accepting that Miki doesn't want him. I can't even COUNT how many inappropriate (and unwanted might I add) things he's done to the poor girl.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, he's a klepto. He stole the medallion Yuu gave Miki. He KNEW it belonged to her and yet, when it fell out of her pocket, he not only didn't give it back to her, but he held onto it for weeks and THEN used it in his master plan "breakup-prettyboy-and-Miki" to try and convince Yuu Miki didn't love him anymore.

I've read that the piano-playing creep actually gets more mature as the series progresses. You know, that wouldn't take much since I've met five year olds with a better moral sense than angsty boy here. Wah wah wah Kei, cry me a river, STILL won't make me forgive you for being a jerk!


1) Strip to underwear

2) Tie up with duct tape

3) Cover in Tiger Tail ice cream (the most vile flavour of all time!)

4) Lock him in the 'Bobson's' ice cream fridge with only more Tiger Tail to eat!

Wufei from "Gundam Wing"

Aw... it's little receeding hairline boy (smirk). Gundam Wing has a high bishonen content... but Wu Fei is definitly NOT part of that! I've hated this irate loser from the first moment I saw him. Not only does he dress badly (could those pants BE any higher??!), but that hair...!!!! How many 15 year olds do YOU know with male pattern baldness?!

And what is with this guy's personality?? Every Gundam pilot has some mental problem... I think it's a prerequsite for the job or something, but none of them are as bad as baldy here. Heero and Duo are actually rather attractive in their psycoticness... Quatre may be slightly nauseating due to the "niceness" factor... even Trowa is occasionally bearable (mostly due to his circus buddy Katherine)... but Wu Fei is ALWAY annoying. I guess I should give him one thing... he's at least consistant. He needs a serious personality transplant... and quick.

There's so many instances of Wu Fei idiocy, but I think I'll site his behaviours in the OVAs (Endless Waltz) as the worst. Not only is he his usual emotionally fridged self... but he also sides with the midget leader of the "evil guys" (she's all of, what, seven or something) and dresses like a little Nazi. Oh yeah, and he tries to beat the crap out of Heero (like hell he'd ever be able to do THAT!) while reciting steriotypical blither like "Are you right?!". It actually makes me sick! The least he could do is say something original!

Basic gist... this guy's got a phenominal attidude problem and carries him self like he's God... he wrecks G-Wing for fans like me and is therefore A SUPREME ANNOYANCE!!!


1)Duct tape him to a chair and Krazy glue his eyes open WIDE

2)Stick chair in front of a TV with VCR

3)Make him watch the TV 24/7 alternating tapes of his constant blithering on and Teletubbies

I figure this should either kill him within a week, or at least cause him to become a first grade nutter and we can lock him up real good! (evil grin)

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