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Rosa's Album

These are some pages out of a young woman's diary. Her name is Rosa Perkins and this diary was given to her on the 18th of June, 1827. This amazing diary was found in a trash can in the town of Spy in Belgium by my father's cousin, who gave it to me as a gift. This diary is truly a wonder to behold and a treasure to possess. It contains locks of hair, pressed flowers and butterflies, poems, newspaper clippings, tickets to balls and all sorts of incredible things that take me to another world.
Since every page in this diary is fascinating and I cannot scan and place them all on my webpage at the same time, I will regularly update and change the pictures. In the meanwhile, I hope that you enjoy looking into this young woman's life and find it as thrilling as I do. Because the handwriting is difficult to decipher and the entries are written in several different languages, all that I have been able to conclude from this is that Rosa was the daughter of a British aristocrat or diplomat posted in Belgium during the late 1820s. I will, however, try to translate and describe each page displayed as much as I can.

This is the first page of the diary. I think it is written in German. It was given to her on June 18, 1827 by someone with the initials "J.F.H."

Here is a sillhouette portrait of one of a friend or relative by the name of Emily.

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