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Meet Ms. Françoise Labrique

Meet Ms. Françoise Labrique


Françoise (pronounced Froh-swaz) Prithi Labrique was born in Dhaka,
Bangladesh on April 19, 1977. She is officially Belgian, but is also half Indian and kind of
Bangladeshi too. Her parents are Benoit and Patricia Labrique and
she has an older brother named Alain Labrique

She graduated from the American International School/Dhaka in 1995
and is now an undergraduate student at Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio.
Françoise is a History major and Women's Studies and Economics minor.

She is passionate about women's issues!(Visit her feminist page!)
Although she has no idea what she wants to do when she "grows up"
one thing she does know is that she is going to be with her sweetheart John forever.
See some pictures of my
Learn about Van Morisson, my favorite singer.
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