
Just to ease everyone's mind...

I. The characters featured in this site are copyrighted as follows:

Ratigan from The Great Mouse Detective is © 1964 by the Estates of Eve Titus
and Paul Galdone, as well as © 1986 by The Walt Disney Co. and Silver Screen
Partners II. All other characters from the works of Titus & Galdone and from the
film are also featured with respect to the above copyrights.

Negaduck from Darkwing Duck is © 1991 by The Walt Disney Co., as are all
DWD characters proper.

All fanfic / pastiche / fanart works and their characters are the sole copyright of
their creators.
They may only be used with written permission of the authors and
artists. All other works, including intros, etc. featured on this site are
my sole
unless indicated otherwise. You may not copy or use them in any manner
without my
written permission. This is simply all a matter of courtesy.

II. As of this writing, I don't work for Disney or any of its affilliates (sad, but true).
I know some people who work at its theme parks, but I've no business dealings with
them in any way that I know of.

III. All and any images shown on this site are with respect to their original owners
and in accordance with the "fair use" law of copyright, since this site is non-profit. *

They will, however, be removed if so requested by their copyright owners.

*'Non-profit' means that this site is not for commercial purposes. Donations may or
may not be requested for the site's upkeep, however.

IV. The font used for most of this site is Comic Sans MS. Any other fonts used here
are Arial, Times New Roman and possibly MS Sans Serif. Background graphics are
appropriately credited whenever and wherever possible.

V. You can link this site to your own if you want to. So far, I don't have a banner
for it. I hope to make one; or if someone else would like the job, I'll gladly credit
your work. Otherwise, the site can be linked with its simple URL, under the name
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and as follows:



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