Entitled "Under the Moons of Mars", A PRINCESS OF MARS was first published in All-Story magazine in 1912. The same year, TARZAN OF THE APES appeared in the same magazine. Under the copyright laws of the United States, both stories are now in the Public Domain.
This book takes a look at the copyrights and ownerships of the fictional stories of Edgar Rice Burroughs and presents detailed information as to whether each story is still protected by copyright or if it is in the Public Domain, as well as determining who owns the copyright, if it is still protected.
Written by Jerry L. Schneider, the noted author of EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS AND THE SILVER SCREEN and LORD OF THE JUNGLE FILMING LOCATIONS OF CALIFORNIA, as well as many other books on film locations, and who is also the owner and publisher of ERBville Press, Pulpville Press, and other imprints which reprint public domain works of authors, including Burroughs.
6 x 9 inch
134 pages
ISBN 978-1987073294
6 x 9 inch
134 pages
ISBN 978-1987070514
THE MOON MEN and THE RED HAWK: A Comparison of the Argosy All-Story Weekly Magazine Text versus the A.C. McClurg First Edition Text by Jerry L. Schneider
"The Moon Men", the second story in a trilogy, first appeared, as a serial in the Argosy All-Story Weekly pulp magazine in 1925. "The Red Hawk", the final story in the trilogy, was also published as a serial in the same pulp magazine, also in 1925. In 1926, the first hardcover edition was published by A. C. McClurg and Company. It contained all three parts of the trilogy ("The Moon Maid" was the first story in the book). In order to combine a full-length novel and two short novels into one book, the text for "The Moon Men" was reduced by over 11,600 words, and the text for "The Red Hawk" was reduced by almost 3,500 words.
This book compares the magazine texts, side-by-side, with the first edition book texts for scholars and laymen to see the alterations the author performed on the text.
8.25 x 10.75 inch
204 pages
8.5 x 11 inch
204 pages
ISBN 978-1987071818
TARZAN OF THE APES: A Comparison Between the A.C. McClurg First Edition Text versus the Ballantine Books/Gutenberg Text by Jerry L. Schneider
"Tarzan of the Apes" first appeared, complete, in the October 1912 issue of The All-Story pulp magazine. In June 1914, the first hardcover edition was published by A. C. McClurg and Company. Between these two appearances of the story, the author, Edgar Rice Burroughs, modified the original magazine text because of an error in it (he included tigers in Africa!). While fixing this error, he polished/rewrote portions of the story, finishing with an additional 2,000 words of text.
In July 1963, Ballantine Books published the story in paperback. In their fourth printing in August 1966, they began editing and abridging the text. In the fifth printing in April 1969, they censored the text. In August 1993, Gutenberg.org uploaded an electronic text based on this fifth printing--the censored, edited, and abridged version.
This book compares the two texts, First Edition and Gutenberg, side-by-side, for scholars and laymen to see the alterations the editors at Ballantine Books performed on the text.
8.5 x 11 inch
234 pages
ISBN 978-1987073355
8.5 x 11 inch
234 pages
ISBN 978-1987073096
TARZAN OF THE APES: A Comparison of the All-Story Magazine Text versus the A.C. McClurg First Edition Text by Jerry L. Schneider
"Tarzan of the Apes" first appeared, complete, in the October 1912 issue of The All-Story pulp magazine. In June 1914, the first hardcover edition was published by A. C. McClurg and Company. Between these two appearances of the story, the author, Edgar Rice Burroughs, modified the original magazine text because of an error in it (he included tigers in Africa!). While fixing this error, he polished/rewrote portions of the story, finishing with an additional 2,000 words of text. This book compares the two texts, side-by-side, for scholars and laymen to see the alterations the author performed on the text.
8.5 x 11 inch
234 pages
ISBN 978-1987073379
8.5 x 11 inch
234 pages
ISBN 978-1987073089
TARZAN THE CENSORED by Jerry L. Schneider
In Edgar Rice Burroughs: Master of Adventure by Richard A. Lupoff, the author stated that the Ballantine Books' versions of the Tarzan series were edited (evidently for political correctness), not the "all complete and unabridged" as Ballantine stated on the paperbacks. So, armed with the earliest hardcover editions that I owned in my collection (McClurg, A. L. Burt, Grosset & Dunlap, Burroughs Inc., and Canaveral Press) and post 1969 Ballantine editions, I scanned through them for discrepancies and changes. There were changes from the early hardcovers that I found in some of the paperbacks.
Some of the books in the Tarzan series were edited for "political correctness" with regards to ethnicity dialects and derogatory terms. Hard to read dialects (or hard to typeset) were changed to an easier form (i.e. hit's changed to it's, heat to eat, and hour to our), while extremely derogatory terms such as Jew (see Tarzan and the Golden Lion) and nigger were altered or eliminated (not for the betterment of the story as the alteration in the words has lessened the impact the originals imparted to the reader--the level of anger toward the character who spoke the words has been lessened). The term "black" remained in place in some books but removed from others--no rhyme or reason to the changes. Esmeralda's original dialect in Tarzan of the Apes remained in place through 1969, then edited downward to an easier and friendlier version.
Because of these changes, an in-depth look at the various editions of Tarzan of the Apes is shown, while the other books in the Tarzan series are only compared by using an early hardcover version and the first version that was edited, usually the Ballantine edition.
8.5 x 11 inch
14 pages