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Eric Tan's collection of poker-size playing cards



This page shows the back designs of one of my rainbow decks. This deck is printed by Carta Mundi.

Each thumbnail below shows the designs of 9 cards. The design of every card in the whole deck

(52 cards + 2 jokers) is different. The designs are also very bright, colourful and beautiful. Some cards are

intentionally paired in a certain manner, for instant, one card has the back design of an hourglass, which is paired

with another card having the design of an alarm clock.


(I have a few more rainbow decks, some of which are made in India. They are bridge sized and pretty low in quality.

Another of my rainbow deck, made by Randy Wakeman, is pretty cool.)









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Page 2 of my collection of playing cards : Click this to view  more collection of poker size cards. Unfortunately, I only have

single cards and not the full decks for these cards. You can also view some cards with very interesting faces.





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