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Welcome to the House of the Elves

Mae Govannen (Welcome), my name is Elvin___Princess. I will be your guide for your stay with the elves. You are welcome to wander as you please but do not stray, for many secrets lie within these walls.

Since the moment you entered this place you have made a vow to never reviel its secrets to any outsider! (i.e: giving the password to the house out to someone from the guild who is NOT part of our house) For you are now a part of the house of the elves of ***The Lord of the Rings*** guild!

I`m sorry.... I can`t go on like this! I`ll cut to the chase! I am the house leader or president or whatever you want to call me of this house. There will be 4 other guild houses and in this house I will have a second in command. My second in command is tari_luinwe. She will be in charge when I am away. After that I will have 3 prefects who will monitor the house and message board, report any insidents to me or my second in command, and will help me decide on and run upcoming events for the house.

The ranks will be as follows:

1. Legolas: That is me. Sorry to all you legolas fans out there who desperately wanted to be him.

I have just picked my second in command:

2. Arwen: This is tari_luinwe! Congradulations to her!

There will then be 3 positions open for the Prefects (all Prefects will have the same authority.)

I have picked 2 of the prefects! Contgradulations to:

Prefect #1: ElvinPrincessArwen!


Prefect #2: lotrfreak4eva

The remaining position open is:

Prefect #3

All aplications must be sent to Elvin___princess with:

-your name
-reasons why you should be a prefect

The names of the choosen applicants will then be posted here.

If you have any questions or are wondering what is coming up in the future just go to the Updates/How to Page. It should explain all you need to know. Plus it has the info you`ll need to know on the Battle for Middle Earth and tell you how to win The One Ring for our house and become the Champions of Middle Earth! (We`re gonna win!!!)

Make sure you go there first before going to the Message Board or else you`ll just get really confused! Been there! Done that! Lol!)

To explore all parts of our house and to get there fast, just click on the directory for a link to all our pages.


May this place be a light, when all other lights go out.

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