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Season 2 Episode 10 "Sins Of The Father"
Written by Robert Rand & Greg D'Angelo,
Idea by Robert Rand,
Edited by Greg D'Angelo

A voice says previously on Brimstone, it shows the following clips.

1- From Repentance, Zeke telling Benidict "I don't wanna do it, not this time".

2- From Faces, Brian says "I don't get it." "I'm sorry" replies Zeke. I was raised by a father who knocked me around pretty good too."

3- From Faces, The Devil says "you're wondering what your life would have been like if your father hadn't been such a brutal bastard, or maybe what Brian's life would have been like if he'd had a father like you."

4- From Poison, Zeke says to Barbera"I'm sorry, you deserve better than this."

5- From Faces, Thirston Bristle tells Zeke "I made alot of mistakes with my own son, I try to make up for it now, with his daughter." "Well at least you get a second chance." "In a way, but you can't spend your life trying to fill that empty space where your fathers love should have been, you've got to move on."

6- From Faces, Brian shoots Vic in the eyes, Vic & Tammy get sucked back to hell. Zeke reaches for Brian, but he is pulled back to hell too.

Scene 1: Zeke is walking down the street, he sees some boys playing catch with a basketball. -He Flashes back to his childhood watching a bunch of kids play softball, jealously looking with a sad facial expression.- He snaps out of his flashback just in time to see the ball rolling into the street, and a boy chassing after it. Zeke sees a car speeding down the street. with lightning speed Zeke runs over & pulls the boy boy out of the way of the car.

Scene 2: A couple is walking down the street, having an arguement. The man says "when I come home I want dinner!" "I told you & i'll tell you again Katey had dance rehersal, you knew we were coming home late!" "I don't care why, all I know is that i'm hungry & there's no food, you could ahve ordered something!" "Oh my god, wait! Where's Katey?" gasps the woman.

*White flash*

A tall dark haired man walks down the street. He has his arms crossed & his head lowered. He is sad, but is very aware of his suroundings. He sees a little girl crossing the street, & a car wobbeling down the street towards her. He is to far to do anything, but as the car is about to hit her, she is elevated safely to his side. She falls to the ground crying. He knells down & puts a hand on her shoulder & says "dont worry, it's ok, you're safe now." His eyes flash.

Intro/Opening credits

Scene 3: The Devil walks into a diner, the maitredi asks him "table for one" "No, i'm expecting a co-worker" replies The Devil. Zeke is scene walking up the stairs. "And here he is now!' Zeke goes to open the door, but it won't budge. The Devil snickers The maitredi tries to let him in & it still won't open. "Here, let me try" says the Devil, he walks over to the door & opens it. The maitredi is astonished.Zeke gives a dirty look & says "thanks." "My apologies sir, shall I show you gentlemen a table?" They are seated. A waiter comes & offers them menus. "I'll have a cheese burgar" says The Devil, & with a grin he adds "medium well,... don't worry Ezekiel order what you like, it's on me!" "So this isn't coming out of my future salary?" asks Zeke. Satan laughs & replies "no", "i'll have the fries,... & a cup of coffee" states Zeke.

*White flash*

They are talking. "So, find any damned souls lately" asks The Devil. Zeke smiles & replies "like you don't know!" The waiter brings there food. The Devil says "if I were you, i'd get out there & looking for my souls!' "But I thought you wanted to have lunch with me" Zeke sacasticly replies. "Not when so many damned souls are near by." He stops & takes a bite of his burgar, he makes a disgusted facial expression, & spits it out. "Besides it seems I need to show the cook how to cook, just remeber Zeke I like my medium cooked well!" "Huh" states Zeke. "This is going to be so fun" states The Fallen Angel. as he disapears

*White flash*

Stone steps away from the counter of the diner. There are many business men and women walking by. He looks down at the reciept. "Three dollars for a cup of coffee?" Zeke groans "You should see what people are paying for bottled water these days" says the Devil. Stone looks at him "Whatever happened to tap water?" he asks, grimacing. "People seem to love mediacracy & high finance. Why, I think they've just opened up a new Starbucks down in Hell." "You're joking." The Devil grins at him. How come I never saw any when I was down there?" "Do murderers get served coffee in a human prison?" "No." "I rest my case!""But none of the prisoners do" exclaims Zeke. "Oh don't take it personally, you big sap, it's a new thing,... came in as you went out." "Figures" replies Zeke. Any way Mr. Stone, have you been to the top of this building? There is a lovely view, and it's the farthest from Hell that you can get." "Is that a clue?" Asks Zeke, But the Devil has disappeared.

Scene 4: Ezekiel Stone walks down a hallway in an office building. He joins a group of people standing waiting for the elevator. The six people get on & the elevator goes up. suddenly there is a clattering sound, & the elevator stops. The lights go out, & in the first moment of darkness, Stone happens to see hellfire in someones eyes. Let me outa woman screams in the darkenss. She lunges to the door , & knocks over the person in front of her. It causes a domino effect, & stone is pulled to the floor with everyone else. They scramble around, & the woman is still sreaming "let me out" & beating against the selaed elevator door. The emegency lights come on, & Stone gets to his feet & pulls the woman away from the door. "calm down" he tells her, pushing her gently against the wall. She hits him but is no match for his strength "it's going to be ok" he says soothingly. The four other people stand back up too. A bussiness man opens the panel for the emergency phone, but there is nothing there. "Great" he says. Stone asks the panicked woman her name. "Naomi, I'm sorry, I just freaked out when the lights went out. Is everyone ok?" Everyone nods. A nicely dressed bussiness woman is brushing off the dust that got on her clothes in the fall, but she appears fine. "Does anyone have any ideas" she asks. "What about opening the doors" the janitor suggests. His name reads FOX, but stone has no idea if that is a first or last name. Might as well try says a man who is dressed casually, suggesting he doesn't work here, but is visiting. The group splits up. They all press there hands on the door, & try to force it. All except Stone, who is secretly blocking there efforts. He carefully watches the hands of the others, hoping for a wisp of smoke or another hint to tell him which of his fellow passengers is a damned soul. But nothing is revealed. The bussiness woman quits first, panting. "I think it's imposible" she says. The others also stop. Stone looks at the door hoping to see a hand print burned into it, but again there is nothing. He begins to wonder if he was mistaken about the hellfire. He looks at the man carefully, he is wearing glasses. Stone thinks he had been looking at him & the hellfire was probably a reflection of elevator numbers distorted in his glasses. "Lets try again" he says, The men agree. Stone uses his strength this time, & the six passengers tug the doors open enough to allow someone through. The emegency lights flicker again, & FOX exits the elevator 1st. The elevator is between floor sohe waits to help the others. The women & the bussiness man follows. The man signals for Zeke to go, but he shakes his head in refusal So the man exits. Stone is left there in the flickering lights, & he sees something he missed before, on the opposite side of the tiny room, a hand print is burned into the handrail. He jumps down to join everyone satnding there in front of the door to the stairs. "I don't understand, why is this locked" the bussiness man says. "It shouldn't be" replies FOX who then jiggles the handle. "Ok people, can we look for a phone or something" Says a woman taking control "my sons play starts in 20 minutes & I don't want to be late. They split up. Stone looks around & finds a supply closet, he looks around, there are boxes of tape, thumbtacks, & staples, there is also a cartridge pen on a shelf. "Hey," FOX yells from around the corner. "There's something wrong with Dennis. Stone comes over, & everyone is around the bussiness man, Naomi is doing CPR. "What happened" asks Zeke. "He was just laying on the floor,... We need to find a phone, even if we break a door down" replies FOX. "Lets go"says the man, he & FOX go to look. Stone looks at the woman "Can you help them, tell 911 where we are?" She runs after the men. He turns to Naomi, "can I help" "Yes he needs air!" Zeke leans over & tries to blow in his mouth. Naomi hits him. "You've got your finger in his eye, what the hell are you doing. "Opps, sorry, I'm Zeke." He extends his hand, & she quickly shakes it. "Will you go find out if an ambulance is on it's way, he needs it real soon." Stone gets up & leaves" The woman is on the phone, "yes that's correct, please hurry." She hangs up & looks at the men, "they're on their way to recue us. Stone comes into the room. He looks at the broken door, which has a broken deadbolt hanging loosly from it, there is a faint footprint on the door next to the lock, from a wide shoe. "Did it work?" "Yes they are on there way." Zeke smiles & looks at there shoes, FOX has a pair of large sneakers, the man has narrow dress shoes the woman is wearing high heels. "Nice job with the door, who kicked it in?" "It was a team effort" says the man. "We haven't been introduced yet, I'm Zeke" "I'm gilbert" he says. They shake hands. "I'm FOX" the janitor says, taking his turn to shake Zeke's hand. stone looks puzzled as if he expected a reaction & did not get it. The woman turns "Hi, I'm Maria" holding the reciever in one hand, dialing with the other. "I have to call my husband, & let him know I'm going to be late." "We should check on the others" suggests FOX. Gilbert nods, & the 3 men go out into the hallway. After a few steps Zeke stops. "Hey, i forgot something. I'll be right there." He turns around & goes back to the office where Maria is on the phone. He steps in & draws his gun. I hope you said, you were going to be very late" "Wh, What are you doing?" Stone holds up his right hand, on his palm, a thumbtack is taped there, slightly digging into his skin. "You know the rules, only we can inflict pain on each other. I've tested everyone but you, & I know one of you left a hand print in the elevator." "What are you talking about?" "You've got to go back!" "Wait, please don't kill me I've got money, & credit cards, please, take them." Maria say scrambling in her purse. Stone stops unsure, he puts the gun down. "I had you mistaken for someone else, I'm sorry, I'm not going to hurt you." "No?" Then let me hurt you," she says, looking up at him. Her eyes flash hellfire as she shoves the desk foward. She pushes it all the way to the wall, pinning Stone there with his arms down. "I'm not going back" she says. She kicks with her right foot, up at his eyes. Stone dodges, & the heel of her shoe leaves a deep puncture in the wall. He sees her next kick coming, he pulls an arm free & catches her foot & twists her ankle. She falls & screams. He has ended up holding her shoe, & before she has time to react he plunges it into her eyes. He looks at her bare foot as it disapears. FOX comes back into the room. Hey, the elevator's working, let's go down. He looks around, "uh, where is Maria?" "Maria,... she took the express elevator down."

Scene 5: The tall man & Katey are sitting down on a bed. "So you ran away" he says, "yes." "Why did you do that?" "Cause they always argue, don't listen to me." "I see, well parents argue, I made alot of mistakes with my own children too, I'm thristy" he says as he gets up & walks across his room to a refrigerator. "Do you want some water?" "Yes" He pours 2 glasses of water. "You look hungry, you want some food?" The camera shows an empty fridge. "Hmmm, seems I need to do some shoping," "I'm so tired, can I take a nap?" "Sure, lay down" he replies smilling, & he watches as she stretches her body across his bed.

Scene 6: Zeke is in a store looking at the potato chip & doritos, "what the hell I'll take both." If you're going to get chips do get some dip." Then turns to The Devil, then walks away, not in the mood for his antics. Satan catches up & says "hey we could have a party,.. celibrate your hard work." "On $36.27", that's a laugh." "I see your point." replies The Devil as he grabs a container of dip. "I don't want it" says a stern Zeke. "Indulge Ezekiel, it's on me." "Do you even have any money?" "Please, I'm The Devil, I don't need money" An elderly lady over hears & turns her head. They walk to the cash regester. The Devil says "watch this," a credit card apears in his hand. "What bank made a deal with you?" "A debit card the new way of doing things." The cashier rings there things up. The Devil swipes his card, & Zeke watches as he enters the pin number, 666. The items are baged & they exit the store. The Devil disapears & Zeke sees his debit card fall to the ground. He knells & picks it up, and looks at it. It shows an angel with a broken halow, then the card melts. His face shows it hurts, but he has no time to for that. A man drops a bunch of groceries, Zeke looks he sees juice boxes, little boxes of cerial, little snack bags, & some toys. For some reason it oesn't seem right to Zeke. The man has gathered his things & then Stone sees his face. It is the tall man from earlier. "No,... this can't be" says Stone, thrown out of character.

Scene 7: Zeke is following the man through a park he sees a family barbequing. A boy runs to his father & says " Dad, look what I found," as he holds out a bug. "Cool" says the father "can you get me the hamburger buns? And don't gross your sister with that bug, it's her birthday!"

-Zeke Stone flashes back to his childhood. He is about 13, and he is in his backyard with his family. A banner reads 'Happy 8th Birthday Kelly.' Mr. Stone is drinking as he cooks the hamburgers. Zeke gives his sister a present, "Happy Birthday." She rips it open, it is a Barbie Doll. That night, Zeke hears his sister whimper in her room. He goes in and finds his father there sitting on her bed. "Leave her alone," he orders. Mr. Stone is visibly drunk. "Get out of here," he says, and knocks Zeke to the floor. Zeke finds his mother in the living room, kneeling. His nose is bloody. "Pray with me," she says, and he kneels next to her. Zeke looks confussed, & he does not shut his eyes.-

(if video was shown, you would see that Zeke's dad is the tall dark haired man)

Scene 8: The man is back home unpacking the bags. Katey wakes up, & he asks "did you sleep well?" "Yes" she shyly replies. "Here" he says, "I got this for you," he says handing her some toys. "thank you" "And there is some food & stuff to drink on the table. "Um Peter" "Yes Katey?" "Why are you being so nice to me." "Cause I miss my own kids." "Where are they?" "They're all grown up now, I didn't..." He is interupted by a knock at the door. He opens it & sees Zeke Stone standing there. "Can I help you sir." asks peter. Zeke just stands there silent wondering what to say. "Are you lost?" asks Peter. "Oh cut the caring crap out Dad, & hand over the girl, & I'll consider not sending you back" says Zeke pulling out a gun. Peter backs away from him, "please don't shoot." Zeke glances & sees the girl nearby playing with a toy. As he looks back he sees peter jump through a wall. He puts his gun away, & aproches the girl. "Hi" he says "What's your name?" "I'm not supposed to talk to strangers." "Do you know Peter?" "No." "Well he's a stranger, right?" "Yes,... but he saved me from a car, he wouldn't hurt me." "Well I wouldn't ether, I'm a cop, Peter asked me to take you home."

Scene 9: Katey's parents are sitting on a sofa, when the door bell rings. They hurry to answer it. Katey is there, they hug her.

*White Flash*

Zeke walks up to a house, & he rings the bell. An elderly man opens the door. "Can I help you?" "Yes I'm Detective Stone. If you don't mind, I have a few questions," says Zeke as he shows his badge. "What's this about?" "Your tenant, do you know anything about him." "No, he wasn't a big conversationalist, did he do something,... other then tear a hole in my wall that is!" Zeke hesitates, "He wanted in questioning, that's all." "I'm sorry officer, I haven't seen him for a while, he better come back & fix my wall." "Do you have a past address?" "Yes, hold on I'll get it." The man walks inside. A short while later, he comes back out with a piece of paper. He hands it to Zeke & says "Here." "Thanks, have a good day sir." "Yeah, you too," replies the man. Zeke looks at the paper, it says: 155 State Street. Zeke has shocked look on his face.

Scene 10: It is night, Zeke aproaches the house. He looks around, the house seems deserted. He goes over to the door, & knocks. No one answer. He turns the knob, & opens it. He enters, & Searches, the place is empty, & has cobwebs about. "I know where you are" mumbles Zeke to himself.

-Zeke Flashes back to his childhood. One night his sister Kelly had come to him in his room, crying. He had held her, neither of them spoke. When her tears had dried, and she had drifted off to sleep, Zeke crept from the room. In his father's top drawer, buried under socks and underwear, was his gun. Zeke removed it, feeling the heft in his hand. He cradled it in two hands, and slunk from the room. His father was in the garage, smoking a cigarette as he worked on repairing a blender. Zeke stood in the doorway, taking deep calming breaths as he raised the weapon. Peter, his father, looked up, "What do you think you're doing, boy?" "I told you to leave her alone," Zeke said, standing his ground. Peter put his cigarette out, calmly smashing it into an overflowing ashtray. "I'm going to count to three; then I'm going to come over there. So put it down,... and get the hell out of here." Zeke shifted his weight, but did nothing. "One," Peter said. "I won't let you hurt her anymore," Zeke told him. "Two," Peter said. "Don't come any closer," Zeke said. "Three," Peter told him, stepping forward. He reached towards his son. Zeke pulled the trigger.-

*white Flash*

Zeke walks into the garage, with gun in hand. He sees nothing, but out of the darkness a voice calls; "welcome home son." "It seems I should welcome you back too,... back from hell." What do you mean?" "Sad to say, I was in hell just like you. And now we're back, but one of us...." "Has to go back? You that hell cop aren't you?" says Peter finishing Zeke's sentence "Yes, & that means you." "Don't fight me my son." "Last time we were here I told you if you ever hurt her again, I'd kill you, & now your back hurting more girls." "No, she was lost, I didn't touch her, I know it's hard to believe me son, but it's true." "Never the less, it is kidnapping, you should have taken her home, or to the authorities," Demands Zeke. "How do you know that?" "Because before I did I was a cop!" States Zeke pulling out his badge. "That's a hard job,... I'm proud of you son. ." "Stop playing the loving father & go back to hell. just like I will you." "Nooo" shouts Peter as he charges at Zeke. Zeke shoots but misses, & Peter tackles him. They fall to the floor, & have a large brawl around the small room they have. The fight leads out side to the street where there is an old car, Zeke throws his father through a car door's window. Zeke is about to shoot the eyes, but a trash can hits him in the head, he falls & his gun fall. Zeke looks thinking someone is there, but there isn't. "I learnt a few tricks while I was in hell" Says Peter, levitating Zeke's gun into his hand. "What did you learn, other than kissing The Devil's ass?" "I learnt,... that gun is mine, & I have control over it!" The gun pulls itself out of Peter's hand & flies over to Zeke's hand. He pulls the trigger & shoots Peter's right eye. Mr. Stone sceams no, as his soul begins to leak out. Zeke Stone fires another shot, but Peter quickly jumps over a fence & is gone. "Damn it" mumbles Zeke, as he starts walking away. He gets past the drive way & sees Thirston Bristle standing there. "Well hi Ezekiel."

Scene 11: Like a bloodhound on a scent, Zeke tracks his father, following the trail that the leaking soul has left behind. As he runs, he flashes back to his past.

*White Flash*

-Zeke remembers holding the gun on his father in the garage. "Two," Peter said. "Don't come any closer," Zeke said. "Three," Peter told him, stepping forward. He reached toward his son. Zeke pulled the trigger. There was a dry click, like a twig snapping. Peter's head jerked up like a startled deer at the sound. "You were going to shoot me?" Young Zeke pulls the trigger again. Peter snatches the gun away and slams it to the workbench. Zeke tries to run, but Peter grabs him. "You like to pray? Better pray I don't kill you, like you just tried to do to me." He throws Zeke to the concrete floor, and begins to punch and kick him. After a while, Young Zeke is alone in the garage. His face is bruised, and his nose is bleeding onto the floor. His mother comes, and begins to clean the blood away. "I prayed, Mom, I prayed to God. Why doesn't he answer?" "God works in mysterious ways," she tells him. "But you think god heard me?" "Of course, He sees and hears everything." "How can he watch what Dad does and just ignore it? How can you worship a god like that? I'll never ask him for anything again." "God has a plan. I'll pray for you to understand it." Young Zeke gently pushes her hand away, and looks straight in her eyes. "Why do you think god will answer your prayers when he ignores mine?"-

*White Flash*

Stone comes to a bridge. He senses that Peter is hiding underneath it. He goes down and looks. The only light comes from Peter's escaping soul. His fingers are pressed to the wound, but the light leaks through. "Heal, dammit, heal." Zeke tucks his gun away. "I prayed for you to die," he says. Peter spins around and looks to see Zeke. "I thought it was over when you died." "It is," replies Peter. "That maybe when you died, god finally answered my prayers." "Son, I did make mistakes, but I did love you all. I'd give anything to have a second chance." "That's something I can't offer you." Peter Stone notices that Zeke is not holding his gun, and he spreads his hands. The light underneath the bridge gets brighter as his soul escapes unabated. "Can I ask how you died?" Peter questioned. "I cornered a thief, and he shot me in the face." "Better than driving drunk." "And That S.O.B. that killed me,... he escaped from Hell too. I sent him back, just like I'm going to send you." "Are you really going to son?" Zeke is troubled. "I don't want to." "How will the Devil feel?" "He'll give me Hell on Earth." "Then I'll go back." "What?" "I didn't do much good for you kids while I was alive. At least I can help you now. Can you tell me about your sister before I go?" "I haven't seen her for almost 20 years. I don't know how she is doing." "When you do see her, if you tell her how and why you are back, will you tell her that I'm sorry?" "Maybe," Zeke says. "Maybe? Doesn't a dying man get his last request?" "But you aren't dying, you're dead. I would have been happy not dealing with you for the rest of my life. Maybe she won't want to hear about you. Maybe sometimes it's better to let the past stay dead." "What about your mother, have you..." Peter collapses onto the ground. "Damn,... nooooo." Zeke watches, but makes no movement to help or offer comfort. "Goodbye, dad," he says." Peter disappears into the ground. (Sad music plays) Zeke looks confussed & lowers his head.

Scene 13: Zeke is walking down the street, The Devil apears. "Nice work Zeke, not only have you finally taken a damned soul quickly, but you managed to save bullets, not wasting them as ussual." "I thought I wake up with the same stuff everyday?" "Oh you do, but who knows how many bullets you will need in one day Mr. Stone, haste vs. waste." "You really have no life do you." "This is my life old boy." Zeke starts walking away. "By the way Ezekiel, have you ever heard of thou shall honer thy father & mother'?" Zeke turns & gives a mean look. "Oh don't get violent on me, it's so pase, besides, we just started to get along." "I'm just a little busy now." "Oh that's right, you're having lunch with your new dad, awww how nice." The Devil disapears laughing.

*White Flash*

Zeke is sitting at a booth in a dinner with Thirston Bristle. "So are you going to explain what I saw yesterday?" "I don't know if I can." "Tell me, how does a man get shot & not only be able to run away like that; but seemingly feel nothing as well." "Are you a man of faith?" "I am not a religious man. But I think the most genious thing Albert Einstien said, was it is better to believe in god & find out your wrong, you will lose nothing, but if you right, you will have all the benifits." "Many years ago, I was shot in the line of duty. I died, & went to hell. 113 souls found away to escape, & I was asked by The Devil Stone to track them all down.... If I succeed, I am free to live life on Earth." "...." Thirston is speachless. "I can prove it, take my pulse, hit me, stab me, shot me. Anything you can think of to prove me a liar or insane will not work." "I do believe you Zeke, you've always been honest." "So you believe me" asks a suprised Zeke. "In this country, we have something called reasonable doubt, someone has to prove you wrong." Zeke laughs, "So how do you know if someone is from hell or not?" "Unfortunately I wasn't provided with a soul detector, all I have to go on is common sense. Fortunately most of them give some kind of clue, no matter how suttle it is. "So who was the man you shot?" "What you don't want to hear the whole story from the evil priest who abducted altar boys to the ancient warrior who could turn invisable. "No I think I want to hear about this one." "I could tell you about Brian, the boy at the batting cage when we met; he was a damned soul too." "It must be very personal, I will not interogate you, if it is something that makes you uncomfortable." "How could you tell." "I was a judge, I did this all the time." Zeke pauses then replies "His name is Peter, Peter Stone,... my father." "It must be tough having to hunt down you own father." "Yes,... but it was more wierd. I was shocked to see him." "And how are your feelings towards him?" "I don't know, I mean he seems to have repented. I don't know if it's being in hell, or it happened before; but some of these damned souls try to live a good life now. You know it's ironic, they say like father like son,... funny, we were both damned to hell after we failed life." "That can't be all true, you got a second chance right!" "Yes." "And of your father?" "He's gone, the job is done." "Yes, but how do you feel, have you moved on." "I'm not sure, at least me made our peace." "So have you moved on?" "Yes." "I'm glad, you need to have peace with yourself, since you won't always have it with others." Thirston looks at his watch & gets up. "Oh my, it's almost time for my meeting." "Thank you Thirston." "Call me Zeke, we need to get together again before I leave town,... & no more brooding." Says Thirston as he pats Zeke on the back. "Thanks" says Zeke as he smiles & drinks his coffee.

-The End-

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