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Season 2 Episode 7 "Returning The Favor"
Wrtten by Greg D'Angelo
Idea of the horse that rides against the sun is concieved by R.A. Salvatore

Scene 1: Zeke is sleeping on a bus, he wakes up & gets off. he goes into the subway, he sees how long the line by the token booth is, he sighs, & then jumps the turnstiel. A man looks at him as if to insult him, Zeke says "so, call the cops!" The train comes & Zeke gets on it. He pick up a newspaper, that was left on a seat, it says: New York Times. Intro/Opening Credits

Scene 2: Zeke gets off the train & walks up some stairs. The Devil is sitting on a bench Zeke walks over to him "So what gets you up so early?" "Ah Ezekial my friend, welcome back to hell,.. I mean NewYork City." "Hey, love it or leave it!" I do so love places like this don't you?" "There's no place like this!" "So what brings you back to New York, looking for an old friend?" "What" asks Zeke, The Devil laughs & disappears.

Scene 3: Zeke walks into a cheap hotel, the clerk is not there. A TV is on, the news comes on & Zeke watches, the newscaster says: "another victim in a bizzar string of murder/roberies has been found, the scene is to graphic to show you, the victim aparently had his face blown out, oddly it looks like a giant bullet went through his face & disappeared..." The clerk walks in & says "how may i help you?" "Give me your worste room" replies Zeke.

Scene 4: Zeke is walking down the street, he comes upon a crime scene. He walks over & identifies himself "Detective Stone, Homocide, So what happened?" A cop says "aparently a murder" "No suspects" "No, I don't get it, why kill someone like that, or how." "Well maybe someone has found away to kill people without leaving forensic evidense" "Well there are traces of metal & gun powder in the victim, whatever hit him was a bullet" "A bullet?" "Funny thing though the only thing the bullet appeared to hit is the victim,... and it's been the same in all these cases" "Thanks" says Zeke. He walks over to the body, he picks up the covering & looks so horified & disgusted that you think he might puke, the ground begins to sizzle, the mark of the damned souls. "I knew it" Mumbles Zeke to himself.

Scene 5: Zeke is walking down the street at night. "Ah no rest for the wicked, that's what I like to see" says The Devil. Zeke looks at him & says "isn't it ever past your bed time?" "You know Ezekial, there is an old saying about how if you ride a horse fast enough the sun will never set on you, and so somewhere the sun hasn't set, and so it will never be my bed time, besides I alway have time for you my friend." "Well,... thank you" says Zeke.

Scene 6: A man takes a newspaper titled: Killer Claims 10th Victim In Bizzar String Of Murder/Roberies. He cuts the article out & hangs it on the wall. A woman walks in & says "another one?" "Hey I need the money to buy my woman nice things" "That's so sweet of you Kevin, but why do you have to kill them?" "Because I must, don't worry, it'll be ok" He hugs her & they start kising.

Scene 7: A man is walking down the street, all of a sudden Kevin (the man from the last scene) walks up to him. He pulls out a gun & says "give me your money" he hands Kevin his wallet. Kevin says "thank you" & shoots him 5 times in the face.

Scene 8: Zeke is on a pay phone he says "hi it's Zeke Stone, can we meet I need a favor" "Sure" says the voice on the other side.

Scene 9: Zeke is sitting in a coffee shop, Detective Kane (from Pilot) walks over. "Detective Kane thank you for coming" "Is something wrong" "Please sit down" Kain sits down & Zeke continues to talk "This case with the bizzar murder/muggings,.. whoever is responsible is a damned soul" "One of the 113 escapes" "Yeah, and I was wondering if you could get some information on the killings" "Ok, anything specific?" "Just location, and things like that", "Ok, I can have it for you tonight"

Scene 10: Zeke is in his hotel room, someone knocks at the door. He opens it, & see Kane. "You wanna come in" he asks. "Sure" They sit at a table and look at some papers & maps. Zeke points at a spot with alot of markings. "These are the crime scenes right" "Yeah" "They're all only a block apart,... let me ask you is there any gang activity over here?" "Some" replies Kane.

Scene 11: Zeke is walking down the street, the voice of Kevin is heard "give me your money" Zeke replies "Go ahead, shoot me!" He steps foward & the man shoots him in the gut. He bends over in pain,...then swings around & punches Kevin who falls in pain "What, this can't be" he says. "Well it is" replies Zeke. Kevin gets up, & they stare blankly at each other. "No" say both of them at the same time.

-Zeke has a flashback, he's chassing a punk throught the subway, the train comes & they get on, Zeke aproaches, he turns around & you see it is Kevin, he shoots Zeke 5 times-

Zeke grabs Kevin & slams him against a wall. "You son a bitch, it's time to go back to hell!" He pushes Zeke away. "I think not" repies Kev. They go for there guns & try to wrestle them away from each other, they stumble out onto the street, & a car hits them. Kevin gets up & runs, and Zeke chasses after him. Both leaving there guns. The driver is totally freaking out.

Scene 12: Zeke is chassing Kevin down the streets, but he seems to be falling behind. Kevin reaches a house & enters, the woman from before is there he says "come on, we gotta go!" "what's goin on?" He grabs her hand & says "let's go" In his other hand you see a gun appear.

Scene 13: Zeke is slowly walking around a house. He stops & a gun appears in his hand. He walks around & sees the couple, Zeke points his gun at them. Kevin shoves the woman at Zeke, & pulls out his gun. Zeke catches the woman, & Kevin starts shooting. Zeke pulls the woman onto the ground, he takes several shots, & his clothes are full of terrible holes.

Scene 14: Zeke is having coffee with the woman. "So what's your name" he asks. "Jill" she says. "I'm Detective Stone" "Am I underarrest or something" "Not if you help me find that guy" "Kevin" she sobs. "Do you know any places he might go" "He likes to hang out in train stations" "Trains" says Zeke.

-Zeke flashes back again to when he was shot.-

Scene15: Zeke is on a subway, he sees a train pass afterwoulds he looks around. He notices a metal gate that is loose. He looks behind & sees a passasge, he enters. He searches around for a while, then Kevin rams into him. They brawl neither gaining the advantage, till Zeke head butts Kevin(in the eye area). Kevin falls back, Zeke pounces on him, and goes for the eyes. He strugles not to get sent back to hell, but alas Zeke beats the crap out of him, then gouges out his eyes. Kevin is sent back to hell, and a tattoo burns off of Zeke.

Scene 16: Stone exits the subway, The Devil is standing there. "Ezekial, congradulations, how does it feel?" "How does what feel?" "To catch the one guy who eluded you when you were alive,... not to mention that you avenged your own murder." "I'm not sure." "You can be honest with me detective, tell me did it feel good?" Zeke stares coldly at him, "No,... it felt damn good,... to do my job!" Zeke walks off, and The Devil shakes his head.

Scene 17: A man is sitting at a table in a fine resterant, Rosalyn walks over & says "sorry I'm late." "I'm glad you could make it" She sits down & he hands her a letter.

-The End-

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