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Brimstone shootin gallery?

To show you that Zeke's mission is not so easy, I've prepared a little game for your entertainment. Ok, so it's not about Brimstone, but it is about damned souls, well sort of.
Let's damn those pilgrims before they kill the turkeys, not to mention the natives.
I think you will enjoy. And oh yeah no need to shoot the eyes.

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Score Rating:

In the 30's-Average

40's-Very impressive

50's-Not likely to happen again,... unless of course you have no life, & play this all day, lol.

60's-WOW, you're almost as good as me.

70's-I finally found some real competition.

20's-Keep coming back, rookie.

In the teen's-R.O.T.F.L.M.A.O. Maybe video games just aren't for you.

10 & under-Get a good optometrist, now!

After getting used to the game, the average or median score is about 34/35, when you get more advance it will be about 40-45, & the maximum score is around 80. Remember computers are inherently evil, so the odds are against you, so even after practice your scrore will be known to drop below the average.
This has not been (truely) scientificly calculated.

Hint: When the action starts, stay to the left side of the screen.
Notice how there are 2 shrubs on the left, but only 1 on the right.

High Snores:
5-H Simpson 22
4-Homer1776 45
3-Wolverine68 74
2-P Gil 77
1-OneLock 97

Have you played, yet? Let us know your high score & we will post it,...
we almost have a real top 10 list.

Enough bloodshed, I wanna go home.