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Season 2 Episode 1 "Love Bites"
Written by Greg D'Angelo

Begins with a voice saying previously on Brimstone,
clips are played from the 1st season to explain Zeke's mission.

Intro/opening credits

Scene 1: The flashing light of cop cars are shown, Lt. Freker steps onto the scene & says "what do we got here?" A male police officer walks over & says "we don't exactly know yet sir, but this is one for the record book." You see a dead body, & Freker asks "what is that?" "Two small puntures made to look like bite marks" replies the other cop. The frustrated Freker wipes his face & then says "disapearing bodies and now this, damn it Mark, I'm getting sick of this cult fiction crap!" He points his finger at the other cop & continues "I want an explaination by tommorow."

Scene 2: Zeke is in the hotel, he walks downstairs. "Hey Stone, we gotta talk" yells maxx. "Yeah Maxx, I know I'm late on the rent again, but it'll get to you." "Not that, your rent is always late, and I always get paid" "then what" asks Zeke, " have a seat Zeke" says Maxx. It is now noticable that a tv is on. Maxx continues "Stone I don't know how to say this, but I will,.............. Stone I love you, I think,... I mean you're cute, you're charming, you're funny, and you're brave,... you're like a hero." "I uh, didn't think you looked for the hero type" replies Zeke. "Stone, if you never thought about it, it's ok, we're friends" it's not that I never, It's that lately I haven't thought about romance,... I mean, I'm a cop and i've been hurt, ok I had a friend right, he was married, they were trying to have a baby, and then one day he's killed." "Stone, didn't you ever hear it's better to have loved & lost then never to have loved at all." "You sound like my wife." "And what about your wife?" asks Maxx. A female newscaster interupts the program & says: "we interrupt this program to bring you an urgent report, last night a man was found dead with bite marks in his neck, police are asking anyone with information to step foward and urging everyone the be extremly careful when out side at night..." "Sorry Maxx, I gotta go says Zeke.

Scene 3: A man & a woman are walking down the street, they hear foot steps & turn around, only to see nothing. They turn back around & a tall man is standing there. The man says "excuse us", the couple start to walk, but the man holds his hands in front of them, and says "that smell, your blood, will be mine." "What do you want, who are you?" asks the man. "I have many names" says the strange man as he waves his hand, and the other man goes flying through a store window. The man turns toward the woman who screams, he grabs her & bites her.

Scene 4: The whole episode Ezekiel searches or witnesses, and finds nothing. "That's it, vampires deffinatly do not exist," he mumbles to himself. The Devil apears, "shame on you Mr. stone, I thought after 15 years in hell and now back on earth you'd believe anything, until it's proven wrong, but here I find you saying vampires don't exist." "Are you gonna tell me where I can find this bitting freak, or are you going to annoy me all about semantic nonsense, and how I can't do my job," asks Zeke. "Mr. Stone, how many times must I tell you I'm not going to do your job for you, I chose you because you're a detective, all those years in hell should have made you better than Sherlock Holmes. What annoys me Mr. Stone is that you don't live up to that potential." "Right" replies Stone as he turns & walks away. "Don't disapoint me Mr. Stone, your job performance has been very slow lately!"

Scene 5: Zeke is on a pay phone talking to Maxx. "I need a favor." "Sure what's up?" "There's a folder on my desk, can you grab it and meet me at the coffee shop," ask Zeke. "I'll be there in 15 minutes." "Thanks, what would I do without you" "Stone you'd be lost without me." "Yeah" he replies as he hangs up the phone, "cause it's not like my other co-workers are helping me."

Scene 6: In the coffee shop they sit at a booth & Stone examines a local map, with a bunch of red X's on it. He asks, "do you uh, happen to know this area?" "I used to, I had a friend who live there in college." "Do you happen to know this area righ on 4th & Jover?" "Yeah it's a real ritzy area with a big manion,... but it's a bandoned now." Her hands slap the table as her jaw drops. "I gotta go" He gets up, walks to the door & opens it. "Stone" she says, he looks back "just get some garlic." They both laugh.

Scene 7: Zeke is in the abandoned mansion looking around, when suddenly he hears a voice, "welcome to my home." "Who are you?" asks Stone as he turns around to see from no where a man appears & say "I have many names, but most call me Vlad Tepes Dracula." "Dracula, the vampire? Why are you here and not in Transylvania?" "More than a century ago, my friend, I came to see this new world. I fell in love with it, as I did my new bride." As Dracula finishes his words, Stone sees the image of a woman in the mirror decending behind him.

-To be continued-

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