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Written by Unknown Author

She was not beautiful, she was plain and average, she did not stand out on a crowd.

She befriended a young rebel boy, and made him a man. He was handsome and kind, and all the things she wanted, but he did not notice her . . . not like that . . . she was not beautiful.

He met a woman and fell in love, but he did not know how to win her heart, so she helped him. She told him when to speak and when to kiss her and when to hold her. It wasn't perfect, but it made her happy to know that he was happy . . . even with someone else . . . she was not beautiful.

Then one day tragedy befell her precious guy-friend. News reached her that his love had left him for someone else. She went to him, and held him, and consoled him. She would be there for him, and help him get through it. Even if, just as a friend. How she wanted him . . . but she was not beautiful.

In time and with his friend, he got through his heartache. Then one day he realized how special she was, and how beautiful as well. He began to see her as an object of perfection.

He though for a while what to do. How would she react? Finally he decided to go to her; and, no mater what, tell her how he feels; that he loved her. So he went to her, but there was no answer . . . she was gone.

He never knew why she just up and left, until one day he learnt that she had been ill, and had passed away. He cried for days, not knowing what to do . . . knowing he would never see her beautiful face again.

This is a message to everyone, take a good look at all those plain faces in the crowd, some may be more beautiful then you realize, if you just look more carefully. And remember to appreciate those special people in your life, cause they may not always be there.

Note: I recieved this once via email, but somehow the original was lost. I expected to always see it pass my way again, sadly it has not. (Nor have I been sucessful in searching for it.) I have rewritten it to ther best of my recollection, trying to hold true to the meaning, though the better part of a decade has past. My apologies to the reader(s) and the author. If that is you, or you have a copy, please share it with me.