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The Book of Darius
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written and edited by tirnanog

"Fifteen hundred years ago, Darius could have led his armies across Europe and ruled for a thousand years. But he turned his armies back... The legend has it that Darius killed a Holy Man at the gates of Paris, the oldest living Immortal at the time. And suddenly he changed. He turned his back on war."

Duncan MacLeod, Band of Brothers

Within these pages you will find stories and histories, facts and fantasy, lore and legends related to Darius, the Immortal priest of Highlander the Series, who was Duncan's teacher, friend and beloved mentor, and a strong advocate for peace. The Book of Darius is dedicated to his memory, and to the memory of Werner Stocker.

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The purpose of The Book of Darius is to inform and entertain. No profit has been made from it and no harm is intended. I hope you will enjoy perusing The Book of Darius as much as I have enjoyed creating it, but PLEASE do not take any of the contents of this website for use on your own site without permission. Send comments and corrections to: tirnanog.

Many of the pictures on this website have been generously provided by AC, Rob Sharrow, and Celedon--my thanks to you all.

The Book of Darius The Book of Darius
Webmaster: tirnanog

(This page last updated 08/13/2011)

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