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Week 18

Went to Doctor’s appointment and found out that I have hemoglobin J in my blood which no one seems to know what it is or what effect it could have.  Darren will now have to get his blood screened to see if he carries the same hemoglobin factor, if he does, it can then be passed to the baby.  The doctor has said that more than likely it is nothing and will have no clinical effect but we want to be sure.  I had more blood drawn for what is called  a triple screen to test for down syndrome and any other physical abnormalities.  The results should be in next week.

I’m starting to show more and more everyday and will soon have to let my work know!  The doctor said I still have a flat stomach and will be unable to hide my pregnancy in the next couple of weeks.  First of all, I’m not sure what stomach he is looking at b/c it doesn’t sound like mine since mine is not flat at all and secondly I am not trying to hide it, I just haven’t notified work yet, which I am dreading.

Saturday morning I felt movements of the baby and they felt like bubbles in my lower stomach, Darren tried to feel them with his hand but the baby just didn’t want to move at those times.  Although by Saturday night the baby was moving like crazy and Darren was able to feel all of them, which he asked me if I was sure it wasn’t gas J

Week 19

The results came back from my triple screen and they were normal, thank god.  One less thing to worry about out of the million!  No new changes this week, just having to pin my pants for work since they are getting a little snug around the waistline.

Week 20-21

Nothing to report that you guys don’t already know since I was with you the whole time in AZ.  The only thing that I’m sure we all noticed was that my belly got bigger by the second while I was there.

 Week 22

I reported my life changing events today (marriage and expecting a baby) into the national database, however, I did not tell my partner mentor because he was not available.  I’m sure I will be getting a call soon though!  After taking a week and a half off for work it was hard getting back into it and I was really tired by the end of the day.  But I still made time to go to the gym, and after not going for 1.5months, that was really hard.  Nothing new with the baby, I will update more after my doctors’ appointments next week.  Also, thank you to everyone who shared in my wedding day, especially on such short notice, you all made it very special for me!

Week 23

Not much to report this week.

 Week 24

Went to see the specialist for a sonogram and was notified that my fluid in my placenta was too low, it was reading at a 8.5 where it should be a 10-12.  Also the baby’s growth was reading two weeks behind ( at 22 weeks) in the abdomen.  This is caused by my high blood pressure not letting enough fluids and nutrients reach the baby through the umbilical cord.  The doctor put me on bedrest at home which means no more work, no more cooking ,cleaning or anything.   

On the up side, we found out the baby is a baby boy!!  We even have a sonogram picture to prove that!  I guess the Chinese calendar was wrong, sorry Mom! 

Week 25

Bedrest is rough, my only outings are to the doctors office.  From now on I will be seeing the specialist every week until I deliver for a sonogram to measure the AFI (fluids) and growth.  I went to see my OB/GYN this week for a follow up to the specialist and he believes there is nothing to worry about, we’re just taking every precaution necessary.  He believes I will just be having a small baby, he said how big the child grows is based on genetics…the mother and the father but how big the baby is when born is based on how much the mother gains and how big the mother was when born.  This made me feel better, but still on bedrest to give my bloodpressure a break and concentrate on gaining weight and getting the baby bigger.  My OB also said he doesn’t expect me to go to term b/c of my bloodpressure so more than likely I will be delivering at 8 months and delivering via C-section to reduce complications. 

Week 26

Still on bedrest, went to see the specialist, AGAIN and found out AFI (fluid) improved to 10.3 and the baby progressed as he should be (grew 2 weeks in 2 weeks).  He is still a little behind his due date but the doctors think he’s just going to be small.  This put our minds at ease and made us feel much better about the unnamed baby (Max, DJ, Patrick?)!  I am still on bedrest however, poor Darren…..he has been great about all of this, doing all the cooking, cleaning, shopping etc.  I’m definitely going to have to make all this up to him.  If anyone has any boy names to suggest we’re all ears…..

Week 27

AFI (fluid) is still improving, this week at the Drs. it read 14.67 and the doctor was very happy and amazed about that.  I still need to be on bedrest to avoid going into preterm labor, of which I am at risk due to the high blood pressure.

 Week 28

I went to my monthly obstetric appointment (7 mos. now) and the doctor gave me some good news, although I am still on bedrest, I can now do some things like going to dinner, movies, etc.  Thank god I can get out of the house for things other than going to doctor appointments!  This week my fluid is still good, 14 again.  Everything else is still good, not much more to report except that the Grandma’s are going crazy with baby clothes! My mom just sent me a big box filled with the cutest newborn outfits, bibs, blankets, hats and socks and now she is working on 3-6 mo. attire.  I told her she had better slow down before my dad takes away her credit cards.  And grandma Sasso gave us the cutest preemie outfits and she sends so much food home with Darren when he goes over there