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You're Impa, Sage of Shadows! You are very
protective with those who are close to you.
You often times are a mysterious character, no
one quite understands you, unless they are
close to you. You are skilled with ancient
magic of your people, and very wise.

Which Zelda Sage Are You?

you are "occult". just don't give a fuck.

What type of manga are you?
You are The High Priestess
The High Priestess

What Major Arcana Tarot Card are you? (with anime pics)
What's Your Outlook on Life?

Element :: Fire
What Element Are You?

You are Purple.
Purple is the color of royalty, spirituality and
wisdom. In tune with yourself, others and
surroundings makes for a good thinker. Just be
careful not to let it go to your head.

What Color Best Represents Your Personality?
Your element is Shadow: Indifferent, unusual,
gentle and a complete mystery. No one tends to
know quite what to think of you because you
camouflage your emotions so incredibly well,
almost as well as your thoughts. You are
unpredictable in that no one knows exactly what
your going to do or what your capable of and
you've made sure they never will. You are quite
the wallflower but deep down inside is a kind
and very intelligent person. You are capable of
love but unless you let some light into your
shadowed life you'll have a hard time with your
relationships. People are a mystery only
because they all seem too superficial, you
would rather be somewhere else, away from all
the noise perhaps putting your feelings into a
form of art, maybe writing your feelings into a
poem or journal, or perhaps painting a picture.
The shadows make you feel comfortable and you
don't like to step outside your comfort zone or
let anyone else in, the spotlight terrifies
you. You are truly a mystery.

.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
Snow Sprite
Unique, mystical, insightful and beautiful You are a Snow sprite. Mysterious, and alluring you
naturally attract people to you, your like a
people magnet even though you most often wish
to be alone. Your love for cold climates and
snow has given you an insight into the beauty
few see. While most see bland white you see a
forest or blanket of sparkling white beauty. To
you life is something precious and you intend
to figure out its mysteries. You are very
mature and don't waste your intelligence on
childish games or people not worth your time
which can make you seem arrogant at times but
you are really just intent on saving your time
for better things. Your soul is very beautiful
if not a little shut up, you keep your emotions
hidden from everyone and therefore they don't
know what your capable of. You are a living

.::=What type of Mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
Green Tea
Green Tea... You are Green Tea! Strong and very smart you prefer peace to violence
and very rarely take action if it involves
confrontation. But you make up for this with
your keen insight and understanding of the
world and people around you, you have a very
mysterious nature. Many people see you as laid
back and that may be true but you are very
intelligent and make good decisions.

What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-}
You are Pink
What color are you? (Anime Pictures)

You have an animal soul! Arent you lucky! You are
very interactive with animals and can
understand them even if you dont speak their
tongue. The birds arent afraid of you, deer can
eat out of your palm, and every dog will roll
over for you. As an Animal Soul, you follow
your instinct, sometimes making rash decisions,
and not thinking properly. If you dont
understand something, you reject and push it
away, and can get very disastrous when angry.
At the same time, youre a very kind person who
can make people feel better, and are
understanding and compassionate. One of the
great things about you is that your rarely
jealous, and know that you have to share and
help other people if you want to survive this
world. You are very loyal and optimistic, and
can make it through the toughest times.

What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures!
You Are a Samurai
You are a Samurai. You have trained the majority of your life. You are
honerable, you follow your word. You spare no
one once in combat, but that is expected, for
your oponent would do the same to you. You use
a two-handed katana.

What type of Swordsman are you?
You have Purple Wings! Lost and Confused, when your
wings are purple, its difficult to see ahead
because the fog is clouding your vision. You
can never decide easily, and even the simplest
choices are difficult to take. A quite, kind
person, you have a very sharp mind and can do
anything if you set your mind to it. But
something probably very sad happened in your
life, and now, you question anything. Lost in
your trance and afraid to peak outside your
box, right now your life is very frustrating.
But, dont forget this very important thing:
Purple is made from blue and red, and with just
a little bit of pushing, you can go back.

What Color are your wings?(Mainly for Girls)Beautiful Pix!
Your anime hair color is white.

What is your anime hair color?
You represent... angst.
You represent... angst. You have an extremely cynical outlook on just about
everything. It's okay to sulk and be
depressed, but life is short, and you only get
one. It's only what you make it, and only you
can make it improve.

What feeling do you represent?
You're a Niphredel flower.

Which Middle Earth flower are you?
Guys just shy and sweet you are!

What Do Guys Love About You? (with pics :3)
brought to you by Quizilla

INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population.
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You Are the Investigator

You're independent - and a logical analytical thinker.

You love learning and ideas... and know things no one else does.

Bored by small talk, you refuse to participate in boring conversations.

You are open minded. A visionary. You understand the world and may change it.

What number are you?
Your Japanese Name Is...
Rai Ichijo
What's your Japanese Name?
You Are 35% Left Brained, 65% Right Brained

The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.
Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.

The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.

Are You Right or Left Brained?
Your Inner European is Italian!

Passionate and colorful.

You show the world what culture really is.

Who's Your Inner European?
You Know You're From Hawaii When...

You can understand and speak PIDGIN english.

You go to dinner and "make one plate" with all the extra food leftover.

You automatically take off your shoes in people's homes.

You wear rubber slippers to the beach.

You eat rice every single day.

It's "shave ice" not"snow cones".

When you know NEVER to turn your back facing the ocean.

You know what ukus are and have had them at least once before when you was one little keiki.

You've been to almost all of the other islands.

You get impatient with all of those bikers on the road that came from Haleakala.

When someone says to "dress up" it means one nice aloha shirt and jeans.

You eat coconuts straight from the shell - and drink the juice.

You went to the War Memorial Stadium parking lot to learn how to drive.

You've worked in the pineapple fields.

You know where all the creepy places (like burial sites) are in the island

You know you aren't supposed to whistle at night time, cross your chopsticks, or stick your fork straight out of your rice.

You have highlighted hair.

You eat Arare.

You know what "tutu" means.

You learned to play the ukulele in elementary school.

It's SHOYU, not soy sauce.

To you, sushi means sushi, not RAW FISH!

You eat malasadas

You have a billion pairs of slippers in front your door when your family gets together

Your house has residue from the salty ocean air.

You eat portuguese sausage, eggs, and rice for breakfast.

You buy large quantities of toilet paper in case there’s a longshoreman strike.

You don't understand why anyone would buy less than a 20 lb bag of rice...

You would serve spam as a meat for dinner...

You can taste the difference between teriyaki and kal-bi

You know why there are alphabets on trees on graduation day

You know what lei day is.

You know what the "stink eye" is; and how to give it.

You can correctly pronouce kalanianaole, kalakaua and aiea

You know what a "Huli Huli Chicken" is.

You can name 3 varieties of mangos.

You know the difference between being hapa and being hapai

You give directions using mauka and makai.

You know what it takes to get into kamehameha school.

You say, "Nori" not seaweed paper.

You say "Brah" not "Bro".

You know why Sharks Cove is called Sharks Cove.

Your jokes are about Portugese not Polish.

You know what "Morgan's Corner " is ... (And it still scares you!)

You think 70 degrees is freezing cold

You call it "saimin" not "Top Ramen"

The surf report is on your speed dial...

Rainbow Drive-Inn is a special date.

You know pineapples don't grow in trees.

When you hear the words "fund raiser", you know it means Zippy's Chili

You have said "wat, owe you money?", "karang your alas", or "dakine"

You call public transportation "da BUS"

You go to Neiman Marcus "jus fo look"

The mainland people no can understand your language.

You eat mango with shoyu, vinegar, and pepper

You like ume, daikon, and kim chee better than pickles.

You never understood why adding pineapple and ham to a pizza made it Hawaiian to the rest of the world

You have a separate circuit breaker for your rice cooker

You measure the water for the rice by the knuckle of your index finger

The condiments at the dinner table are shoyu, ketchup, chili peppah watah, kimchee, takuwan, Hawaiian salt and pickled onion

You go to Maui and your luggage home includes potato chips, manju, cream puffs, guri-guri and fresh saimin from Sam Sato's

A balanced meal has three starches: rice, macaroni and bread

You call everyone older than you "Aunty" or "Uncle" even though they aren't related to you

Your philosophy is "Bumbai"

You are barefoot in most of you elementary school pictures.

Your only suit is a bathing suit.

You drive barefoot.

You feel guilt leaving a get-together without helping clean up.

The idea of taking something from a heiau is unthinkable.

You'd rather drag out the compressor and fill that leaking tire every single morning than have it fixed.

The only time you honk your horn is once a year during the safety check.

You can live and let live with a smile in your heart.

Nobody is sure exactly where "north" is.

Your cousin is Japanese-Chinese-French-Filipino-Korean-Scottish-Portuguese-Hawaiian, plus some stuff too manini to mention

You watch your favorite shows "on top the TV"

The best cooks all use lots of mayonnaise

An approaching hurricane means only one thing Esurf's up, brah!

You like beef" has nothing to do with what's for dinner

Beans are the perfect condiment for ice cream

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Hawaii.

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You Have A Type A- Personality

You are one of the most balanced people around Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.

When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love! You live life to the fullest - encorporating the best of both worlds

Do You Have a Type A Personality?
You Are 70% Psychic

You are pretty psychic.

While you aren't Miss Cleo, you've got a little ESP going on.

And although you're sometimes off on your predictions...

You're more often right than wrong

So go with your instincts - you know more than you think

Are You Psychic?
Your Element Is Water
A bit of a contradiction, you can seem both lighthearted and serious. That's because you're good at going with the flow - but you also are deep. Highly intuitive, you tune in to people's emotions and moods easily. You are able to tap into deep emotional connections and connect with others. You prefer a smooth, harmonious life - but you can navigate your way around waves. You have a knack for getting people to get along and making life a little more peaceful.
What's Your Element?

How random are you?
this quiz was made by alanna

Do you cluck or do you roar?
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You're Captain Jack Sparrow: smart, savvy, a demon with the eyeliner and the best damn pirate we've ever seen. And only a litte crazy. Savvy?

Which POTC character are you?
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Which Ringwraith are You?
By Lisa

What fuzzy creature are you?

Find out what anime series you belong in.
What Anime Critter are You?

What's Your Anime Weapon?

What anime hue are you?


Leave me be.What anime cliche are you? The Second time around.
Which Gackt song are you?

You are 4th!
You are scary nazi like Gackt! Please, don't hurt me!
Take this quiz!

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You Are A Vampire
Take the World of Darkness Quiz
by David J Rust

Copyright & Credits

© Nipharetu Kilda Wood 2005

This layout features Kaoru from Dir en Grey. Images for this layout are from Blue Neurose.


Name: Kilda Wood
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Zodiac: Dragon/Cancer



Music: Jrock/VK
Artist: Any
Song: Any
Book: The Vampire Lestat
Mind: I need a job
Website: Elfwood


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