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Author "Terry Goodkind"
Dragons and Daring Deeds
Loss Of A Loved One
Loss Of A Loved One 2
Loss Of A Loved One 3
Swords, Lords and Lady's
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Driving Under The Influence
Tuesday, 15 November 2005
Today I Sit Here Thinking
Mood:  blue
Topic: Loss Of A Loved One 3
"Today I sit here thinking"

Today I sit here thinking of the good times we had growing up together
The times you've played in the dirt with me and the games of basketball both our mom’s and brothers joined in with us.
Never knowing anything really bad
Thinking about tomorrow
That you had one more day before you had to go back to work
Not ever thinking about dying tonight
Your mom is hurt
Your dad and brother too
But to know just how bad they will hurt inside when they find out later
That their son died here on my stretcher.
As I sit here thinking what a small casket it will be.
The paramedic on board said to me we've done all we can "he's gone"
I start to clean you up the best I can
Knowing our family will met us there
You are away from the pain and the sad
And also from the bad
Nothing can hurt you, I know You are in a good place
I know the drunk in the other car is going to jail
But when I know that he didn’t get a scratch I just yell
I can’t cry for you
But I’ll cry for the both of us.

Posted by fang/ladyrosewolf at 7:22 AM
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Useless Hands
Mood:  blue
Topic: Loss Of A Loved One 2
"Useless Hands"

I became an EMT to save people
children, mothers, fathers, strangers.
I drive fast and work rescues
Without a worry of the dangers.
I hide my tears and sorrow's sobs
Until I'm sure no one will see.
I cry for those injured, sick or lost
And because the family could be ME.
Its selfish really, quite a bit
To thank God it wasn't my loved one.
And each time I say those words
Tells me my day will come.
And come it does, a July night,
A perfect twenty year old taken home, by a drunk driver.
A undescribable moment, and horrific crime.
A reckless boy's mistake and Jonathan is gone.
I was there that day to hear the call
Thankful or regretful, I can't say.
After all the people I've helped save
My hands were useless that July day.
So perfect and serene, that angel,
Lost to us that terrible day.
A tiny grave in the warm July wind
My family left trying to find their way.
He was a son, grand-son, great grand-son, big brother, nephew, cousin, friend, confidante and classmate. A testament to his and my loving family, caring friends and generous God, that gave him life. A hope for the future, an angel taken home, a part of God's plan? A crime committed by a drunk and drug induce man. Who could care less, that her child and his son, Joey’s brother, their grand-son our cousin, my cousin and many people’s friend died by this man's irresponsible hand.

Posted by fang/ladyrosewolf at 7:15 AM
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Dring Under The Influence
Mood:  blue
Topic: Loss Of A Loved One
Driving Under The Influence

D-eath, it was no accident, a senseless act, was brought on here...
R-eckless driving killed my cousin, who was so innocent, without the fear...
I-rresponsible driver, thought it was cool, to get high, drink and drive...
V-isions distorted, it's now manslaughter, how I wish that he was alive...
I-ncriminate this man ; take him off the streets for good...
N-egligence was the factor; get him out of this neighborhood...
G-od, please tell me why, this menace was at this point and time?
To drive into my cousin, let him pay the price for doing this life altering crime...

U-nderstanding he would be safe with protective gear and helmet, what was happening he had no clue...
N-ow everyone who knew him, will have an all points bulletin after you...
D-esignated laws could have stopped this tragic act...
E-xcuses are not acceptable, he’s guilty and those are the facts...
R-evoke, any license, he doesn’t deserve to drive, remember my cousin, who was happy and alive...

T-houghtlessness, there is no reason, to let him plea bargain, his way out of this...
H-eartaches, for my family, for they shall never feel the joyful bliss...
E-xpose this murderer; don't let Jonathan’s tragedy be undersold...

I-nformation should be given to the News team, to broadcast what needs to be told...
N-ationwide it's a problem, it should be understood...
F-inding this fool the first time, they should have locked him away for good...
L-aw enforcer’s need to do their job, as they're driving on their beat...
U-nrestricted to pull over, and arrest those swerving throughout the street...
E-verybody's safety is at risk, if you get high, drink and drive...
N-ow think, it could be your son, daughter or relative, struggling to stay alive...or taking their last breath
C-heckpoints need to be in forced, to give these DUI's the third degree...
E-nding with prayer, hoping this poem, will reach out, to your family. My family has learned all this pain and grief first hand, a drunk driver took my cousin. Such a honest, hard working, young and wonderful man. Who can tell us it is alright and they understand, a felon released days before took a son, brother, grandchild, cousin, friend and young man.

Dedicated to Jonathan Wayne Gilbert. Johnny I love you and I am so sorry I did all I could. I pray you knew I was there fighting with you for your life as I will forever fight for you now to see justice done and your killer put behind bars the rest of his life. You’re never going to be forgotten and we will forever love you. Love your cousin and best friend. 'Melissa G. - EMT/Firefighter'

Posted by fang/ladyrosewolf at 7:04 AM
Updated: Thursday, 17 November 2005 6:01 AM
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