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Thursday, 29 September 2005
A tale to be told III
Walking out of the caves of the city the sun has just over the mountains. A mist of fog begins to fill the forest floor. There are no birds or any animals to be heard. It seems death had just washed over this forest. Then she heard a sound in the distance. It sounds if someone is singing. As she moves closer to the sound, slowly, she can hear the babble of a brook. Suddenly four ravenous wolves jump from her right side. Yet they didn’t seem to mind of Lilliana. The wolves seemed to be hunting a siren something. It seemed as if Lilliana wasn’t even there, they didn’t care to since her fear. One wolf, old and grey with a scare on top his ear stopped and looked at her. Scared and about to cast, she seen the wolf just sit down and bark. As if to become friendly. Then, a woman appeared before Lilliana between some trees behind the wolves. She waved over them with both her hands once she seen Lilliana and they vanished into the misty fog that moved over the forest floor.
“I’m sorry about my scouts. I did not mean to scare you. Are you alright?” A short, shadowed dark figure came from the distance.
“Yes, I am alright.” Lilliana looked at her to be a friend.
“My name is Natalya Kilatore; I’m sorry about the wolves, you can’t be too careful in this forest. Many people have gone missing in this neck of the woods.” She slowly approached Lily seemingly shocked at her. “I don’t think I’ve seen your kind in many years. Are you lost?”
“No, I am not lost. Thou I do not know where I am heading. My name is Lilliana Litore. She smiled. “Where are you headed Natalya?”
“I came from the City of Goldenteen in the north. I’m heading to the Town of Torillian. I’m hoping to find the master blacksmith that can craft a certain dagger for me. You are most welcome to company me if you like.
“That would be wonder. I was hoping to befriend a guide.” They laughed.
“Not for you to take this personally but, what race are you?”
“I’m very proud to say that I am half bread. I’m part Human and part Halfling. I’m just sorry that I didn’t take after my mother, and then maybe I would be taller.” She laughed.
They seemed to get along very well. They set up camp right where they met and talked all through the night. The next morning Lily awoke before sunrise. Eager to greet her new journeys, she climbed a tree until she reached the very top just to see the sun come over the mountains. As the sun began to rise she watched the sky change colors. First she seen the stars slowly fade away and the night sky turn for dark blue to light blue. Then, the sky began to turn a light, pale pink. Seconds later the sky began to gather more and more color. The pink sky is now bright orange. It begins to become brighter and brighter until the sun is over the mountains and this day has begun.
“What are you doing up there? If you are looking for eggs I’ve already found some.” Natalya laughed.
Lily jumped from the top of the tree as Natalya watched. Just before she hit the ground everything went into slow motion and Lily almost stopped in midair just before her foot touched the ground.
“Wow, you said you knew some magic. You must teach me that.”
“I will try. Are we almost ready to head out?”
“Yes, after we eat we can head toward Torillian. We should get there before night fall.”Walking through the tale trees and the high brush they begin to see a clearing in the distance. There is smoke and ash heavy in the air as they walk closer to the edge of the mountain where the city stands. The closer they get to the roads leading into the city, the louder you can hear the blacksmith’s hammers hit their anvils. Once on the road that leads into the city you can hear the people and the marketers hustle about on this fine market day. As they reached the outside of the gates that lead into the city, there are only a few guards to be seen at the gate which was wide open and in the dusk of sun set. You can see figures of men up high in the watch towers as they look down at the crowd coming and going. As you look into the city you can see towers of a fifty foot height. You can see walls of grey and white surrounding the sheets of skin and cloth rounding the merchant’s shops and wooden stands.
“I’ve never seen so many goods.” Lilliana said while her eyes began to seek out all that was around her.
“Do you happen to see where the blacksmith’s are? I can hear them but I can’t seem to… ah, there they are. I’ll be right back. Have a look around, I shouldn’t be too long.” Natalya said while she placed her hand on Lily’s shoulder to insure her that she would keep her word.
As Lily looked around she seen poition stands filled with healing and harmful herbs. She saw dwarnen people hammering away on their anvils. Everything she seen owed her. She had only read about other races and other customs in books. As she wandered around the vast maket place, she spotted a tavern. Her quarous self took hold of her as she drew near. Lily then, without thinking twice, she walked into the tavern. As she walked into the smoke filled room, everyone stopped to look up at her. It seemed as if she was not allowed there. Lily walked slowly until she was in the middle of the room. She looks around her at the entire room. It was if one hundred eyes were upon her.
“I am sorry, should I not be here?” She spoke out with a child like voice in fear of doing something wrong.
The people in the tavern then burst into laughter. Glasses are rased to her and drank. Lily then walked up to the bar and sat down. The crowd of people went back to here business. The owner then asked her what she would like to drink, and then snikered.
“What is funny about what I want to drink sir?”
“Eh, nothin misses, just that your kind can’t handle ale, let alone my ale.”
“Now, let me understand this more. You’re telling me that since I’m a different race then you that I can not drink your bevrage?”
“No miss, not that you can’t drink it but that you will no longer stomic it then you would by eatin your boot.”
“Well then sir. I gather that I am here to prove you wrong. Please give me your strongest ale. If I can not, as you say, eat my boot, then I will pay for everyone’s drink for the day. What do you say?”
The man sitting next to her was not like the others. He was very tale in hight and wore armor that seemed to be made for a king. As she noticed the man next to her, he glanced over at her looking her strat in the eyes. As they looked into each other, the owner of the tavern slammed a glass of ale in front of her and said, “You got your self one hell of a deal miss, and I ain’t going to lose.”
Lilliana Looked up at the tavern owner and smiled quite evilly as she took her finger and rubbed the rim of the glass. Everyone in that tavern stopped and looked at her. At hopes that it would make her sick and she would have to spit it out. She rased the glass and drank the ale in large swallows. She finished the drink and slammed the cup on the table. Lilliana then gave out a very small burp. She whispered to herself, “Forgive me.”
The man next to her smiled and continued to drink. “Did I do something you liked sir?” She asked. “I happen to know how you done that. I think it would be wise of you to leave now.” He replied in consern.
“Thank you sir, I will be going on my way now.” She laid down a few gold pieces to pay for her ale and stud up out of her chair.
“Good luck stranger.” The man at the bar said while looking over his shoulder.
The bar keeper then picked up my glass and looked inside and seen nothing. He then slammed the glass down and shook his head. As she was leaving the tavern, she again looked at the man that sat next to her at the bar, with his helm next to him on the bar he had a sword pushed far into the ground a side him.
After leaving the tavern she began to look for Natalya.

Posted by fang/kitti at 1:32 AM EDT
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A tale to be told II
The Elders get up from there chars and move to the center of the room. Their hands move together as one as a great shield circles The High Elder and Lilliana. The other Elders move back keeping the invisible shield up at every cost. Lilliana levitates so that she is not touching the shield in any way. The Elder does the same. Lilliana calls to the air to help her push the elder. He bends backwards but swiftly he pulls back and uses a burst of fire to scare her into hitting the shield. She falls back; her shoulder hits the edge of shield. The shield moves with color and becomes visible until she pulls herself away from the barrier. She decides to move faster. Thinking that the elder is old that she may have an advantage over him. The Elder sees her next move coming as she races to his feet. He simply waits and moves straight up to avoid her. She hit’s the shield again this time with her hands. They turn black as she tries to pull her self away from it. Before she can turn around the Elder summons a rock monster from the marble below and commands it to pushes her out of the shield. She turns and catches her breather and blows as hard as she can at the creature. Her breathe become icy and the golem begins to slow in his movement. A blast of mystic snow and icy leave Lilliana’s breathe and lands on the creature, freezing him in place. The Elder is surprised that her Ice power could be so great as to stop a summoned creature. The Elder stops and nods at the other elders.
“Well done child, well done.” The shield begins to fall away around them.
“Did I misunderstand the test? Was I not supposed to make you leave the shield?” She asks with a confused look on her face but still in ready and in place for an unsuspecting blow.
“Your power is great my child, you would have beaten me, that is no doubt and at my age of twelve hundred and sixty I don’t think I could have taken a hit. You have past your final test child. You are now a High priestess, the first in all of our lands history. Congratulations.” He smiled and gave Lilliana a hug and walked over to a table that was set off to the side. “Here is your Jewel Lily High priestess. Wear it with pride.” He placed the necklace over Lilliana’s head and moved her hair from the silver ribbon. Lilliana bowed before her Elders. Than began to walk backwards to the door. She stops before she turns to open the door. “Thank you.” She said with a smile, and then left the room.
Lilliana turns to make her way back to her room but, she is greeted by everyone that worked in and around the Tower of Magic. The bells begin to ring once more. If it was one ring it would mean she failed the test. Two rings would mean that she will take the test again within another twenty five years of study. The bell rang above her three times. This meant she passed the test and would take her place among the elders in fifty years. The crowd begins cheering for her so loud that you can hear them in the market place which is at the other end of the city.
She is greeted by her mother and father, “Oh, my dear Lily you bring our family great honor.” Her mother said to her while hugging and kissing her on the forehead.
“You bring the family pride my daughter.” Her father said while his eyes began to water.
“I love you both so much.” She yelled over the crowd. “Now let us go home!!”

As Lilliana and her family walk down the streets of the city, the crowd slowly disappears and the cheers die down to silence. As they walk toward there home you can see the streets and houses made of rock and clay. The doors and windows are lined with wood only to have cloth as the door and window covers. Once they return home Tykatie, her mother, sits her down at the table as she pulls the bread out of the clay oven. Her father, Derallan, pulls the wine and cups from the shelf.
“My daughter you make me so happy.” Tykatie said while cutting the bread.
“Thank you.” She said and leaned over to kiss her mothers cheek. “How have you been father? Has your hands gotten any better? I know how they hurt you so.”
“Oh, now let’s not talk about such things. Now what do you plan to do now my Lily, now that you are the first High Priestess?” He said with such happiness and pride in his voice.
Lilliana and her family talked almost all night long. Once her mother and father went into there rooms for the night she began to write a letter. Explaining that she is not ready for the life that was push upon her since her birth. She wished to live her life to the fullest before returning home to take her place among the Elders.
Once she had gathered all of her things. She placed her Jewel of Elder’s on the table next to her letter. She looked behind her as she was about to move the cloth from the door and said to herself, “I love you both so much, I will miss you with every passing day.” She let out a sigh and walked to the end of the city. One of the guards at the gate signaled to others to open it. He then looked at her with a confused look on his face. He asked, “Are you not High priestess Lilliana malady? She placed her finger over her lips while walking toward the guard. “You will tell no one guard.”
“Yes lady Lilliana.” The guard replied while bowing to her bidding her farewell.

Posted by fang/kitti at 1:29 AM EDT
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A tale to be told
My name is Lilliana Litore and I am the apprentice Priestess to the elders of Discord. Since my birth about three hundred years ago, the High priest’s of that time chose me to follow in the highest honor of all the dark elves in the Great city of Dark Light. Born of no royal or noble lineage I barded the mark of the Great Priest’s of Old. When magic was new to this realm they were the first to master all that was to hold. The mark can only be barded to the left hand, three dark spots that will move with the moon. I also am the first from my brothers to bare the make as a woman. The Elders tell me that since the women are the life of all that I should be the most powerful of all…

“Oh… oh…” Lilliana awakes in her bed to the bells of the Elder tower.
A maid knots on the door, “Lady? Lady!? Are you dressed yet? You must not be late.” She said from the outside of the door.
“Oh, help me dear maid… I will be late for sure please help.” Lilliana says as she struggles to put her royal garments on.
“Dear me lady Lilliana, you must hurry. The test will start any minute.” She helps her with her robes and hurry’s her out the door.
Lilliana runs down the halls, sliding around corners to place on her sandals. Once she gets to the Great Hall of Old she stops and checked her breathe. She moves her white hair back in place and slowly opens the doors on the last ring of the bells. Before her are five large thrones. Each one is purple lined with silver. The floor is dark yellow marble with silver dust laid atop it. Above you can see a magic dome like ceiling. To look up you would see spicks of rock and large boulders. Being that she lives in underground cities, the dome like shields holds these in place. She takes a deep breathe and begins to gracefully walk forward. With her head held high she reaches the Elders across the room.
“My dear child, it has been a long and hard study for you these twenty five years has it not?” The middle Elder speaks with a kind tone to his voice.
“Yes great elder.” She bows before the Highest Elder. “I am here to show you what I have learned in these years of study.”
Are you ready Lady Lilliana? When you are, please begin.”
She rises and takes a few steps back. She stands strait up and tilts her head back and extends her arms out t beside. Her mouth opens and a bright green mist comes out and surrounds her body and then moves under her feet making a plat form for her to stand on. She slowly began to levitate off of the floor. Once she is about 4 feet in the air. Her arms come down and her head comes back. She turns around in a circle. She then walks forward toward the Highest Elder, and steps off the cloud of mist and then waves her hand over it causing it to vanish. She then bows before all Elders.
“Well done Lilliana. Well done. Elders please make your rank of her performance.”
One by one it is a show of fingers to tell her rank. Five being the worst and one is being the best. Starting from the left of the grand table, one by one the Elders raise a one.
“First rank is a one Lilliana. Good, very good. Please continue.”
Lilliana takes her few steps back. She begins to breathe as if she is being pulled into ice cold water. As her breathing get worse you can see that her feet are changing. Her robes were changing colors and then her skin was turning white. Slowly you can see her change into someone else. Acting as if this was very painful she holds her own and not making a sound. Her red and silver robes begin to tighten to her skin and turn brown. Her skin on her hand and face begin to turn white as salt. Her eyes turn red and she falls to the ground. And she stands as a High elf man. She walks back up to the Elders and bows not leaving her male form.
“Oh, my child, the hardest form for us to take and you did it with more grace then I’ve ever seen. Elders, what do you say?”
She stands and waves her hands over her feet while moving up her body and past her head. She is now her own form.
“One it is again. Are you ready to receive your last test my Lady Lillian?”
“Yes great one, I am ready.”
“Very well, your last test is to battle me. The other Elders will form a shield around us. When you touch the shield it will shock you a bit. There will be no death blows and the one who will be named winner will stand alone in the shield. To past this test you must push me out of the shield. Do you understand my child?”
“Yes.” She said with a scared shake in her voice.
“Are you ready to begin child?”
“I am ready to begin.”

Posted by fang/kitti at 1:25 AM EDT
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Posted by fang/kitti at 1:20 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 29 September 2005 1:27 AM EDT
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