Handcrafted Pet Accessories, Pet Supplies and Made to order Bed Covers

My love to sew and my love for pets of any kind have melded into my (very little) business, Dog~Gone Shopping. I am owned by four terrific canines. All of my dogs are rescued from animal shelters where they may have had a very short life span. We love and treat our dogs as if they were our children
The products you see here are all custom made by me. I love to sew and find it a great stress buster. I also discount sales to non-profit groups so that they can use them for fundraising events.
I am a volunteer for a non profit animal rescue referral organization . Please go to www.k9connections.org to see what good we do!
We have organized quite a few events over the years and these items have proven to be a great fundraiser. If you are involved in animal rescue, or any non profit group, you may want to get in touch with me to find out how you can use my products to benefit your group and receive a discount.
I love to create things for pets, so if you have any ideas that you would like to see on my website, please do not hesitate to let me know. I also have recently added products for humans. I've been having a lot of fun going to craft fairs and selling my creations. Take a look on the patterns page to see what new items I have made
My customers are the greatest! I have met so many wonderful people who truly love their pets, from all over the United States as well as from around the world. My photo collection of pets modeling my products is ever growing. I love it!
If you are interested in adding a four footed friend to your family, please consider adoption. It is a very rewarding experience. Homeless animals need our love and compassion and return it to you! Please go to www.petfinder.com to start your search for unconditional love.
Thanks for looking at my site. I hope that you will consider adopting a pet to join your family.

Linda Sews
Doggie Designer,

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