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People are idiots. I hate idiots.
Sunday, 08/21/2005
personality test.
Now Playing: the verve - butterfly
Topic: perspective

Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||| 26%
Stability |||||||||| 33%
Orderliness |||||||||||||| 53%
Accommodation |||||||||||||| 56%
Interdependence |||||||||||| 50%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Mystical |||||||||||||||| 63%
Artistic |||||||||||| 50%
Religious || 10%
Hedonism |||| 16%
Materialism |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Narcissism |||||||||| 36%
Adventurousness |||||||||| 36%
Work ethic |||||||||||| 50%
Self absorbed |||||||||| 36%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||| 56%
Need to dominate |||||||||||| 43%
Romantic |||||||||||||| 56%
Avoidant |||||||||||| 43%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||||| 70%
Wealth |||||| 30%
Dependency |||||||||||| 50%
Change averse |||||||||||||| 56%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Individuality |||||||||||||||| 63%
Sexuality |||||| 30%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||| 56%
Physical security |||||||||||||| 56%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Histrionic |||||||||||||| 56%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Vanity |||||||||||||| 56%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||| 63%
Female cliche |||||||||| 36%
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by

Stability results were moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.

Orderliness results were medium which suggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun.

Extraversion results were low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.

trait snapshot:
introverted, irritable, feels invisible, observer, depressed, does not enjoy leadership, reveals little about self, dislikes large parties, feels undesirable, does not like to stand out, submissive, suspicious, emotionally sensitive, not a thrill seeker, solitude loving, likes silence, fragile, second guesses self, negative, unadventurous, fearful, weird, focuses on people's hidden motives, paranoid, phobic, dependent, cautious, avoidant, semi intellectual


ok, so this test i took is kinda accurate. since i'm indecisive (a trait it does not take into much account), i avoided picking the extremes in any of the questions it gave me. the result was having most of my answers around the center. if you're reading this, try to picture the high ones higher and the middle ones lower. oh, and the orderliness results were off, too. it's medium not because i'm moderately organized and a hard worker, it's medium because i'm very organized and a lousy worker.

really though, if you want to learn what kind of person i am, click on "paranoia" and just read it.

Posted by Ket at 12:52 AM EDT
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Friday, 08/12/2005
Now Playing: the verve - star sail
Topic: wisdom
psy?chol?o?gy (sī-kŏl'ə-jē)
n., pl. -gies.

1 - The science that deals with mental processes and behavior.
2 - The emotional and behavioral characteristics of an individual, group, or activity.
3 - Subtle tactical action or argument used to manipulate or influence another.

My definition - the science and/or art of getting something you want out of somebody's head without letting them realize you're doing it.

i don't pretend to be a fan of, say.. people. even so, i find that studying them has it's undenyable advantages. i hate to brag (i do it all the time though, its one of those psychological things humans do, it's supposed to get other people to like or respect them more, which is supposed to eventually make the bragger feel better about themselves), but since i've started to pay attention to how people think, i've picked up a set of skills that put me at an advantage in almost any situation dealing with my peers.

maybe that's why i'm here now, writing this.

i'm too tired to finish writing this now, check back later if for some reason you care to hear my opinion.

Posted by Ket at 11:11 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 08/09/2005
the art of war.
Now Playing: radiohead - subterranean homesick alien
Topic: wisdom
Recently, the only place i've been finding enjoyment is sitting here and playing sid meier's civilization 3, pretty much neglecting everything else. it's a wonderful game, too. though i admit i'm not so hot at the higher difficulties (since, you know, it's not always guaranteed that i'm going to become a superpower in ten minutes) i still think i play quite well.

when i say quite well, obviously i mean that on more than one occasion i've blown up almost the entire world and suffered little to no resistance in the process. world domination - and war itself - is an art, though, and i don't think civ 3 capitalizes on this as much as it should, though, since any war you're left to fight is at least going to be a few decades long (thanks to that wonderful turn-based system and the rather smug world leaders). a real war should be faught as quickly and ruthlessly as possible (if you don't agree with me, you can borrow my copy of Sun Tzu's Art of War). The reason for this is that it drains your resources and morale the least, and the people you're conquering probably won't have quite as much resentment against you (if you're using a farmer's feild's as a battleground for 40 years while your troops continue to pillage his town, he's not gonna like you too much). anyway, there's some wisdom for all you up and coming world dominators out there. even though in civ 3 i like to nuke people if i don't like them (its the most fun if they're still in the stone age) that's beside the point.

the whole concept got me to thinking. games are a good way of training people in military tactics, aren't they? i'm not just talking games like counter-strike (which i doubt really gives people an accurate look at counter-terrorist combat situations), but things that are simpler, which aren't necessarily electronic and have a way of teaching you important things that are hard to learn anywhere else. so what the hell am i talking about? i'll have to give you a list.

first on the list is chess. basic strategy and intelligence. if you don't have these then you're going to suck. if you can't form the comprehension that a stuffy old queen can wipe across the board and kick serious pawn ass, or even more important, not putting the old hag in danger at the same time, then you're never going to get anywhere during your personal takeover of the world.

sometimes you won't always have the pieces to check and mate, though, and this is where poker comes in. Sure, its almost entirely a game of chance, but it sure as hell can teach you negotiating skills; a keep-a-straight-face-while-you-lie-your-ass-off sort of thing. that's an invaluable skill to learn. imagine yourself trying to take over, say... canada. you walk into the capital and sit down with the president, and you tell the president that you have an army of 500,000 ground troops, a set of nuclear missiles, and fleets of aircraft and ships that are prepared to start landing and shooting and such within 5 minutes of your signal. aren't you going to have a much higher chance of success if you're not giggling the whole time like a 10 year old in a strip club?

the next game on the list may be the most important. the parker brother's classic game of world domination, risk. though it doesn't make a very strong attempt at following military strategy (unless you consider rolling dice a proper method of staging a large-scale military conflict), it does give you a good idea of how to hold your own territory, how strongly luck can play in war, and all the paranoia that comes along with it. since you're playing on a map of the whole world, it's avenues of attack and the truly stragetic locations in the world can quickly become obvious (at least, if you're doing it right). the tactics needed are more engaging than any other game on my list, and diplomacy finally comes into play. you can't win a war without allies, and if you're good enough, you can fight your war until its just you and your allies left, and if you left most of the fighting to them, then there you are, with an open invitation to crush them and start a new world order under tyrany and justice for yourself.

finally, the last game one needs to master in order to be ready for world domination (or at the very least, domination of canada): monopoly. war costs money, losts of money. bullets aren't cheap, and neither are the hookers you'll need to keep your war-weary troops happy. money begets power, power begets money, and money begets money. you can take over the world with just money if you tried, even though it's not quite as fun as unleashing nuclear weapons on the evil nations of north korea and france. anyway, the truth is that you'll need to master both in order to follow through with your plans for world domination. in monopoly, your goal is to leech the cash out of all the rest of the players, and you use that cash to get more cash to make purchases that will leech more cash out of the rest of the players. the goal? complete destruction of your enemies, perfectly legal, without firing a shot. yay legal ^_^

so if you ever meet someone who can kick your ass at all of these games, be careful, and maybe you should go so far as to find someone to slit their throaght while they're sleeping. trust me, if ever do meet a person like that, then you can guarantee their brains will be behind the next world war, and he or she will someday unite the entire planet under one massive flag of peace and prosperity. we can't have that. then again, if you can master all of these yourself then by all means, have fun. i'm done, consider that you're lesson for the day.

Posted by Ket at 12:26 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 08/09/2005 1:51 PM EDT
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Monday, 08/08/2005
car insurance.
Now Playing: Radiohead - Paranoid Android
Topic: criticisms
I've determined that i dislike progressive auto insurance. The commercials are... misleading. The guy in these latest commercials *tries* to act casual, but his delivery is way off. he says something along the lines of "progressive is well progressive." that's right, no pause. you can't have that well there without the pause, it doesn't work like that. He does something else in the commercial that pisses me off too but thankfully i can't remember it.

anyway, to see if i had any grounds for saying i didn't like progressive, i might as well look at their website. i noticed something about their "rate ticker" on the commercial that made me particularly interested, so that's the first thing i looked at. I wonder if anyone else notices that Geico auto insurance isn't displayed. Sure, they tried to explain this...
Why are rates unavailable for certain companies?

Insurance companies may update their rates in each state several times a year. When they do this, we must reprogram their rates into our system and test those rates for accuracy. During the time required to do this, we make those competitor rates unavailable to consumers.

Another reason may be that you are not eligible for a policy from that company. If we know that you do not meet a company's eligibility requirements based on the information you provided, we will not display a comparison rate for that company.

That's bull. If they're not on the commercial that's been running for months and they're not on the website then i doubt you'll ever see their prices on the site. k, i'm done.

Posted by Ket at 3:00 PM EDT
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a brave new world.
Now Playing: The Verve - Blue
Topic: criticisms
Per orders of dodge (the gnome with the combover that is fabled to have been seen wandering around the KHS english hallway looking for coffee), i've finished reading Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. That makes only 6 or 7 books left for me to read by the end of the month.

Anyway, the book was interesting.. the future from the eyes of an early 40's writer who thinks the world is going to hell, in the most pleasant sense of the word. Henry Ford's assembly line idea has reached every level of society. Ford is a god figure, babies are grown in factories and mentally conditioned to love whatever they end up doing (the lower caste members who do the most menial work are often clones, all working together on the same job). Then there's the sex. And drugs. It seems like that's all these people do is have sex with as many people as possible, never settle down, and whenever someone starts to feel bad they take drugs and go to happy land. This includes The 6 and 7 year olds too.

Then there's the other side of the spectrum. This kid from one of the few remaining native american reservations gets to come out and live with the "civilized" people. He's grown up with strict Zuni and Christian ethics, and whenever he's tempted to do anything fun he starts whipping himself. Eventually at the end he gets sucked into a hundred person orgy or so and then hangs himself.

Throughout the entire book, i don't think i met a single character i liked, at all. i got the impression that the indian kid was supposed to be the shining light in all of this, but i just think he was full of himself. he was so uber-religious and put himself though pain and suffering because of the "sins" he was just THINKING about. another one of those christ figures, obviously. i couldn't stand him. actually, in all of this there was one character i did like. Mustapha Mond, the "world controller" for western europe. it was his job to basicly censor anything that may disturb the masses, which was almost everything that came to him. but he understood that what he was doing wasn't exactly a good thing. he's a free thinker, and when he was confronted with the whole god idea, he talks about how men created god and conditioned themselves to believe in him, and god doesn't exist anymore because the people don't need him to exist. i liked that.

overall it was a good story, but i think the morals its trying to throw at me are a load of shit. of the two extremes, i'd rather find myself living in the middle somewhere. now that i think about it, our world today is almost what a middle to the views in that story would be. maybe i just wouldn't like it anywhere.

Posted by Ket at 12:07 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 08/09/2005 9:26 PM EDT
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Sunday, 08/07/2005
The List.
Now Playing: The Verve - Already There
Topic: perspective
So for the longest time i thought i was an apathetic. Let's define apathy, shall we?
Apathy is the complete lack of emotion or motivation. Apathy can be about a person, activity, or object. It is a common reaction to stress where it manifests as learned helplessness and is commonly associated with depression. It can also reflect a non-pathological disinterest in things one does not consider important.
Who gives a shit?

Right. complete lack of emotion? see lately i've grown to have this different outlook on life, which tends to happen every summer. I finally realized that i, in fact, have very strong emotions. and i'm very opinionated, too. in fact i couldn't stress this enough to myself or the small group of people i call my friends. so as an outlet, i was compelled to make a list. Its a nice list, and it gives its readers a thorough look at what exactly is it that pisses me off. I call it my hate list sometimes, but hate is a strong word, isn't it?

1 - posers
2 - posers who hate posers
3 - people posers pose
4 - people who say they’re insane
5 - people who think they’re normal
6 - conservatives (except joel)
7 - bleeding-heart liberals
8 - the closed mined
9 - the “open minded” who are actually idiots
10 - idiots
11 - people who act like idiots and never realize it
12 - people who act like idiots and know it
13 - people who act smart
14 - idiots who act smart
15 - smart people who don’t think
16 - people who hate smart people
17 - people who are ignorant
18 - fanatics
19 - apathetics
20 - conformers
21 - rebels
22 - punks
23 - junkies
24 - stuck-ups
25 - smokers
26 - potheads
27 - people who drink to get drunk
28 - people who break the law for the sake of it
29 - people who break the law and think its ok
30 - liars
31 - petty thieves
32 - people who throw religion in people’s face
33 - people who hate people without a good reason ^_^
34 - people with no sense of humor
35 - people who take things too seriously
36 - people who don’t take things seriously enough
37 - people who are less than 40% unique
38 - people who can’t understand what I mean by that
39 - people who are mean without justification
40 - people who justify things on the basis of things said by idiots
41 - people who think they know everything (and are wrong)
42 - people who think the answer to any question is in the bible
43 - people who don’t know the difference between ram, rom, and a keyboard
44 - people who don’t want to know the difference between ram, rom, and a keyboard
45 - people who don’t want to find the answer to any question anywhere but the bible
46 - people who “can’t “ (or won’t) take care of themselves
47 - people who don’t think things through before they start arguments
48 - people who think violence actually solves (most) problems
49 - people who knowingly abuse grammar
50 - people who knowingly abuse spelling
51 - people who knowingly abuse themselves
52 - people who don’t know how to listen
53 - people who don’t want to know how to listen
54 - *vegetarians
55 - vegans
56 - gangstas
57 - people who always put themselves before others
58 - people who always put others before themselves
59 - people who wouldn’t take the time to read this far in my list!
60 - sexists
61 - drama queens
62 - *people who create stereotypes
63 - people who endorse stereotypes
64 - people who act like stereotypes
65 - people who complain
66 - people who complain and don’t do anything about it
67 - people who complain about things they can’t do anything about
68 - people who think they’re perfect
69 - people who think their partners are perfect
70 - people who follow trends
71 - people who promote trends
72 - people who set trends (for its own sake)
73 - people who do things because people say its “cool”
74 - people who won’t ever admit to their mistakes
75 - people who don’t learn from their mistakes
76 - people who won’t learn to accept change
77 - *people who judge others by appearance
78 - people who expect to be judged by their appearance
79 - people who are overconfident
80 - people who are under-confident
81 - people who underestimate others
82 - hypocrites
83 - people who feel the overwhelming need to narrate every little damn thing they do
84 - *people who are needlessly wordy
85 - people who are wasteful
86 - egomaniacs
87 - "hopeless" romantics

* - If you give me a good reason then i'll let it slide.

Leaves a lot of breathing room, doesn't it? I've actually met someone that isn't on the list, for all intents and purposes, so it is possible. it's pretty fair when someone can dislike everyone equally and indiscriminately. if you're so inclined, feel free to count up which of these apply to you. have fun.

Posted by Ket at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 08/21/2005 1:37 AM EDT
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