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                                 ...Trust in the Heart




               Episode # 22 -Face Off: (Part 1)      

     Pegasus tells Kaiba that he can duel him if he can defeat Yugi, or he won't get the opportunity to win back his brother's soul.  Pegasus gives Kaiba five more star chips.  Pegasus explains that he will need them to fight Yugi.  He promises that if he defeats Yugi, Kaiba Corp regain it's dominance. Kaiba says that if any harm comes to Mokuba, he'll use that tie of Pegasus' and choke him with it.

     Yugi and his friends make it out of the tunnels and Bakura's Millennium Ring points straight up.  Tea realizes that they're right outside the castle.  They are all glad that they finally made it.  Tea looks at Yugi and sees that he has such a tender gaze but when he's in a duel, he has a more determined look, like there are two Yugi's.  She remembers when everyone was trapped in their favorite cards.  She remembers seeing another Yugi but wonders if it was a dream. Yugi asks her what's wrong but she says nothing.  Tristan says they're going to leave Yugi and Tea if they don't hurry up, but Bakura reminds him that they're not even supposed to be on the island.

     Tea remembers a time at a place called Burger World.  Yugi and Joey walked in and are greeted by a waitress, who turned out to be Tea.  Tea was shocked to see them there and she knew that the school forbids students to work.  She figures her life is over since "Big Mouth" Joey had seen her.  Joey and Yugi take a booth and Joey is talking about how he's caught her. Yugi is saying for him to not do anything, since Tea looks angry.  Yugi wonders why she's like this and she says since she's been caught there's no need for her to lie. She's saving money so she can go to America after she graduates.  She wants to go to New York to learn dancing.  Yugi and Joey say nothing and Tea wonders why they're not laughing. Joey simply says it's not funny since that's her dream.

     Later, Tea opens her locker and on top of her shoes is a note for her.  It said she had to meet someone in the stock room or he would tell her secret to the school.  Tea goes to the meeting, expecting to find Yugi or Joey.  The door closes and a man steps out with a video camera and tells her to be quiet.  The man starts recording Tea on the camera.  Tea counters saying if he thinks she will just forget about this after time and he says that she has no right to punish him.  Yugi then bursts into the room and jumps the guy.  Tea gets knocked unconscious.  The last thing she remembers is Yugi's Millennium Puzzle activating.  Yami Yugi gets the guy's attention and asks to play a game.  Yami Yugi explains that they both will pick one card out of his deck.  The person with the weaker card loses and the loser will fall into the Shadow World.  The guy walks over and pulls out the Curse of Dragon.  Yami Yugi closes his eyes, picks his card, and smiles.  He pulled the stronger Dark Magician.  The guy says the game is stupid and rushes Yami Yugi.  Yami Yugi stands there with the Eye of Annubis on his forehead and blows him away with his Mind Crush.  Tea opens her eyes slowly and sees Yami Yugi standing there...

     Back in the present, Tea asks Yugi if he remembers the time that he saved her in the gym.  Yugi says that after he woke up, the guy was laying on the ground already.  Tea explains how she thinks there are two Yugi's.  Yugi thinks a moment and says he sometimes feels that there is another spirit inside him.  Tea stands up and says it really doesn't matter, Yugi is Yugi. Right then, Tristan and Joey call out to Tea and Yugi and tell them to hurry up.

     Halfway up the stairs, Yugi sees a familiar face, Kaiba.  Kaiba notices that Yugi has ten star chips like he expected of him.  Kaiba says that he will not let Yugi pass until they duel.  Joey challenges Kaiba but he just smirks at him. Tristan and Bakura have to hold him back.  Bakura reminds him that he had a match with Kaiba and lost.  Kaiba goes on saying that after his duel with Yugi, he spent a lot of time searching for an answer to why he had lost and how Yugi created such a miracle to pull Exodia.  Yugi possessed something that he didn't have.  Kaiba then pulls out his locket of his brother's picture and wonders to himself if a person gets strength from having supporters on their side.  He has to find out the answer and the only way is to have another duel with Yugi.  Kaiba tells Yugi that if he wants to enter the castle, he has to fight him first. Yugi says to himself that the Kaiba in front of him is different, that his eyes have something hidden in them.  Kaiba says that Yugi should understand that kind of blood a duelist has to fight others. Yugi ponders this a second and then Yami Yugi appears. Tea looks at him and realizes that the other Yugi is here now. Yami Yugi says he understands and accepts Kaiba's challenge and he will defeat him again.

     At this time, Bandit Keith shows Pegasus' guard his 10 stars so he can enter the castle.   Kaiba tells Yami Yugi that they will each wager 5 stars and only the winner will be able to enter the castle.  Yugi agrees and they both place their decks into the holders.  Outside where Yugi and Kaiba are dueling, Keith walks around wondering who his opponent will be in the tournament.  He sees that Yugi and his friends had made it out of the tunnels.  He also sees Kaiba and decides to hand around to watch.  Kaiba gives Yugi his Duel Disk to duel with since they aren't near an arena.  Yugi says he'll take any challenge and he will defeat Kaiba.

     They begin and Kaiba sends out Ryu-Kishin Powered, a monster with the attack of 1600.  His hand contains a Battle Ox, Saggi the Dark Clown, the Mystic Lamp and a Blue Eyes White Dragon.  Yami Yugi tosses out his disk and starts out with his Curse of Dragon.  His hand surrounds him as well.  Kaiba say that even though they are enemies, they have the same goal to defeat Pegasus.  Kaiba says if he wants to see Pegasus defeated, Yugi will have to lose this duel, because Kaiba is the only one who could defeat Pegasus.  Kaiba says that Pegasus uses his arenas to see his opponents cards.  With Kaiba's Duel Disk he won't be able to cheat.  Yami Yugi says that Kaiba doesn't understand the power of Pegasus' Millennium Eye.  Kaiba tells Yugi to do what he understands and Yugi attacks with his Curse of Dragon, destroying Kaiba's monster taking him to 1600 Life Points.  Yugi has Multiply, Monster Replace, Dark Magician and Eye of Truth in his hand.

     Kaiba that this attack might have hurt his Life Points but not his strategy.  Joey cheers on Yugi telling him not to be scared of Kaiba.  Kaiba draws his next card and smiles and places Swordstalker down on the disk then tosses it out to summon it.  Kaiba explains that Swordstalker draws its power from fallen comrades and since Kaiba's Ryu-Kinshin was killed, Swordstalker gets a 20% power-up for it, taking it's attack power to 2400.  Yami Yugi sees why Kaiba allowed him to destroy Ryu-Kinshin so easily.  Kaiba attacks with his Swordstalker but the Curse of Dragon disappears.  Yami Yugi explains that he has activated his Monster Replace, so he can replace the monster on the field with a monster from his hand that is stronger.  He Yugi sends out his only monster, Dark Magician 2500/2100.  The Dark Magician attack and destroys Swordstalker, taking Kaiba to 1500 Life Points.

     Yami Yugi then sends his Curse of Dragon out again and ends his turn.  Kaiba sends out La Jinn and ends his turn.  Yami Yugi uses the Dark Magician to attack La Jinn but Kaiba activates a trap card, Magic Lamp. The attack of the Black Magician is reflected back at his own monsters and it destroys his Curse of Dragon, taking Yami Yugi down to 1500 Life Points.  He says that he fell for Kaiba's trap and he should respect his cleverness.  Kaiba thinks to himself that the real trap is coming.  His intention is to get all three of his Blue Eyes White Dragons and fuse them into a monster that will be strong enough to destroy any monster or strategy Yami Yugi can think of.

Summary By YamiHikari

Screen Shots  (Coming Soon...)

New Characters:  None

Characters Shown: Yugi,  Joey,  Tea,  Tristan,  Bakura,  Pegasus, Kaiba

Cards Featured: (Coming Soon...)

Episode Rating (1-10): 6.9  The duel hasn't gotten into full swing yet.  There was way to much talking.  Bandit Keith watching the duel is kind of cool.  In Yugioh it's hard to track where everyone is and what their motives are.  That has to be the best part.