Summer 2006
Vol. 14 No. 2
"Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty if only we have the eyes to see them." - John Ruskin

In this issue...

Reflections from the President

Nature Area Update

The Turtle

GINLC Involves Local Citizens in Water Monitoring

Happy Gardening

New Members Join the GINLC Board

Fundraiser Consultant Helps Steer Efforts

14th Annual Meeting Saturday, November 4 10AM

Did You Know?

Upcoming Events...

November 4
Annual Meeting
10:00AM - Noon
Centennial Farm

Nature Area Open
Saturday 10:00AM - 2:00PM
Thursday 6PM - 8PM
through end of August then
Thursday 5PM - 7PM

Closed during inclement weather
Last Day Open - October 28

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Fundraiser Consultant Helps Steer Efforts

Bonnie Marsh (right) worked with Bruce Jones and other board members to create an effective fund raising plan.

The GINLC Board of Directors invited a fundraiser consultant to a special meeting in February. Bonnie Marsh, who works for the Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy, spent several hours with the board. Marsh was asked to present her ideas (proven to succeed from past experiences) on how GINLC can generate more funds to help finance a more active program.

She made a very informative presentation that covered various aspects of fund raising. Her suggestions dealt with several different subjects: more effective annual fund raising campaigns via mailings, making annual visits to local organizations to request donations and organizing small gatherings at member homes to help spread the word about what we have done and plan to do on Grosse Ile. Marsh also discussed the process of grant writing to generate needed funds. The Conservancy Board has been reviewing the recommendations and are deciding how to improve fund raising effectiveness.