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Our Blog of Everyday Life of Homeschooling
Sunday, 24 October 2004
A Beautiful Sunday Afternoon
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: A OK Day
Well, Friday we went to the Ceaser's Creek Pioneer Village and it turned out to be very interesting! We first met with a man who did a nice intro of the place. Then we went into an 1800's Quaker church and we learned a lot about how the Quaker's in helping out the slaves by hiding them under the pews and the women would spread out their dresses to hide them. They also were more liberal too.

Next was the interesting part. We walked over to a small cabin that said "School" on the outside, with a very large man frowning at everyone, which made my kids terrified, especially little Nathan. Before we entered into the school, he explained to us (in a very stern voice) the rules and asked for the girls to sit on one side and the boys on the other. Amanda, who isn't too fond of overbearing people, said to me right away "I'm not going in there, mom" hahahahaha. So we ventured into the school and Amanda went to sit on the boys side. He immediately said to her "Just who gave you permission to sit on that side" hahhahaha so she went to the girls side very quickly. I was trying so hard not to laugh. After the man/teacher closed the door, it was mostly dark in there. Well, poor Nate, he began crying, so him and I went outside, leaving Kristen, Logan and Amanda inside. They stayed in there, but when they were done, Logan stated to me that his eyes were watering because he was scared too hahahaa. My poor kids lol

The next cabin was the same man that did the intro and he was educating us about people that used to take care of the oxen. He said that they started training boys at the age of 8 to train them to take care and watch of the oxen. He let some of the children there direct the oxen with a rod. It was neat.

After that, we took our lunch break in the van but decided not to go to the last two cabins because Nathan had fallen asleep and we were all cold and tired out so we decided to call it a day and go home.

We had a great time and we got to meet two dear friends and homeschooling moms, Kas, and Laura with her children too. I just wish that there could have been more activities for the kids to do.

Saturday evening, my mom, Kristen, and my mom's friend Robyn, and myself went "ghost hunting". We went to some spots down along the Ohio River near our campsite, including the Waddle House, which sits right on 52. We parked across 52 from the house at the 'path' where supposedly people have seen spirits walking. We did not see anything but these tiny bugs on the pavement that were glowing. I am not sure what they were, but they almost looked like a short . ! One of the other places we went to was the Spade house in Moscow. That was a beautiful house, but what struck me was when we pulled across the street and sat there, I noticed a man in the window peering back at us. Robyn did too, but my mom couldn't see him because of a glare and Kristen didn't see this man either. He had on a vest or jacket with a scarf, he didn't look like he belonged, like he was from the 1800 or 1900. It was neat. I saw my first spirit!! We had fun and I hope we can go again soon.

I have to go for now, bye bye!!

Posted by extreme4/wehomeschool at 2:23 PM EDT
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