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Our Blog of Everyday Life of Homeschooling
Wednesday, 20 October 2004
Pumpkin Carving !!
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Amanda, Kristen and Nana Won!!!
Hello friends!

Well, yesterday evening, we went to a pumpkin carving contest and discussion with Rick Crawford (he's the historian for Clermont County), let me tell you how proud of Kristen, Amanda and Nana I am!! Amanda decided to carve a "pukin' pumpkin", it's where you carve a silly face and then put the insides of the pumpkin coming out of the mouth like it's puking! Kristen did a neat, tideous carving of Shrek (and accidentally cut two of her fingers, but she's ok), and Nana, being the wonderful artist that she is, carved a pumpkin sitting on a beach chair with a palm tree and a sunset! They judged each pumpkin on the scariest, most original, and so on. The woman hosting this would put her hand over top of each pumpkin and everyone would vote by clapping. Amanda won for the most grotesque, Nana's won for the most prettiest, and Kristen's won for the most funniest. They each received a small Halloween decorated pot and some candy inside it. Then they judged for the best one of them all, and guess who's won first place???? Amanda's "pukin' pumpkin" hahahhahha. I was proud of all of them. I will have to take some pics today and put them on here.

As badly as we wanted to stay and listen to Rick Crawford's stories about local hauntings, we had to leave early, Nathan was wanting to devour all of Amanda's candy she won and he was getting angry that we wouldn't let him have the whole thing of candy!! I think he inherited Nana's sweet tooth!!! There was also a psychic there with Rick telling about the Lehming house where this event was last night. I would have loved to stay and listen to it, but we had to go. Nana said it was interesting. Oh well, hopefully Rick will do another bus tour or event soon and I can go with the girls, if they don't get too scared!!

Today we are just going to chill out and clean and maybe do some school work. Kristen is going to do her first class on line today through Ohdela, so wish her luck! This Friday, we are going to try to attend the Ceaser's Creek Pioneer Village field trip along with our friends in the Heart To Heart Homeschooling group we belong too. I hear this is a great event so hopefully the weather will be nice and not so rainy!

Have to go for now, take care!

Posted by extreme4/wehomeschool at 10:57 AM EDT
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