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Sly Cooper 2: the Sequel is a Comin'

Yo!!! It's the year 2004!! And if you've been keeping updated with all the video game web sites, forums, magazines, and demo dics; you Sly Cooper fan's are finally getting your dreams fulfilled!!! The sequel is coming very soon!! Around Septemeber or so; of 2004, it's goingto be released!! With new moves, new charas, and new fun!! Us Cooper fans couldn't be happier. :)

Presented below are some screenshots and artwork presented for this much anticipated sequel!! You know if yer a Cooper fan you can't help but feel excited. ~_^

Character Art

Sly's back, and a bit buffer than ever. O.o Check him out.

Bentley's packing heat now! The nerdy turtle's starting to see action.

Murray's more ready than ever,and he's going for the gusto even better than before.

The cover art that pretty much describes the game's potential. Sly posing for an awesome muggshot; and even Carmelita's there. ^^

A new villain named Demitri here for another obstacle fer Sly. I am the Lizard King!!

Another muggshot of Demitri. He looks very much like a real lounge lizard who likes art.

Carmelita, and her new police partner named Constable Neyla contemplate the Sly case. Sly meanwhile appears thoughtful.

Screen Grabs

Sly on the rooftops of Paris once again. What a view. O.o

Some screen shots of Carmelita's police partner Constable Neyla. A cat woman it appears; and I heard her voice clip, she sounds British. She seems a too.