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skateboard fan site

Tuesday, 15 July 2003

tricks to learn
how to do the famous ollie:

first put your feet in the right postion. back foot on the tail and front foot just behind the 2 bolts.

bend your knees

now all of these correspond with each other so you have to do them at the same exact time. snap down the tail, turn your front foot sideways and slide it up to the top of the board, and jump up a little.

so what your really doing is snaping the tail down and as you do it slide your front foot up as you jump.

how to do a kickflip:
put your feet like an ollie.

bend your knees, remember the key is to stay over your board.

How to pop shove it:

have your front foot angled near the middle of your board. Put your back foot on the tail with your toes on the corner.

bend your knees and start your jump like your going to ollie except push your front foot back as you shove the board around the opposite direction with your back foot.

watch the board rotate under you and use your feet to catch the board. this trick can be tricky at first so it may take a while to get used to other than that you can learn it.

push down on the tail, not hard yet, and slide your front foot out sort of like a kick

now as you slide your front foot out push down hard on the tail and jump like your doing your ollie this keeps the board under you.

the trick isn't over yet. now you kicked out your foot by now and the board should be spinning under you. just snap your foot right back in and land on it.

so this is a overlook, bend your knees start by pressing down a little on the tail and kicking your foot out, sort of ollie snap your foot back in. land.

make sure you put pressure on your front foot. and stay over the board the whole time even when your starting to do the trick. don't give up it takes time. i tried and tried with this and finally i learned if you stick with it long enough you'll get it trust me.

Posted by extreme4/skate_boards at 11:06 AM EDT
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