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Contact Us

Southern Oregon Paintball Association

815 Freeman Rd. Central Point, Or. 97502
(541) 000-0000


S.O.P.A. a not-for-profit club, founded in 1997 for paintball players, with the intent to provide a safe and fun environment for all to enjoy

Membership dues, and non member day use fees are for the benefit of providing such an environment. Day use fees and dues pay for the lease of the property, the insurance, and all expenses that benefit the club and its members.
Every member is entitled to attend monthly meetings, hold office (by election of the general body), and participate in club sponsored functions.

The responsibility of membership is playing and conducting one self in a manner that does not violate S.O.P.A. BY-LAWS. Shortly stated, no player will disrupt, of play with the intent to do harm to fellow players, environment, and or vandalize, or participate in illegal activities adverse to the club and its membership.

No member or non member will be on the club property after hours, and is the responsibility of each member to call the RANGE MASTER, for weekly schedule of the playing field. It is the intent of the club to be open as often as possible when a club appointed referee can be present to protect club and non club members from potential injury. Due to insurance regulations, a certified referee must be present for safety, and to enforce club By-laws.

If you have a love for adventure, and wish to be part of a club founded on safety, organization, and the promotion of the future of the sport, this club is for you!

Annual Membership Fees:

Under 18 years $35.00
Adults 18 years and up $50.00
Same household families $65.00

Non-Member Day Use: $5.00 (up to 8 hours)

Click HERE for Membership Application Form